The Village Board of Trustees makes the following legislative
A. The use of land in the Village has a direct bearing on the public
health, safety, and welfare.
B. Standards are needed to ensure that new development is done in a
coordinated and sustainable manner.
C. The provisions contained in this article are adopted consistent with
state statutes.
D. Each parcel of land in the Village is intended to have a zoning designation.
E. In some instances, state and federal law limit the Village's ability
to regulate certain land uses.
This article promotes the public health, safety, and welfare
and is intended to:
A. Promote a sound and sustainable development pattern by separating
the Village into various districts where each has uniformly applicable
development standards;
B. Separate incompatible land uses to the greatest extent possible;
C. Encourage the most appropriate and sustainable use of land throughout
the Village;
D. Regulate and restrict the erection, construction, reconstruction,
alteration, repair, and use of buildings, structures, and land;
E. Provide for a variety of sustainable housing options;
F. Allow different but compatible land uses (i.e., mixed uses) to occur
in specified areas of the Village;
G. Avoid or, as a less preferred alternative, minimize congestion;
H. Avoid or, as a less preferred alternative, minimize environmental
degradation; and
I. Preserve prime agricultural lands and stabilize the economic base
of farming in the Village while at the same time allowing for needed
sustainable urban expansion.