Chapter/Title From 1997 Revised General Ordinances
Location in 2005 Code
Ch. I, General Provisions
1-1, Short Title
1-2, Definitions, and 1-3, Construction
Ch. 1, Art. II
1-4, Severability
1-5, General Penalty
Ch. 1, Art. III
1-6, Code To Be Maintained by City Clerk
Ch. II, Administration
Superseded by Ord. No. 07-2004
Ch. III, Police Regulations
3-1, Littering
Ch. 314
3-2, Noise
Ch. 340
3-3 (Reserved)
3-4 (Reserved)
3-5, Curfew for Minors
Ch. 208
3-6, Skateboard Regulations
Ch. 422
3-7, Loitering
Ch. 319
3-8 (Reserved)
3-9, Alcoholic Beverage Consumption in Public Places and Vehicles
Ch. 134, Art. II
3-10, Drug-Free School Zones
Ch. 217, Art. I
3-10A, Drug-Free Zones for Public Housing Facilities, Public Parks and Building Buildings
Ch. 217, Art. II
3-11, Paraphernalia Relating To Controlled Dangerous Substances
Ch. 222
3-12, Dress Regulations
Ch. 373, Art. I
3-13, Certain Acts Prohibited
Ch. 373, Art. II
3-14, Rental of Motor Scooters, Motor Bikes, Motorcycles and Motorized Bicycles Prohibited
Ch. 500, Art. I
3-14A, Rental and Operation of Segways
Ch. 500, Art. II
3-15, Physiognomy and Palmistry Prohibited
Ch. 270
3-16, Trailers, House Cars and House Boats
Ch. 476
3-17, Burning Prohibited
Ch. 177
3-18, Hunting and Trapping
Ch. 300
3-19, Driving, Parking or Standing a Vehicle on a Fire Hose
Ch. 252
3-20, Washing, Greasing, Changing Oil or Repairing Vehicles on Streets Prohibited; Exception
Ch. 362, Art. I
3-21, Parking Permitted Only in Painted Lines in Designated Areas
Ch. 362, Art. II
3-22, Seasonal Rental Properties
Ch. 401, Art. I
Ch. IV, General Licensing
4-1, General Provisions
Ch. 310, Art. I
4-2, General Business License
Ch. 310, Art. II
4-3, Peddlers, Hawkers and Vendors
Ch. 379, Art. I
4-4, Solicitors and Canvassers
Ch. 379, Art. II
4-5, Amusement Games
Ch. 139, Art. I
4-6, Automatic Amusement Devices
Ch. 139, Art. II
4-7, Games of Change; Bingo and Raffles
Ch. 276
4-8, Licensing of Contractors
Ch. 204
4-9, Limited Mercantile Licenses
4-9.1, Tours
Ch. 469
4-9.2, Artists
Ch. 151
4-10, Yard Sales
Ch. 407
4-11 (Reserved)
4-12 (Reserved)
4-13, Licensing the Storage and Use of Catamarans on Beaches
Ch. 166, Art. I
4-14, Fire Alarm Systems
Ch. 130, Art. I
4-15, Newspaper Boxes
Ch. 336
4-16, Tents on Commercial and Rented Premises
Ch. 463
Ch. V, Animal Control
5-1 through 5-10
Ch. 145, Art. I
5-11, Feeding of Wild Cats
Ch. 145, Art. II
Ch. VI, Alcoholic Beverage Control
6-1 through 6-7
Ch. 134, Art. I
6-8, Persons Under the Legal Age
Ch. 134, Art. II
Ch. VII, Traffic (Reserved)
Ch. VIII, Beaches, Boardwalk and Recreational Areas
8-1 through 8-12
Ch. 158, Art. I
8-13, Public Use of Parks
Ch. 368
Ch. IX, Health Regulations
9-1 and 9-2
Ch. 284
9-3, Swimming Pool Code
9-4, Public Health Nuisances
Ch. 345
9-5, Retail Food Establishment Code
Ch. 265
Ch. X, Building and Housing
10-1, State Uniform Construction Code Enforcing Agency
Ch. 199
10-2, Housing Code
Ch. 295, Art. I
10-3, Unfit Dwellings
Ch. 173
10-4, Numbering of Buildings and Lots
Ch. 349
10-5, Parking of Construction Equipment
Ch. 194, Art. I
10-6, Inspections and Enforcement
Ch. 194, Art. II
10-6, Pile Driving and Demolition of Structures
Ch. 194, Art. III
Ch. XI, Property Maintenance
Ch. 390, Art. I
Ch. XII, Fire Prevention
Repealed by Ord. No. 1340-2004; see Ch. 247
Ch. XIII, Police and Fire Departments
13-1, Police Department
Ch. 81
13-2 (Reserved)
13-3, Fire Department
Ch. 46
13-4 (Reserved)
13-5, Emergency Medical Services
Ch. 38
13-6, Certificate of Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Compliance
Ch. XIV (Reserved)
Ch. XV, Flood Damage Prevention
Ch. 258
Ch. XVI, Streets and Sidewalks
16-1, Removal of Snow and Ice
Ch. 440, Art. I
16-2, Excavation of Public Streets
Ch. 440, Art. II
16-3, Construction and Repair of Sidewalks and Curbs
Ch. 440, Art. III
Ch. XVII, Water and Sewer
17-1 through 17-4
Ch. 510, Art. I
17-5 through 17-11 (Reserved)
17-12, Sewer Utility
Ch. 510, Art. II
17-13, Industrial Discharges/Pretreatment Standards
Ch. 510, Art. III
17-14, Sewer Rates for All Classes
Ch. 510, Art. IV
17-15, Wastewater Treatment Bulk User Rates
Ch. 510, Art. V
17-16 through 17-20 (Reserved)
17-21, Water Use Restrictions During Water Emergency
Ch. 510, Art. VII
17-22, Required Water Conservation
Ch. 510, Art. VIII
17-23, Payment of Water and Sewer Bills
Ch. 510, Art. VI
Ch. XVIII, Solid Waste Management
18-1, Mandatory Recycling Program
Ch. 434, Art. II
18-2, Dumping of Waste
Ch. 228
18-3, Refuse Disposal
Ch. 434, Art. I
Ch. XIX, Protection of Trees and Shrubs
Ch. 482
Ch. XX, Satellite Television Antennas
Ch. XXI, Cable Television
Ch. A540
Ch. XXII, Washington Street Mall and Boardwalk Promenade Plaza
22-1, Washington Street Mall
Ch. 324, Art. I
22-2 through 22-7 (Reserved)
22-8, Boardwalk Promenade Plaza Area
Ch. 324, Art. II
Ch. XXIII (Reserved)
Ch. XXIV, Environmental Regulations
24-1, Idle Standards for Motor Vehicles
Ch. 493
24-2, Smoke-Free Public Facilities
Ch. 427
Ch. XXV, Contracts and Agreements
25-1, Emergency Medical Services Charges
Omitted (duplicative of Sec. 13-5); see Ch. 38
25-2, Interlocal Service Agreements for Potable Water at Bulk Rate
Ch. 15, Art. III
25-3, Mutual Aid Agreement for Police, Fire and Ambulance Assistance
Ch. 15, Art. I
25-4, Mutual Aid Agreement for Fire Assistance With U.S. Coast Guard
Ch. 15, Art. II
25-5, Interlocal Services Agreement Between the City of Cape May and the Borough of West Cape May To Provide for Police Dispatching Services
25-6, Agreements Between Municipalities in Cape May County, New Jersey, for Mutual Police and/or Fire Aid in Emergencies, Pursuant To N.J.S.A. 40A:14-26; N.J.S.A. 40A:156.1 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 40:14-146.8 et seq.
Ch. 15, Art. IV
Ch. XXVI, Hot-Line Services
Ch. 290
Ch. XXVII (Reserved)
Ch. XXVIII (Reserved)
Ch. XXIX (Reserved)
Ch. XXX, Land Use Procedures
Ch. 59
Ch. XXXI, Land Subdivision
Ch. 445
Ch. XXXII, Zoning
Ch. 525
Ch. XXXIII, Site Plan Review
Ch. 417
Ch. XXXIV (Reserved)
Ch. XXXV, Development Fees
Ch. 211
Ch. XXXVI, Affirmative Marketing Plan
Ch. 295, Art. II
Ch. XXXVII, Open Space and Recreation Land Acquisition
Ch. 356