Except for necessary routine maintenance and for repairs of existing buildings as defined in the Connecticut State Building Code, no land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, moved, enlarged or extended until a zoning permit for the proposed work or use has been issued by the Commission or the ZEO, as applicable, according to the provisions in Article 4, § 275-4.4, below, and otherwise in accordance with these regulations.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain all permits required by other agencies, where applicable, including other local authorities such as the Northeast District Department of Health (NDDH), the Inland Wetlands Commission, and any other department or agency of the state or federal government. The applicant shall provide evidence of application to such agency or agencies.
It is strongly suggested that any applicant for a building or zoning permit refer to the table of uses for the district in which the activity is proposed to determine the level of administrative review required.
An application shall be submitted to the Building Office for review for the following uses. The Building Office may subsequently forward the application to the ZEO, where circumstances require an additional review:
A new residential structure on an existing lot.
An addition to an existing residential structure.
Any nonresidential use or structure.
For any other uses, the ZEO shall review the application and the site plan to ensure compliance with the Zoning Regulations and shall either issue a permit within 65 days of receipt, provided all other applicable requirements of these regulations have been met, or refer the application to the Commission for review.
The Building Office or the ZEO may refer the site plan to other Town departments for review as necessary. To be considered, all comments from other departments shall be submitted to the ZEO. A copy of the interdepartmental checklist used to determine what additional review may be required is included as Appendix C[1] in these regulations.
Editor's Note: Appendix C is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The ZEO or the Commission, as applicable for the level of review, may modify or waive one or more of the application requirements upon written request of the applicant, if the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission or the ZEO that such a requirement is not needed to reach a decision on the application. No such waiver shall be granted that would lessen the goals and objectives of these regulations. Any waiver granted by the Commission shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members of the Commission present.
Prior to the initiation of any application requiring a site plan review by the Commission, or any application for a special permit, it is recommended that these regulations be reviewed and the ZEO be consulted regarding requirements and administrative procedures of these regulations. It is also recommended that the applicant review Appendix D, Conservation Commission Review of Development Application Form.[1] Inclusion of the information sought on this form with the application, while voluntary on the part of the applicant, can help streamline the review process for the Commission.
Editor's Note: Appendix D is included as an attachment to this chapter.
A preapplication meeting is optional, but it is strongly recommended to facilitate general consideration of factors and issues before the applicant proceeds with the official application and preparation of maps, plans and documents required for formal consideration by the Commission.
Neither the preapplication meeting nor any other informal consideration by the Commission shall be deemed to constitute any portion of the official and formal procedure of applying for and the approval of a zoning application as contemplated herein or under any provision of the Connecticut General Statutes.
For applications for permits described in Article 4, § 275-4.2B, the applicant shall provide evidence of approval by all appropriate agencies, then file the application with the Building Office. Applications for permits for any other activity described in the table of uses for the respective zoning district, including simple zoning permits, zoning permits requiring a review by the Commission, or special permits, shall be filed with the ZEO by the applicant or the applicant's agent on a form provided by the ZEO. If the applicant is not the owner of the property on which the activity is proposed, the relationship of the applicant to the owner shall be described on the application form. The application shall contain a signed, written statement by the owner of the property or the owner's agent, giving consent for the Commission and the ZEO to inspect the property. The application shall be accompanied by the required fee, as shown in the Planning and Zoning Fee Schedule (Appendix F).[1] At a minimum, a .pdf file and two copies of all required documents for each application needing approval shall be submitted and accompanied by the same number of copies of a site plan on eleven-inch by seventeen-inch paper. The ZEO or the Commission, as applicable, may require additional copies. Delineation of which level of approval is required for an application can be found in the table of uses for each district. Site plans shall show the following:
Zoning permit, simple: ZEO review and approval.
A legend, including:
The words "Site Development Plan," the name of the project, identification of the current zoning district, the name of the applicant and the name of the property owner (if different from the applicant).
For site plans submitted on more than one sheet, an index map locating each sheet in relation to the entire site, with appropriate match lines.
A detailed narrative describing the proposed use of the site.
North arrow.
Scale (may be one inch equals 20 feet, 30 feet or 40 feet) depending on the site and the legibility of the plan, as determined by the preparer.
Lot size.
Location of proposed addition or structure.
Topography and detail in area of proposed addition.*
Proposed grading and drainage, if required.
Nearest boundary lines and setbacks.
Computation of building(s) and impermeable surfaces to lot size.
The names of all owners of record of any abutting property, or property within 100 feet of the lot to which the permit would apply.
Street address, including the map/block/lot reference as recorded by the Thompson Tax Assessor.
Utility pole(s), if present, indicating both sides of the street or road.
Horizontal accuracy may be to a surveying standard of Class B or C, depending on the lot size and the location of proposed work in relation to boundaries*.
Vertical accuracy (contours) shall be to a surveying standard of T-2 or T-3.*
These items shall not be required for an application for a home occupation.
Zoning permit with site plan review by commission. All of the above from Article 4, § 275-4.4A, plus:
A location map at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet shall be submitted showing the subject property, streets, lot lines, and zoning district boundaries within 1,000 feet of the subject property. If space permits, the location map may be included as an insert on the site plan as required in C.G.S. Chapter 124, § 8-3.
Location of all existing buildings, structures, loading areas and parking.
Other visible utility structures (e.g., catch basins, manholes, gate valves, etc.).
Visible land features such as ledge, tree line.
Proposed buildings, structures, loading areas, access drives and parking.
Loading and parking space calculations.
Location of existing septic system and well (if public, no reason to include) and/or proposed well, septic system, test pit data and percolation test results, as applicable.
Building or structural plans to scale.
Landscape plan (if required).
Existing and proposed contours (grading) in areas of disturbance (two-foot contour intervals unless surveyor/engineer feels one-foot contours are more appropriate).*
The location of all watercourses and inland wetlands, delineated by a qualified soil scientist (as defined in Section 22a-39 of the Connecticut General Statutes).
Proposed drainage (e.g., swales, catch basins and pipes).*
Erosion and sediment control plan, as identified in Article 15, § 275-15.3, of these regulations.*
Stormwater management provisions, as identified in Article 15, § 275-15.4, of these regulations.*
Location, if known, of any historic, archaeological or environmentally significant areas.
Exterior lighting plan (if required).
Horizontal accuracy shall be Class B, unless mitigating circumstances, such as small lot size or proximity of work to property lines, requires greater accuracy.*
Vertical accuracy (contours) shall be Class T-2 or Class T-3 in areas of disturbance, and Class D in other areas.*
One-hundred-year flood zone, and any floodway as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).*
An eight-and-one-half-inch by eleven-inch photocopy of a USGS Quad Map with the project site outlined must accompany the site plan.*
The name, address, and contact information of a civil engineer or land surveyor, licensed to practice in Connecticut, who is responsible for the drawing and represents the applicant.*
These items may be waived by the Commission for an application for agricultural-ancillary entertainment-based activities or farm-based recreational activities. Additional requirements for these applications are described in Article 7, § 275-7.4C.
Special permit, Commission review requiring a public hearing. All of the above from Article 4, § 275-4.4A and B, plus:
Additional legend item: the words "Special Permit Approval by the Thompson, Connecticut Planning and Zoning Commission," with designated space for the signature of the Chairperson of the Commission and the date.
Existing buffers and fences.
Proposed buffers and fences.
Architectural drawings of any proposed buildings or structures, including signs, exterior lighting, etc.
Existing and proposed contours beyond area of disturbance on the remaining area of the lot, at ten-foot contour intervals.
At the discretion of the Commission, any of the information delineated in Article 5, § 275-5.3B, of these regulations.
Editor's Note: Appendix F is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The following structures shall not require the issuance of a zoning permit under these regulations:
Fences (see definition of "fence") that are less than or equal to seven feet in height. For the regulations governing fences, see Article 4, § 275-4.4.
[Amended 8-28-2023]
The Commission may, after the date of receipt of any application, require the applicant to submit additional information if the Commission finds that such information is necessary or would be helpful in determining whether the proposed building, structure or use conforms to these regulations. For the purpose of this section, the date of receipt of an application shall be determined to be the earlier of the day of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission immediately following the submission of the application to the Commission or the ZEO or 35 days after such a submission. Such additional information may include, but is not limited to, the following:
The nature and amount of any hazardous materials or wastes to be produced, used or stored on the lot and the manner in which such production, use or storage will be carried out.
The nature of existing land uses and abutting properties.
An exterior lighting plan for nonresidential and multifamily uses.
If the applicant elects to furnish the additional information required by the Commission, the applicant shall file with the Commission a written consent to the extension of time within which the Commission would otherwise be required to act upon the application. The extension shall be sufficiently long to provide the Commission with 65 days following the receipt of the additional information within which to act upon the application. If the applicant declines or fails to provide additional information, then the Commission shall proceed to act upon the application pursuant to these regulations.
The ZEO, for a zoning permit, simple, may deny or approve the application as submitted or modify and approve the application.
The Commission, for a zoning permit with a site plan review or a special permit, may deny or approve the application as submitted, modify and approve the application or approve the application with conditions.
In conformity with C.G.S. § 8-3(g)(1), a site plan application submitted for review under the conditions of Article 4, § 275-4.4A and B, may be modified or denied only if it fails to comply with the requirements set forth in these regulations or the Inland Wetlands Regulations.
The Commission may, as a condition of approval of any special permit application, require a bond in an amount and with conditions satisfactory to it, thus securing that any requirements of such application are met or that required amenities (e.g., erosion and sediment control, landscaping, etc.) are completed.
All administrative time frames for rendering a decision shall conform to C.G.S. § 8-7d. The applicant may consent to one or more extensions of such period, provided the total period of any such extension or extensions shall not exceed one further sixty-five-day period. For the purposes of this section, the date of receipt of an application or site plan shall be deemed to be the day of the Commission's next regularly scheduled meeting immediately following the day of submission of the application to the Commission or the ZEO, or 35 days after such submission, whichever is sooner.
A copy of any decision on an application made under the conditions of Article 4, § 275-4.4A and B, shall be sent by the ZEO, by certified mail, to the applicant within 15 days after such a decision is rendered.
Any application approved by the Commission without modifications or conditions shall become the approved plan. If the Commission approves an application with modifications or conditions, an approved site plan which incorporates such modifications or conditions must be submitted to the Commission by the applicant within 65 days of the date of approval. For good cause shown, the Commission may extend the time for filing the approved site plan. If an approved plan is not filed within such a sixty-five-day period, or within any approved period of extension, the approval of the application for a zoning permit shall be void.
The Commission shall certify its approval of any application submitted in accordance with these regulations. The certificate of approval shall state that the approval will automatically expire five years from the date of approval and shall specify such an expiration date. The Commission shall not issue any zoning permit until the final plan has been approved by the Commission. The applicant shall file the approved plan and certificate of approval in the office of the Thompson Town Clerk and shall pay all required filing fees. No zoning permit issued in connection with an application shall be effective until the Commission has certified its approval of the final plan and it has been filed in the office of the Thompson Town Clerk.
Pursuant to C.G.S. § 8-3(f), no permanent certificate of occupancy shall be issued for a building, structure or use subject to these regulations until the ZEO certifies, in writing, that the building, structure or use is in conformity with these regulations and with any required zoning permit or special permit or is a valid nonconforming use under these regulations. Before issuing such certification, the ZEO may require a written certification, certified as-built drawing(s) or other appropriate documentation, signed and sealed by an architect, professional engineer and/or land surveyor (as appropriate) properly licensed to practice in the State of Connecticut, that demonstrate that the building, structure or use as developed or established fully conforms to the provisions of any zoning permit or special permit.
The following provides general standards for all as-built drawings required by the ZEO. Maps that do not meet the standards below shall not be accepted.
The approved site plan shall be updated in the field to show the location of all new work (i.e., as-built conditions).
The as-built drawing(s) shall be certified to the same accuracy level as the approved site plan.
No permanent certificate of occupancy shall be issued until all documents required under the zoning permit or special permit that grant easements or other rights to the Town of Thompson have been recorded in the Thompson Land Records and/or filed with the appropriate agencies and proof thereof has been submitted to the Commission.
Following the issuance of a zoning permit or a special permit or the approval of a final site plan by the Commission, no changes or alterations, except as provided for in Article 4, § 275-4.11B (below), may be made in such permit or site plan except by approval of the Commission upon written application as provided in this article.
If the Commission determines that the requested change or alteration is minor, it may approve an amended permit or amended final site plan without the need for further procedures. For the purposes of this section, "minor changes or alterations" shall not include any changes or alterations that would result in an increase or decrease in the dimensions of any building or a change in the location of any building on a lot; additional or different uses; additional signs; changes in the illumination of a sign, building or site; or increased parking, outdoor storage or other outdoor activities.