[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Dennis 5-23-2002 as Ord. No. 2002-03. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The statements of the preamble are incorporated herein by this reference thereto as if set forth herein and at length.
Editor's Note: The preamble of this ordinance provided as follows:
Whereas, the Township of Dennis deems it in the best interest of the municipality to create a subdepartment of water and sewer within the Department of Public Works; and
Whereas, N.J.S.A. 40:40-56-1 et seq., permits the governing body of every municipality to fix and prescribe charges, rent, rules, regulations, conditions and restrictions as to the connection with the use of sewers and drains in the municipality; and
Whereas, N.J.S.A. 40:56-1 authorizes the governing body of every municipality to propound such ordinances as it may deem necessary and proper for the distribution, supply, use and protection of water within the municipality for the imposition of penalties.
The rules, regulations and rates contained in the chapter are hereby established for the supply of water.
The operation of a water system shall be and remain vested in the Township Committee of the Township of Dennis who shall employ and appoint such personnel as may be necessary to properly operate the system. No work or service of any kind, except in an emergency, will be performed by township employees on privately owned property without express written prior approval by the user and the superintendent.
The township or its authorized agents shall have the right of access to premises at reasonable times for any purpose in connection with the water system.
No person, firm, municipal authority, entity or thing shall install any water service lines in the Township of Dennis without the express written approval of the Township Committee of the Township of Dennis. Any cost or fees incurred by the township in reviewing any application, including professional service fees shall be borne by the applicant.
No person, firm, corporation, authority, entity or thing shall be permitted to purvey or sell potable water in the Township of Dennis without express written approval of the Township Committee of the Township of Dennis. The provision of this section shall not apply to the sale or distribution of bottled or packaged water within the Township of Dennis.
No person, corporation, entity, authority or thing shall remove from the township water pumped from a well in the township, for distribution or sale outside of the Township of Dennis.
Any person, firm, entity, authority, corporation or thing that violates any provision of this chapter shall, for a first conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than $200. For a second offense, the penalties shall be a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $500 and a period of 30 days community service and/or a period of community service of up to 30 days. For a third or subsequent offense, the penalties shall be a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 and imprisonment for not more than 90 days. Each 24 hours that the offense continues shall constitute a separate violation.