[Adopted 2-24-1972; amended 12-1-2004 (Ord. No. 10-044)]
The owner of any building or land bordering on any street within the Town of Thompson where there is a sidewalk, graded, paved, or planked, shall remove or cause to be removed therefrom any and all snow, sleet or ice to a width of at least 36 inches within 24 hours after the same shall have fallen, been deposited, found or formed.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
In case the snow, sleet or ice on such sidewalk shall be frozen so hard that it cannot be removed, such owner of the building or lot of land, as aforesaid, shall cause such sidewalk to be made safe and convenient or passable by covering any and all such snow, sleet or ice with sand, cinders or similar materials within the time limit provided specifically above, and shall as soon thereafter as the weather shall permit thoroughly clean such sidewalk.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
The owner of any building or lot of land whose duty it is to clear the sidewalk adjacent thereto who shall violate any of the provisions of §§ 223-1 and 223-2, or refuse or neglect to comply with the same, shall be deemed guilty of an infraction and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined for such offense as provided in the Schedule of Fees and Fines,[1] and each and every day thereafter shall be deemed a separate offense.
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Fees and Fines is included as an attachment to Ch. 33, Enforcement, Fees and Penalties.
Whenever a corporation violates the provisions of §§ 223-1 and 223-2, the officers and directors of such corporations shall be personally liable to pay any fine incurred by such corporation.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
The owner of any building standing upon or so near the line of a street that snows or ice slides from the roof may endanger public travel shall, within a reasonable time after the termination or abatement of a snowstorm, but in any case within 24 hours, cause the snow and/or ice to be removed from the roof thereon in such a manner as it will not endanger travelers.
No owner, occupant, lessee, or other person in charge of any building or land abutting any street or highway with the Town of Thompson shall deposit or case to be deposited any snow, sleet or ice which falls upon such building or land in any portion of the traveled right-of-way or street, highway or sidewalk. Every person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined; see Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines. Each day said violation continues shall be considered a separate violation.
The appropriate law enforcement agency shall issue a citation for any violation of this article.
The Director of Public Works may cause the removal of snow, ice, sleet and debris from any sidewalk wherein it has remained for 24 hours after the conclusion of any storm. The cost of such removal shall be liened against the property owner pursuant to the provisions of Section 7-148 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
The property owner of said property shall be held responsible and shall be liable for any damage incurred from neglect or violation of this article.