[Adopted by Ord. No. 948-92 (Sec. 10-5 of the 1997 Revised General Ordinances)]
[Amended by Ord. No. 997-93]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any vehicle, trailer, tool, equipment, material, supply, dumpster, container, roll-back-type container, box, can or any other item or combination of materials other than licensed vehicles.
The City Construction Official or any person to whom he may delegate, in writing, the duties hereinafter described.
Any solid waste removal container capable of holding or carrying 15 cubic yards or more of solid waste material, and which may be left at a site and picked up at a later time, the container not being self-propelled.
The act or condition of putting or leaving construction equipment in a public place for longer than 15 minutes.
Any public street or sidewalk, alley, promenade, mall, park, or any other place of public right-of-way.
A decision made in good faith, in the interest of preserving the safety and welfare of the public in general.
Debris, demolition material, building materials, metals, bricks, glass, concrete, waste from building operations, rocks, concrete bricks, dirt, ashes, plaster or similar solid materials obtained from construction or demolition projects.
No person shall place, permit, allow to be placed or permitted or order the placing or parking of any construction equipment or container on any public place without first having obtained a permit to do so or unless specific written permission has been granted by resolution of City Council or by the City Manager. This article shall not apply to duly authorized personnel employed by or under contract with government or public utilities to perform construction or maintenance of public works or public utility facilities.
Applications for permits must be submitted in writing to the Construction Official not less than five business days prior to the date on which it is desired to place the construction equipment or a container on a public place.
No application for parking the construction equipment or a container will be approved unless the construction equipment or container is necessary due to construction, demolition or some other undertaking requiring such parking.
No application will be approved unless a permit has been issued for construction or demolition work or the Construction Official is otherwise satisfied as to the need for containers.
Applications and renewal applications must contain:
Name, address and phone number of the person requesting the permit;
Name, address and phone number of the company owning the construction equipment or container,
A hand-drawn diagram indicating the proposed location of the construction equipment or container;
The construction or demolition permit number;
The number of days the construction equipment or container is to remain at that location not to exceed a period of 30 days per permit or renewal permit.
Upon receipt of the application, the Construction Official shall inspect, or cause to be inspected, the site where the construction equipment or container is proposed to be placed. The Construction Official shall consider:
The need for such construction equipment or container;
The lack of available off-public, right-of-way space in which to place the construction equipment or container;
The effect the construction equipment or container will have on parking in the neighborhood and the safe and orderly flow of traffic and pedestrians;
The general effect on the public health, safety and welfare.
The Construction Official shall either approve or deny the permit within five business days of the date the application is submitted. The Construction Official may consult other City personnel in making the determination.
Should the application be denied, the Construction Official shall forthwith notify the applicant in writing of such denial, stating the reason(s) the application was not approved. If the application is approved, the Construction Official will issue a written permit.
Any applicant who has been denied a permit may appeal the decision. Such appeal must be made to the City Manager in writing within 10 days of the date of the Construction Official's denial of the permit. The decision shall be final.
During the months of November, December, January, February, March and April, the fee for the initial permit shall be $35 for each regulation twenty-foot or twenty-two-foot parking space occupied, regardless of the number of days, up to the maximum of 30 days, for the initial permit. During the months of May, June, July, August, September and October, the fee for the initial permit shall be $9 per day, including weekends and holidays for each regulation twenty-foot or twenty-two-foot parking space occupied.
[Amended 12-16-2003 by Ord. No. 1315-2003.[1]]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Renewal permits, not exceeding 30 days each, shall require an additional fee in the same amount as the initial fees.
The Construction Official shall have the right to require, in addition to the permit fee, the establishment of an escrow account to insure against any damage caused by or in any way connected with the use of the containers. The City Engineer shall be consulted as to the proper escrow amount.
Permits issued are not transferable and are good only for the time and place indicated on the approved application and permit, unless a written renewal permit is secured from the Construction Official.
In the event the construction equipment or a container is removed from the site (except in the case of a container for the purpose of emptying its contents and returning it to the site) prior to the expiration date of the permit, the permit shall, at that time, automatically expire.
There shall be no refunds of permit fees for failure of the refuse service or other supplier to place construction equipment or a container at the site during the life of the permit. Should there be early removal of construction equipment or a container, the Construction Official must be notified in advance in order to conduct a final inspection of the premises.
Permits must be visible from the street at all times during the period in which a container is present, whether or not the construction equipment or container is actually in use. It is recommended that permits be affixed to the street side of the construction equipment or container.
Construction equipment or containers shall be placed and maintained in a manner and location that minimizes the disruption of vehicular and pedestrian access and traffic.
Containers for solid waste materials must be of a type designed to be transported on a roll-back-type carrier truck only.
Containers for solid waste materials must be used at construction or demolition sites or at other exceptional sites as approved by the Construction Official. Containers may not be used by commercial business enterprises such as restaurants or retail stores for normal removal and disposal of trash.
Construction equipment and containers must bear the name, address, phone number of the refuse service to whom they belong along with all other information that may be required by the City Construction Official and the municipal, county, state and federal regulations.
Roll-back-type containers must have at least 400 square inches of reflective material visible on each side, preferably along each outside corner.
It shall be the responsibility of the permit holder to see that the construction equipment or container is placed at the site in the manner and location indicated in the application.
The Construction Official shall conduct a periodic inspection of the construction equipment or container and its location. If, after the construction equipment or container is in place, it is determined that the construction equipment or container is a hazard to traffic or to the health, safety or welfare of the area in question or of the City in general, the Construction Official may order the construction equipment or container removed to a safe location. If a safer location cannot be secured, the Construction Official may order the construction equipment or container removed and revoke the permit.
The reasonable judgment of the Construction Official, the Police Department or other enforcement officials, as to the existence of a hazardous or unsafe condition shall constitute grounds for the Construction Official ordering the container moved to a safer location or removed from the site entirely. Should the holder of the construction equipment or container permit fail or refuse to remove the construction equipment or container upon expiration of the permit period (including any written extension thereof) or upon notification of an unhealthful, hazardous or unsafe condition, the Construction Official may cause the construction equipment or container to be removed by City or contracted personnel. Upon any such removal, the City will be entitled to reimbursement from the permit holder of all costs to the City, including attorney's fees and court costs. Notification requiring removal shall be in writing. Notification shall be made to the permit holder, if the permit holder is readily available, and if the permit holder is not available, notification shall be made to the company supplying the container.
Outside construction activities. Engaging in outside construction activities, as defined herein, is prohibited during the following days and times:
[Added 3-20-2007 by Ord. No. 92-2007; amended 3-19-2013 by Ord. No. 261-2013]
All days between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. of the following day.
On Saturdays, commencing on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend until and including the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, all hours prior to 9:00 a.m. and after 3:00 p.m.
Sundays at all times.
On the recognized holidays of New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day at all times.
All construction activities shall be subject to the contractor, if required, having a duly issued and valid construction permit on display at the job site. Outside construction activities will be permitted on any day for an emergency which must first be called into the City Police Department with an explanation of the nature of the emergency, or for storm preparedness or cleanup for a declared weather related emergency; provided that if a construction permit is required but has not been issued, the work satisfies the exception for emergency work pursuant to and subject to the terms and conditions of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.14 and the contractor takes all required steps to comply with such requirements. Outside construction activities will also be permitted on Sundays with the prior approval of the City Manager and only during the hours approved by the City Manager if the performance of outside construction activities is necessary because of an unusual period of inclement weather which has caused unreasonable delays in the performance of work by a contractor.
For purposes of this section, "outside construction activities" shall mean all exterior construction, repairs, installation and improvement work including, without limitation, hardscape and landscape work, foundation, framing, roofing, utilities conducted upon real property, whether residential or commercial, of any kind and nature and whether done by a licensed contractor or an unlicensed individual upon private property. Outside painting without the use of power or motorized tools and equipment, lawn maintenance (but not landscaping services) and construction work performed entirely inside of any buildings or structures are excluded from the definition of outside construction activities.
Use of generator as a permanent or primary source of power for a structure in the City of Cape May is prohibited. Generators may only be used as emergency or standby measures in the event of a power outage. All construction sites shall provide for a temporary utility pole and electric power supply.
[Added 11-14-2022 by Ord. No. 483-2022]
The Construction Official and any duly designated representative shall enforce this article, and it shall be the duty of any and all police officers and other City enforcement personnel to aid in such enforcement.
[Amended 11-14-2005 by Ord. No. 53-2005]
Failure to comply with the provisions of this article shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than the penalty set forth in Chapter 1, Article III, Penalty. Each and every day that a violation exists shall constitute a separate violation of this article.