[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Dennis 11-16-10 as Ord. No. 2010-06. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Township Committee enacts this chapter to present a uniform set of guidelines, consistent with N.J.S.A. 40:67-1 et seq., governing the vacation of township streets.
A request for the vacation of any street or portion of any street which has been dedicated but not accepted, must be made in writing and addressed to the Township Clerk and accompanied by a nonrefundable $250 administrative fee, and funds to be held in escrow by the Township of Dennis in the amount of $2,500.
The Municipal Engineer and Attorney shall review the request, and make a determination if the request can be granted.
A surveyor shall survey the area of the proposed vacated street or portion of street, and provide a metes and bounds description.
Any street vacation ordinance shall be noticed and recorded in accordance with state law by the Municipal Clerk.
Any and all expenses associated with the consideration and/or completion of a street vacation request are to be paid by the property owner who makes the request. These expenses include, but are not limited to, engineering fees, attorney fees, survey fees, publication and mailing expenses, recording fees, and tax map revision fees. Any and all expenses shall be paid by the property owner who makes the request, even if Township Committee decides not to consider an ordinance, or if an ordinance fails to be approved. The township and its professional's bills shall be paid from the escrow fees. It is anticipated that this process will work similarly to the escrow posted by an applicant to a land use board. Any interest shall accrue to the benefit of the Township of Dennis.
If total costs are less than the funds placed in escrow, the balance shall be refunded. If total costs are more than the funds placed in escrow, the property owner who requested the street vacation shall pay the remainder into the escrow funds. The Municipal Clerk shall not record the street vacation unless all expenses are paid.
Any street vacation is made subject to the following reservations and restrictions:
All rights and privileges then possessed by public utilities, as defined in N.J.S.A. 48:2-13, and by any cable television company, as defined in the "Cable Television Act," P.L. 1972, c. 186, (N.J.S.A. 48:5A-1 et seq.), to maintain, repair and replace their existing facilities in, adjacent to, over or under the street, highway, lane, alley, square, place or park, or any part thereof, to be vacated.
To the Township of Dennis, for itself, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, install, build, operate, maintain, use, repair, replace and relocate such public utilities and cable television facilities, within the described premises, which it may, at any time hereafter, deem necessary for the public health, safety, convenience and welfare; and further, the right to use, maintain, repair, replace and relocate all existing utilities and cable television facilities owned or controlled by it located in, adjacent to, upon or through said land; and further, an easement over, under, through and across the portion of the land described as may be necessary or expedient for the purpose of maintaining, replacing, relocating, installing, leveling, constructing and repairing its utilities, mains and appurtenances, if any, wherever there exists a pipeline and appurtenances thereto beneath the surface of the aforesaid described land; and further, to its own benefit and the benefit of any utility or cable television company the right to maintain, repair, and replace utilities or facilities installed by them in, adjacent to, over or through the aforesaid land. All of the aforesaid rights are to be exercised solely at the option and discretion of the Township of Dennis and this is not an obligation of the Township of Dennis to provide such services.
To the rights of any others in the property.
The property owner(s) who is to take title to any land vacated by the ordinance takes said land in "as is" condition. The township makes no representation as to the condition of the same, nor does the township make any warranty, implied or expressed, conditional or unconditional, regarding said land.