[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Cape May by Ord. No. 1284-2003 (Sec. 4-9.1 of the 1997 Revised General Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Each license shall be limited to motor vehicle or horse-drawn tours, respectively, and shall not include the right to provide both types of vehicles under one tour license.
A holder of a tour license involving motor vehicles may operate not more than five vehicles under that license.
[Amended 12-20-2011 by Ord. No. 245-2011]
The holder of a license operating horse-drawn vehicles may operate not more than five horse-drawn vehicles under that license.
Prior to commencement of operation, the licensee shall:
File the tour route, times and rates with the City Clerk.
Secure approval of the Chief of Police for the routes and times of the tour.
Prominently display the tour rates on the vehicle(s).
Submit satisfactory evidence of liability insurance coverage for both City and licensee with limits of $500,000 per person and $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and $50,000 per occurrence for property damage to the City Clerk.
Execute indemnification agreement with the City on a form approved by or acceptable to the City Attorney.
Secure the approval of the Chief of Police as to the condition of vehicle(s) and/or horses to be used.
Secure approval of the City Clerk as to method to be employed to ensure that any horses used on tour do not create a public nuisance or health hazard.
Pay the license fee set forth in § 310-16, as periodically amended, and the parking fee as set forth in subsection 7-12, as periodically amended.
Secure the approval of the City Clerk as to the type and style of vehicle to be employed.
Secure all approvals required from all other governmental bodies and agencies having jurisdiction over the matter, including without limitation the New Jersey Department of Transportation, if necessary.
Secure the approval of the City Clerk as to the size, type, location, and content of any signs or ticket sales areas.