[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Cape May as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fortune tellers — See Ch. 270.
Games of chance — See Ch. 276.
Licenses and permits — See Ch. 310.
[Adopted as Sec. 4-5 of the 1997 Revised General Ordinances]
No person shall hold, operate, conduct, allow, or permit the holding, operation or conduct of any amusement game in the City unless and until a license has been issued by the City Council in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the State Commissioner of Amusement Games Control of the State of New Jersey and pursuant to the authority of this article.
[Amended by Ord. No. 415]
The number of licensees to be granted licenses shall be limited to two, and the City Council shall have the power by resolution to promulgate rules and regulations for and concerning the maintenance, order and sanitation of the premises where licensees may conduct and operate their respective businesses as permitted and designated by the State of New Jersey.
[Amended by Ord. No. 641; Ord. No. 688]
A separate license shall be required for each specific kind of amusement game. The annual license fee for the holding, operating or conducting of any of the several classes of permissible amusement games as fully described and provided for in Regulation No. 7 of the Amusement Games Regulations shall be as follows:
Objects thrown or propelled at target games, one game per license. Permissible Games Certification Class No. 1: $200.
Arcade machine or device games, skeeball, pinball, pokerino, etc., no limit on machines per license. Permissible Games Certification Class No. 2: $500.
Nondraw games permitting blind selection of prizes, one game per license. Permissible Games Certification Class No. 3: $200.
Competitive achievement games, skillo, bowlo, fascination, etc., one game per license. Not more than 100 players per license or fraction thereof. Permissible Amusement Games Certification Class No. 4: $800.
Games of chance, incorporating lay-down boards, electrical push buttons start and stop, moving indicators and symbols and numbers known as stop and go games, one game per license. Permissible Amusement Games Certification Class No. 5: $200.
Such lay-down board electrical push buttons shall be located not less than 10 feet from the boardwalk or traveled portion of a public way.
Guessing games known as guess your age, guess your weight, etc. Permissible Amusement Games Certification No. 6: $200.
Ring the bell game or high striker game. Permissible Amusement Games Certification No. 7: $200.
Miscellaneous skill games such as log roll, rope climb, fishing game and skin the wire game. Permissible Games Certification No. 8: $200.
Each amusement game licensee and every employee shall be required to register with the City Clerk, complete such questionnaire and registration forms as the City Clerk requires, submit to fingerprinting and pay a registration fee of $2 for an amusement games registration certificate as a prerequisite to the holding, operating or conducting of amusement games in the City.
[Amended by Ord. No. 499]
No licensee shall hold, operate, conduct, allow or permit the holding, operation or conduct of any amusement game on the licensed premises except between such hours as shall be designated by resolution of the City Council.
The City Council shall have and exercise control and supervision over all amusement games held, operated or conducted under license with all the powers authorized or granted to it under the Amusement Games Licensing Law[1] and the rules and regulations of the State Amusement Games Control Commissioner.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 5:8-100 et seq.
[Adopted as Sec. 4-6 of the 1997 Revised General Ordinances]
All automatic amusement games of the type commonly known and designated as bagatelle, baseball or pinball games, or music machines, or devices, operated, maintained or used in any building, store or other place except amusement areas licensed in accordance with § 310-16, wherein the public may enter, and particularly, but not by way of limitation, all coin-operated automatic amusement devices of the type commonly known as bagatelle, baseball games or pinball games or music machines or similar machines or devices, operated or maintained shall be licensed before being placed or operated in the City.
[Amended by Ord. No. 573]
The fees for each establishment and for each coin-operated machine therein are set forth in § 310-16.
The City Clerk is authorized to delegate any and all powers and duties conferred upon him by this article to any other person he deems necessary or proper, and may, in his discretion, require periodical reports from licensees not oftener than once each month, requiring them to disclose the type of machine to which the license is affixed, the manufacturer's serial number of the machine, the location of the machine during the period covered by the report, and the name and address of the owner or occupant of the premises where the machine is located.
No license shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of crimes or as a disorderly person or for the violation of any municipal ordinance. If any licensee shall be so convicted during any license year, his license for any and all games or machines operated by him shall become void, and he shall not be entitled to the return of license fees.
The operation of any machine or game in any manner contrary to the laws of the State of New Jersey is hereby declared a violation of this article and shall subject the licensee to revocation of his license in addition to any other penalty imposed.