Duties. The Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized, empowered and ordered to erect, maintain, operate and/or eliminate such traffic control signals and signs as he/she deems necessary to be placed pursuant to the requirements of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, and, so far as possible, said signs shall be in compliance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Powers. The Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized and empowered as he/she deems necessary:
To designate safety zones, parking spaces, including zone parking, and taxicab stands on streets and parts of streets, and to erect and maintain traffic signs at such zones, spaces and stands limiting or prohibiting stopping or parking therein.
To mark parking spaces on the surface of the streets and parts of streets so as to indicate the boundary within which a vehicle shall be placed within a parking space.
To designate one-way streets and to erect and maintain one-way signs at intersections where movement of vehicular traffic in the opposite direction shall be prohibited.
To designate prohibited districts and to erect and maintain traffic signs at such districts.
To designate within the congested district streets where U-turns shall be prohibited and to erect and maintain traffic signs giving notice thereof on such streets.
To mark lanes for traffic and/or pedestrian crossings on street pavements.
To designate school zones, hospital zones, playground areas and factory areas, and to erect and maintain traffic signs at such zones, giving notice of such parking regulations and limitations upon the movement of traffic within such zones as he/she shall determine.
To limit or prohibit traffic on any street where there is an authorized obstruction, or where any temporary condition on or along any street makes it advisable to limit or prohibit traffic while such condition continues.
To designate districts in which no vehicle can stop or stand.
To declare a snow removal emergency, which emergency shall be announced through the press, if possible, but in any event by an announcement on one or more local television or radio stations, whenever the Director of Public Safety shall deem it advisable during a snowstorm or in order to remove snow or to plow streets, and upon such declaration to close any street or part thereof to vehicular traffic or prohibit, restrict or limit the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles.
To control and regulate City-owned off-street parking lots, and to erect and maintain signs, and to establish fees for parking therein. The City Manager (the Director of Public Safety) shall establish fees contingent upon City Council approval.
Additional duties and powers of Director of Public Safety. In addition to the powers granted the Director of Public Safety above in Subsections A and B, the Director of Public Safety is further empowered and, with respect to the parking areas and driveways of a hospital or parking area of a shopping center or the parking area and private streets or roadways of a private apartment house complex or the parking area and driveways of a private condominium complex, and pursuant to the written request of the owner, may by regulation:
Order stop signs, flashing signals or yield signs erected at specified entrance or exit locations to any such area or designate any intersection in such area as a stop intersection or as a yield intersection and order like signs or signals at one or more entrances to such intersection.
Regulate traffic in any such area, including regulation by means of traffic-control signals.
Notwithstanding the provisions of § 1643 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, establish maximum speed limits in any such area at not less than 15 miles per hour.
Prohibit or regulate the turning of vehicles or specified types of vehicles at intersections or other designated locations in any such area.
Regulate the crossing of any roadway in any such area by pedestrians.
Designate any separate roadway in any such area for one-way traffic.
Prohibit, regulate, restrict or limit the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles in specified areas of any such area.
Designate safety zones in any such area.
Provide for the removal and storage of vehicles parked or abandoned in any such area during snowstorms, floods, fires or other public emergencies, or found unattended in any such area where they constitute an obstruction to traffic, or where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited; and for the payment of reasonable charges for such removal and storage by the owner or operator of any such vehicle.
Adopt such additional reasonable rules and regulations with respect to traffic and parking in any such area as local conditions may require for the safety and convenience of the public or of the users of any such area.
Make special provisions with relation to stopping, standing or parking of vehicles registered pursuant to § 404-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law or those possessing a handicapped parking permit issued in accordance with the ordinance of the City of Corning.
Before executing any action authorized by this traffic code, the Director of Public Safety shall consult with the Councilman of the affected area and solicit a recommendation from the same. The Councilman shall be notified by the Director of Public Safety of final actions to be taken with respect to this code.
There shall be established an advisory Traffic Coordinating Board which shall consist of the Superintendent of Public Works, Fire Chief and Police Chief, and other department heads as needed. The Board shall provide traffic recommendations to the Director of Public Safety and convene at the request of the Director of Public Safety to review and, where necessary, undertake the following tasks:
Collect and compile traffic data and engineering studies and surveys in relation to vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the City.
Coordinate traffic activities in the City.
Supervise the preparation and publication of traffic reports.
Receive complaints relating to traffic matters.
Review proposals for the installation of traffic-control devices and the establishment of traffic-control measures.
Prepare and submit to the Director of Public Safety detailed reports in relation to traffic conditions in the City.
Make recommendations to the Director of Public Safety with relation to methods of ameliorating traffic conditions which adversely affect the welfare of the City.
Submit to the Director of Public Safety special proposals for amendment of ordinances, rules and regulations of the City which affect traffic conditions and proposed legislation which the committee deems necessary or proper to implement and effectuate its proposal.
Prepare and submit to the Director of Public Safety, and to other appropriate agencies and departments of the City, recommendations and proposals for improving traffic conditions and the administration and enforcement of traffic rules and regulations.
Better utilize the traffic engineering facilities available in the City, and to generally advise the Director of Public Safety on procedures to improve all types of traffic conditions in the City.
The Director of Public Safety shall designate a staff person to manage and coordinate the above-mentioned tasks as well as the duties and responsibilities hereinbefore outlined.