[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Glenolden 5-12-1998 by Ord. No. 1058, approved 5-12-1998. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 162.
It is declared as a matter of public policy that the preservation and protection of historic resources are public necessities and are in the interest of the health, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of the Borough of Glenolden; that the Council of the Borough of Glenolden does, this date, enact and create the Borough of Glenolden Historical Commission.
The purpose of this chapter is:
To promote the general welfare by protecting the integrity of the historic resources of the Borough of Glenolden.
To mitigate the negative effects of proposed changes upon historic resources.
To encourage the continuation of historical resources and facilitate their appropriate reuse.
To promote among residents of the Borough a knowledge of the history of the community and an appreciation for the accomplishment of its citizens.
To collect and preserve materials of historic value related to the Borough.
To encourage research into the history of the Borough with a view to discovering previously unknown facts concerning the Borough's history.
To identify buildings and sites of historic interest and significance in the Borough for the purposes of national registration.
To facilitate the efforts of Borough residents engaged in genealogical research into family histories.
To encourage the preservation of historic settings and landscapes.
To discourage the unnecessary demolition or deterioration of historic resources.
There shall be a Borough of Glenolden Historical Commission which shall consist of seven members who shall be appointed by Borough Council. The membership of the Commission shall include individuals who have an interest in history, archaeology or historic preservation. Each Commission member shall serve for a term of two years. The Commission shall notify Borough Council of any vacancies within the Commission, and Council shall act within 90 days to fill those vacancies. Appointments to fill vacancies for unexpired terms shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term. Commission members shall serve without pay.
The Commission shall annually elect from its own membership a Chairman who will direct the activities of the Commission and such other officers as may be required for the conduct of its business. A quorum shall be not less than a majority of the current membership. The Commission may issue, alter and rescind rules and forms for its procedures consistent with the ordinances of this Borough and laws and regulations of the commonwealth. The Commission shall conduct business at regular public meetings. The Commission shall keep full public records of its business and shall submit a report of its activities to Borough Council.
In accordance with the purposes of this chapter, the Commission shall have the following functions and duties:
To maintain a system for the survey and inventory of historic buildings, sites, structures, objects and districts within the Borough of Glenolden.
To conduct research upon and nominate significant resources to the National Register of Historic Places and any other appropriate lists or programs.
To conduct research upon and nominate significant historic resources for inclusion within any lists or signage maintained or erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.
To promote among the citizenry of the Borough a knowledge and awareness of the history of the Borough and appreciation for the accomplishments and contributions of Glenolden residents and citizens to the history of our Borough, commonwealth and nation.
To collect and preserve materials of historic value related to the Borough, especially those related to the early years of the Borough and/or its creation, in addition to Delaware County and/or Pennsylvania Historic Resource Survey forms, photographic records, newspapers or magazines, deeds, title searches, recorded interviews, transcribed interviews, videotapes, etc.
To sponsor exhibits, from time to time, concerning the history of the Borough and to publish papers, pamphlets or other documents relating to the history of the Borough.
To advise the Building Inspector, Zoning Board, Mayor or Borough Council respecting the issuance of permits for the construction or demolition of historic sites or resources within the Borough. When requested, in writing, to issue such comments by any of the aforementioned officials, the Commission shall review and comment upon the issuance of the aforementioned permits to the requesting authority within 30 days of said request.
To advise the Planning Commission or Borough Council respecting a subdivision or land development which may affect historic resources or sites within the Borough. Within 30 days of a written request by the Planning Commission or Borough Council, the Commission shall issue a written review and comment upon the proposed subdivision or land development directed to the requesting authority.
To advise the Zoning Hearing Board or Borough Council, when requested to comment, respecting all applications for special exceptions, conditional uses, variances or zoning changes affecting historic resources or historic sites. Within 30 days from such a written request by either the Zoning Hearing Board or Borough Council, the Commission shall issue its written review and comment upon such request for special exceptions, conditional uses, variances or zoning changes to the requesting authority.
To maintain and update a list which clearly identifies buildings, sites, structures, objects and districts within the Borough of historical significance.
To secure information to enable the Borough to apply for state and/or federal funds and to incur expenses as provided for by Borough Council.
To perform any other lawful activity which shall be delegated from time to time by Borough Council.
The Chairman of the Commission, or his designee, may also testify before either Borough Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Hearing Board or at any other public forum regarding any and all matters affecting historical resources or sites within the Borough of Glenolden.