No operator of a vehicle shall at any time, within any metered or unmetered municipal parking field, park a vehicle in any designated space in any manner other than headed into and facing a center island when occupying an interior parking space, or facing the nearest outside boundary of the area when occupying a perimeter parking space.
Signs indicating that head-in parking only is permitted shall be conspicuously displayed at the entrance of all municipal parking fields.
[Added 10-15-1996 by L.L. No. 10-1996]
Residents of the Incorporated Village and Floral Park may apply for a permit to allow a specifically designated noncommercial passenger vehicle to be parked overnight in a parking space at the municipal parking field located at Jericho Turnpike, North Tyson Avenue and Whitney Avenue, between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. daily. Such permit shall be issued only to a natural person who is a resident of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park and only for a vehicle or vehicles owned by such resident as evidenced by the registration certificate of the vehicle or vehicles for which the permit is sought.
Such permit fee shall be valid for one calendar year. The fee for such permit shall be established by resolution by the Board of Trustees. Such fee shall be paid to the Village Clerk before the issuance of such permit. In the event that any individual obtains a new vehicle during the calendar year, the permit fee for such vehicle will be prorated on a quarter-annual basis for the balance of the calendar year in which the permit is obtained.
[Amended 5-4-1999 by L.L. No. 3-1999; 9-15-2009 by L.L. No. 5-2009]
All such permits to park in the said municipal parking lot shall be issued by the Village Administrator, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, in accordance with the applications and forms approved by the Board of Trustees and made available by the Village Administrator. All vehicles for which such permits shall be issued shall have conspicuously displayed thereon a distinctive decal or license plate or tag issued by the Village Administrator bearing the number of such permit and the year for which the same shall be issued. Such permit shall permit the vehicle to be parked overnight in a parking space at the said municipal lot between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
No such permit shall be transferable from one owner to another or from one vehicle to another without the approval of the Board of Trustees and the endorsement of such approval, in writing, on such permit by the Village Administrator; provided, however, that if an owner disposes of a vehicle for which a permit has been obtained and acquires a replacement vehicle, such permit may be transferred to such replacement vehicle upon presentation of documents satisfactory to the Village Administrator evidencing the disposition of the vehicle for which a permit was obtained and acquisition by the same owner of a replacement vehicle to which the permit is sought to be transferred.
[Amended 5-4-1999 by L.L. No. 3-1999]
Issuance of the permit described herein shall not authorize the parking of any vehicle for which a permit has been issued in any other location within the Village.
[Added 6-20-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000]
Residents of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park may apply for a permit to allow a specifically designated noncommercial passenger vehicle to be parked for 24 hours in a parking space at the municipal parking field located at Spooner Street. Such permit shall be issued only to a natural person who is a resident of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park and only for a vehicle or vehicles owned by such resident as evidenced by the registration certificate of the vehicle or vehicles for which the permit is sought. Before the issuance of such a permit, the resident must demonstrate a particularized need for such parking and undue hardship, such as the lack of available parking at the premises where the resident resides.
Such permit fee shall be valid for one calendar year. The fee for such permit shall be established by resolution of the Board of Trustees. Such fee shall be paid to the Village Clerk before the issuance of such permit. In the event that an individual obtains a new vehicle during the calendar year, the permit fee for such vehicle will be prorated on a quarter-annual basis for the balance of the calendar year in which the permit is obtained.
[Amended 9-15-2009 by L.L. No. 6-2009]
All such permits to park in said municipal parking lot shall be issued by the Village Administrator, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, in accordance with the applications and forms approved by the Board of Trustees and made available by the Village Administrator. All vehicles for which such permits shall be issued shall have conspicuously displayed thereon a distinctive decal or license plate or tag issued by the Village Administrator bearing the number of such permit and the year for which the same shall be issued. Such permit shall permit the vehicle to be parked in a parking space at said municipal lot.
No such permit shall be transferable from one owner to another or from one vehicle to another without the approval of the Board of Trustees and the endorsement of such approval, in writing, on such permit by the Village Administrator; provided, however, that if an owner disposes of a vehicle for which a permit has been obtained and acquires a replacement vehicle, such permit may be transferred to such replacement vehicle upon presentation of documents satisfactory to the Village Administrator evidencing the disposition of the vehicle for which a permit was obtained and acquisition by the same owner of a replacement vehicle to which the permit is sought to be transferred.
Issuance of the permit described herein shall not authorize the parking of any vehicle for which a permit has been issued in any other location within the Village.
[Added 2-6-2001 by L.L. No. 1-2001; amended 6-21-2005 by L.L. No. 5-2005]
Residents of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park may apply for a permit to allow a specifically designated noncommercial passenger vehicle to be parked for 24 hours in a parking space at a parking meter space at the municipal field located at Holland Avenue adjacent to the north side of Reliance Firehouse and for overnight parking between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. daily in the area fronting on and adjacent to Jericho Turnpike. Such permit shall be issued only to a natural person who is a resident of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park and only for a vehicle or vehicles owned by such resident as evidenced by the registration certificates of the vehicle or vehicles for which the permit is sought. Before the issuance of such a permit, the resident must demonstrate a particularized need for such parking and undue hardship, such as the lack of available parking at the premises where the resident resides.
Such permit fee shall be valid for one calendar year. The fee for such permit to park for 24 hours or overnight shall be established by resolution of the Board of Trustees. Such fee shall be paid to the Village Clerk before the issuance of such permit. In the event that an individual obtains a new vehicle during the calendar year, the permit fee for such vehicle will be prorated on a quarter-annual basis for the balance of the calendar year in which the permit is obtained.
[Amended 9-15-2009 by L.L. No. 7-2009]
All such permits to park in said municipal parking lots shall be issued by the Village Clerk, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, and made available by the Village Clerk. All vehicles for which such permits shall be issued shall have conspicuously displayed thereon a distinctive decal or license plate or tag issued by the Village Clerk bearing the number of such permit and the year for which the same shall be issued. Such permit shall permit the vehicle to be parked in a parking space at said municipal lots.
No such permit shall be transferable from one owner to another or from one vehicle to another without the approval of the Board of Trustees and the endorsement of such approval, in writing, on such permit by the Village Clerk; provided, however, that if an owner disposes of a vehicle for which a permit has been obtained and acquires a replacement vehicle, such permit may be transferred to such replacement vehicle upon presentation of documents satisfactory to the Village Clerk evidencing the disposition of the vehicle for which a permit was obtained and acquisition by the same owner of a replacement vehicle to which the permit is sought to be transferred.
Issuance of the permit described herein shall not authorize the parking of any vehicle for which a permit has been issued in any other location within the Village.
[Added 1-18-2005 by L.L. No. 1-2005]
Residents of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park may apply for a permit to allow a specifically designated noncommercial passenger vehicle to be parked for 24 hours in a parking space at a parking meter space at the municipal field behind Centennial Hall at the intersection of Tulip and Carnation Avenues. Such permit shall be issued only to a natural person who is a resident of the Incorporated Village of Floral Park and only for a vehicle or vehicles owned by such resident as evidenced by the registration certificate of the vehicle or vehicles for which the permit is sought. Before the issuance of such a permit, the resident must demonstrate a particularized need for such parking and undue hardship, such as the lack of available parking at the premises where the resident resides.
Such permit fee shall be valid for three months. The fee for such permit shall be a per-vehicle fee for each three-month period to be established by the Board of Trustees, Such fee shall be paid to the Village Clerk before the issuance of such permit. In the event that an individual obtains a new vehicle during the calendar year, the permit fee for such vehicle will be prorated on a quarter annual basis for the balance of the calendar year in which the permit is obtained.
All such permits to park in the said municipal parking lot shall be issued by the Village Clerk, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, and made available by the Village Clerk. All vehicles for which such permits shall be issued shall have conspicuously displayed thereon a distinctive decal or license plate or tag issued by the Village Clerk bearing the number of such permit and the year for which the same shall be issued. Such permit shall permit the vehicle to be parked in a parking space at the said municipal lots.
No such permit shall be transferable from one owner to another or from one vehicle to another without the approval of the Board of Trustees and the endorsement of such approval, in writing, on such permit by the Village Clerk; provided, however, that if an owner disposes of a vehicle for which a permit has been obtained and acquires a replacement vehicle, such permit may be transferred to such replacement vehicle upon presentation of documents satisfactory to the Village Clerk evidencing the disposition of the vehicle for which a permit was obtained and acquisition by the same owner of a replacement vehicle to which the permit is sought to be transferred.
Issuance of the permit described herein shall not authorize the parking of any vehicle for which a permit has been issued in any other location within the Village.