[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Cape May 9-21-2004 by Ord. No. 07-2004 (Sec. 2-59 of the 1997 Revised General Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The City of Cape May's close proximity to the Atlantic Ocean makes it particularly vulnerable to hurricanes and other natural disasters; and in the event of such a disaster, the City of Cape May may be evacuated in order to minimize the risk of loss of life.
Any such disaster may require substantial cleanup by the Cape May Department of Public Works, Department of Emergency Management, or other local, state or federal agencies; and such cleanup would be severely burdened by unnecessary traffic or other congestion within the City.
The Cape May Department of Emergency Management has recommended that only individuals who own property in the City be permitted into the City after any natural disaster until such time as the City has been substantially cleaned up, including, without limitation, the clearing of roads, repair of traffic signals and repair of public utilities.
In the event that the City is evacuated due to natural disaster and the Department of Emergency Management, after consulting with the Chief of Police, determines that such disaster has resulted in damage which requires substantial cleanup, including, without limitation, damage to the City's roads, traffic signals and/or public utilities, the Department of Emergency Management may issue an order which allows only City employees and individuals who own property within the City to enter the City.
The order shall be enforced by the Cape May Police Department.
Any individual desiring to enter the City during the cleanup period may identify himself or herself as a resident of the City by affixing to his or her vehicle a recycling center sticker issued by the Department of Public Works in accordance with this Code.
Upon substantial cleanup of the City, the Department of Emergency Management, after consulting with the Chief of Police, shall cancel the order and permit nonproperty owners to access the City.