From time to time, it may be necessary or desirable to amend
the text of this chapter and the Zoning Map as established in Division
2 of Article 7. This division describes the procedures and requirements
to amend this chapter and the Zoning Map.
Any of the following may submit an application to amend the
text of this chapter or the Zoning Map as established in Division
2 of Article 7:
A. A property owner in the area to be affected by the proposed amendment;
B. The Planning Commission; and
C. Any member of the Village Board.
The general steps outlined below shall be used to amend the
text of this chapter and the Zoning Map.
A. Submittal of application materials. The applicant shall submit a
complete application to the Zoning Administrator along with the application
fee as may be established by the Village Board.
B. Staff review. Within 10 working days of submittal, if the application
is deemed complete, the Zoning Administrator shall schedule a date
for the public hearing with the Planning Commission or, if the application
is deemed incomplete, shall notify the applicant of any deficiencies.
Failure to submit a fee or a fee in the correct amount shall not be
considered an application. If the application is incomplete, the applicant
has three months to resubmit the application or forfeit the application
fee. The Zoning Administrator shall take no further steps to process
the application until the deficiencies are remedied.
C. Special notice to Outagamie and Winnebago Counties. If the proposed
amendment includes land that is in the Outagamie County Airport Overlay
District, the applicant is responsible for contacting the respective
county or counties.
D. General notice. Notice shall be provided consistent with Division
2 of Article 5.
E. Staff report preparation and distribution. The Zoning Administrator
shall prepare a written staff report as described in this division
and provide a copy of it to each member of the Planning Commission
and the applicant. The Zoning Administrator shall also provide a copy
to interested people upon request.
F. Public hearing. Allowing for proper notice, the Commission shall
conduct a public hearing consistent with Division 3 of Article 5.
G. Planning Commission recommendation. The Commission shall make a written
recommendation to the Village Board to:
(1) Deny the proposed amendment;
(2) Approve the proposed amendment without revision;
(3) Approve the proposed amendment with revisions; or
(4) Refer the decision to the next regular Commission meeting if the
Commission determines that additional information is needed to make
a decision on the application.
H. Transmittal of determination. If the Commission action is favorable,
it shall cause an ordinance to be drafted effectuating its determination
and shall forward the proposed ordinance along with its recommendation
to the Village Board. If the Commission action is not favorable, the
Commission shall report its determination to the Village Board including
its reasons for denial. Proof of publication of the public notice
and proof of the giving of notice to the Village Clerk of the public
hearing shall be attached to either report.
I. Village Board decision. After reviewing the proposed ordinance and
the Commission's report, the Village Board may:
(1) Enact the proposed amendment as drafted or with revisions;
(2) Deny the proposed amendment; or
(3) Refuse to deny the amendment as recommended by the Commission in
which case it shall refer the petition back to the Commission with
directions to draft an ordinance to effectuate the proposed amendment
and report the ordinance back to the Village Board which may then
enact or reject the ordinance.
J. Required vote with protest of airport. If a proposed amendment would
make any change in an airport affected area [as defined under § 62.23(6)(am)1b,
Wis. Stats.] and the owner or operator of the airport protests against
the proposed amendment, no ordinance which makes such change may be
approved except by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members of the
Village Board voting on the proposed change.
K. Notification of decision. Within a reasonable time following the
Village Board' decision, the Zoning Administrator shall notify the
applicant of its decision.
L. Administrative steps. If the Zoning Map is amended, the Zoning Administrator
shall cause a new Zoning Map to be prepared consistent with Division
2 of Article 7.
This ordinance amendment shall take effect and be in full force
24 hours after publication or posting by the Village Clerk.
The staff report shall contain the following:
A. A summary of the comments received from agency review, if applicable;
B. Preliminary findings concerning the decision criteria listed in this
C. A recommendation to approve the proposed amendment, approve the proposed
amendment with revisions, or deny the proposed amendment;
D. A preliminary list of revisions, if appropriate, whether the staff
recommendation is for approval or denial; and
E. Other information deemed necessary.
An aggrieved person may appeal a final decision made pursuant
to this division by filing an appeal with a court of competent jurisdiction
within 30 days of the final decision.
The Zoning Administrator is authorized to prepare and update
from time to time informational brochures describing the application
process and submittal requirements for a zoning code text or map amendment,
a conditional use permit, a variance, an administrative appeal to
the Zoning Board of Appeals, and an appeal of a decision made by the
Planning Commission and/or the Village Board relating to the administration
and enforcement of this chapter.