[Adopted 11-24-2020 (Ord. No. 10-053A)]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Refers to the person proposing a driveway.
Any and all bonds with surety, agreements, deed, or such other documents required by these regulations shall be in such form as may be approved by the Town Attorney.
The Select Board for the Town of Thompson, Connecticut, or its authorized representative.
A document issued by the Building Official, allowing the occupancy or approval of a building or structure and certifying that the structure or use has been constructed and will be used in compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations.
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Thompson, Connecticut, or its authorized representative.
An access onto or an egress from an approved Town street.
Includes corporations, partnerships, firms, associations, or any other entity.
The standards and specifications set forth in the Public Improvement Specifications prepared by the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments.
Any Town-owned way constructed for and dedicated to movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
The Town of Thompson, Connecticut.
It is the declared purpose of this article to regulate driveways for the purpose of providing safe and structurally adequate access onto streets.
Application shall be made to the Building Department on a form provided by the Town. A plan review and fee, see Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines,[1] must accompany the application. The Public Works Director may require additional information from the applicant or changes in the plan. If the driveway cannot be constructed to meet the required standards, the application will be denied. The applicant will be issued a driveway construction permit only if all the required standards are met. The driveway construction permit shall be shall be valid for one year from the date of Building Department issuance and shall expire one year from date of issuance.
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Fees and Fines is included as an attachment to Ch. 33, Enforcement, Fees and Penalties.
Construction may start only after issuance of the driveway construction permit. The Building Department must be notified two working days in advance of: the start of construction; finishing the subgrade, finishing the base; and surfacing. The Public Works Director will then inspect the work at each phase.
Final approval of the driveway will be issued by the Building Department when all work is completed in accordance with the standards as verified by the inspections. No certificate of occupancy will be issued until the Public Works Director issues its final approval of the driveway.
The road standards shall be followed as they apply to driveways.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Driveways shall intersect streets at an angle of approximately 90° and shall be located and designed with satisfactory sight lines along the subject state or Town road. Driveways must comply with the minimum state-recommended sight distances for the established speed limit when entering a state highway and shall have a minimum sight distance of 275 linear feet when entering a Town road. In the event that a particular property cannot meet the sight line requirements of this article due to unusual topography or field conditions, the Public Works Director in consultation with the First Selectperson may issue a permit upon a showing by the applicant that the proposed location of the driveway conforms as much as possible to the intentions of the article and is the best and safest location possible for the particular site in question. The determination of the best and safest location for a driveway under these circumstances shall be solely upon the applicant.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
All driveways shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 50 feet. This does not apply to existing lots of record that do not meet right-of-way width requirements.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
All driveways shall be constructed with a base and surface adequate to support 50,000 pounds of firefighting vehicles and shall not exceed a slope of 12%.
Driveways in excess of 150 feet in length shall have a base of six inches of bank-run gravel and two inches of processed gravel on a firm roadbed. They shall have minimum width of 12 feet, a height clearance of 12 feet and minimum turning radius of 40 feet. Turnaround provisions are recommended to be made near the house of each private driveway.
Side slopes of a driveway fill section shall not exceed a slope of three horizontal to one vertical unless retaining walls or other suitable stabilizing provisions are utilized. Guardrails, guidepost, headwalls, flared ends or wider driveway widths shall be used when steep side slopes or culvert crossings present safety hazards or future maintenance problems. Driveway culverts in the Town right-of-way shall be maintained by the private property owner.
A paved apron, extending from the street edge at least 10 feet in length and 15 feet in width, is required. The pavement shall be minimum three-inch-thick bituminous concrete. The driveway apron must abut the Town's existing edge of asphalt.
Driveways shall be designed to prevent stormwater flows from entering a Town street and, wherever possible, the Town right-of-way. Privately owned and maintained drainage diversion swales, detention areas, and/or dry wells shall be utilized to the greatest extent possible. Culverts with a minimum diameter of 15 inches shall be used when crossing Town drainageways. Wherever a private swale or private detention area is utilized in diverting driveway water from the Town right-of-way, the owner of the subject lot(s) shall be responsible for maintaining the swale or detention area and any culverts in accordance with the approved design.
No person, company, or corporation shall construct an access road cut, including but not limited to timber tree harvesting, the removal of soils/gravel/stone, etc., or alter any residential access or driveway apron from any Town road without the approval of the Public Works Director. Any property owner or their authorized agent seeking such approval shall file an application for a permit with the Building Department, which shall respond to the application within five business days. The line of sight for the driveway permit application shall be inspected and approved by the Town of Thompson Public Works Director.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Sight lines are outlined in § 223-25, Standards, and shall be adequate to satisfy all applicable statutes, ordinances, and regulations.
The driveway apron or access road cut, including but not limited to timber tree harvesting, the removal of soils/gravel/stone, etc., shall be constructed in such a manner that it will not interfere with the existing drainage, the movement of traffic, or the removal of snow from the Town road.
The owner and his/her contractor shall be responsible for all claims of damage resulting from the construction or alteration of the driveway apron, including but not limited to an access road cut for timber tree harvesting, removal of soils/gravel/stone, etc.
Where existing excavations or fills within the Town's right-of-way endanger the life of existing trees or other growth, or stones exist as obstacles to access to or egress from the property, such obstacles, trees, or growth shall be removed at the owner's expense.
The owner of record or his/her contractor shall repair any disturbed areas within the Town's right-of-way.
The access road cut and/or driveway apron contractor shall provide the Town with a certificate of insurance.
The owner or contractor is allowed nine months from issuance of the certificate of occupancy to complete the driveway apron and repair any damage or disturbance to the Town's right-of-way. If the work is not completed within the time period, the bond shall be forfeited.
A non-interest-bearing escrow account has been established for the purpose of holding deposits in the amount of $2,000 during nonconstruction months for individuals who are unable to complete their driveway at this time in accordance with this article.
[Amended 5-30-2023]
Any person violating any provision of this article shall be fined, see Ordinance Schedule of Fees and Fines, for each offense. Each day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense and be subjected to separate punishment.