[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Glenolden as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Brush, grass and weeds — See Ch. 51.
Burials and interments — See Ch. 59.
Garbage, rubbish and refuse — See Ch. 86
Public health — See Ch. 90.
Littering — See Ch. 104.
Noise — See Ch. 109.
[Adopted 7-26-1906 by Ord. No. 95]
It shall not be lawful for any lot owner within the Borough to permit to remain upon his property debris caused by the destruction by fire of any dwelling or other building, or such offensive matter as usually accumulates subsequent thereto, in prejudice to health and cleanliness.
If the said owner shall fail to remove such nuisance within a reasonable time, the time in each case to be fixed by resolution of Council (of which the owner shall have due notice), the Mayor shall cause the removal of the nuisance, and the cost of such removal, with a penalty of 20% added thereto, shall be collected from the owner of the lot in the manner provided by law.
[Adopted 10-24-1932 by Ord. No. 299, approved 11-1-1932]
[Added 10-13-1938 by Ord. No. 365, approved 10-31-1938[1]]
No land or structure whatsoever within the Borough shall be occupied or used for any purpose or in any manner which may be noxious or offensive to the inhabitants of the Borough or detrimental to the health, cleanliness, beauty, convenience, comfort or safety of the Borough or of the public. Any such uses or occupations are hereby declared public and common nuisances.
Editor's Note: Original Sections 1 and 2 of Ord. No. 299, dealing with junkyards and slaughterhouses, are now covered by zoning provisions and have been excluded. See Ch. 162, Zoning.
Any nuisance as aforesaid existing within the Borough on public or private property may be summarily abated or removed in any manner deemed by Borough Council or its representatives to be efficacious by the police officers or other authorized agents of the Borough Council upon instruction of the said Council or, upon notice or knowledge of any such nuisance as aforesaid, the said Council or the Police Committee thereof may require the removal or abatement of such nuisance by the owner or occupier of any grounds whereon the same is located or maintained within 48 hours after service of notice as herein provided. Such notice shall be in writing and shall specify the nuisance existing and indicate the abatement or removal required and shall state that, in default of removal or abatement by such owner or occupier, the Borough may cause the same to be done and collect the cost thereof, together with a penalty as herein provided. If personal service cannot be had upon such owner or occupier, service may be made upon the agent or any adult member of the family of said owner or occupant or upon his representative or the one for the time being in charge of the said property or in charge of any place of business of said owner or occupier and, in default thereof, by posting said notice upon the premises affected for not less than 72 hours before such abatement or removal. After the expiration of the aforesaid 48 hours or, if the said property is posted as herein provided, of the aforesaid 72 hours, the Borough, through its police officers or such other representatives as Council may designate, may forthwith abate or remove any such nuisance as aforesaid and thereafter collect the cost of such abatement or removal, together with a penalty of 20% of such cost, from the said owner or occupant in the manner provided by law for the collection of municipal claims or by action in assumpsit.
[Amended 12-9-1982 by Ord. No. 867, approved 12-9-1982]
In addition to any other remedy herein provided, any person, firm or corporation maintaining or assisting in the maintenance of any nuisance as herein defined and prohibited shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding before a District Justice, be punishable by a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $500 or, in default thereof, by imprisonment for not over 30 days, for each offense, and thereafter, during any continuance of said nuisance, by a fine not exceeding $50 for each 24 hours of said continuance.