The words and phrases used in this chapter shall, for the purposes of this chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by Article 1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York.
The following words and phrases, which are not defined by Article 1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section for the purposes of this chapter:
The prolongation of the lateral line of a curb or, in the absence of a curb, the lateral boundary line of the roadway.
All state-recognized holidays.
Whenever certain hours are named herein or on traffic control devices, they shall mean the time standard which is in current use in this state.
The Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized to erect, maintain, operate or remove traffic control devices in accordance with the laws of the State of New York and the rules and regulations of the Department of Transportation, including the requirements contained in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and local ordinances, indicating the restrictions contained in this chapter. The Director of Public Safety may install and maintain such traffic control devices as he/she may deem necessary to regulate, warn or guide traffic under the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, subject to the provisions of §§ 1682 and 1684 of that law.
For the purpose of maintaining an accurate record of all regulations adopted under the provisions of this chapter, there is hereby established a system of schedules, appearing as Article X of this chapter, in which shall be entered all regulations after adoption. Such schedules shall be deemed a part of the section to which they refer. All regulations shall be adopted with reference to the appropriate schedule as indicated in the various sections of this chapter.
All schedules shall be amended by regulation which will be adopted at the sole discretion of the Director of Public Safety in accordance with the provisions of the General City Law and the Vehicle and Traffic Law, and he/she is hereby authorized by the City Council to adopt or amend regulations pursuant to § 1603 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law and this chapter of the Code of the City of Corning.
Whenever on or adjacent to any of the streets, highways, alleys or other public places in the City of Corning work is about to be or is being done, or abnormal conditions exist of a more or less temporary nature, or any such street, highway, alley, lane or public place is closed in whole or in part by order of the Department or Superintendent of Public Works, or any emergency of whatever nature arises therein and the Director of Public Safety, or in his or her absence, the Police Chief, in his or her judgment and discretion determines that vehicular traffic, or the parking or vehicles in either metered or nonmetered places, should be prohibited, restricted or subject to special regulation, such Director, or the Police Chief, may make definite written order embodying such prohibitive, restrictive or special regulation and the same shall be effective on its being filed with the City Clerk and the placing or posting of adequate notices at the points or places affected by such order. Such order shall remain in effect until such time as may be specified therein or until revoked by such Director or Chief.