[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Prospect Park 6-14-1982 (Ch. 23 of the 1974 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any instrument or machine which, upon the insertion of a coin, slug, token, plate or disc, or by the payment of any price, is operated by the public generally for use as a game, entertainment or amusement, whether or not registering a score, including but not limited to such devices as marble machines, pinball machines, skill ball, mechanical grab machines, bowling, hockey, guns, rifle ranges and all games, operations or transactions similar thereto under whatever name they may be known. This definition shall include video or computer games or machines or similar devices that use a video or other type display screen for the display of points, lines, coordinates or dots of light that can be manipulated to simulate games or other types of entertainment; however, this definition shall not include nor shall this chapter apply to music-playing devices such as jukeboxes.[1]
[Amended 3-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-3]
Any person in whose place of business or upon whose premises any automatic amusement device is placed or kept for operation or use by the public.
Any natural person, firm, corporation, partnership or other association or entity.
Editor's Note: The former definition of "distributor," which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 12-27-1983.
License required. No person shall maintain, possess or operate without first obtaining a license therefor any automatic amusement device for profit, gain or any manner in which one must pay for the privilege of operating the device, in any store, building or other place where the public may enter, or in any building or other place wherein any club or organization meetings are held within the Borough of Prospect Park.
Display of license. An operator's license granted pursuant to this chapter shall be prominently affixed to the automatic amusement device for which it is issued, shall state the name and address of the licensee and shall state the manufacturer, model number and serial number for the device for which the license is issued.
Exceptions. This chapter shall not apply to such devices employed in a private residence for the resident's own use and enjoyment.
All applications for a license under this chapter shall be made and delivered to the Borough Clerk on forms to be supplied for that purpose and shall be subscribed and sworn to by the applicant.
An applicant shall be the age of 18 years or over.
So that the Mayor and Council may determine the suitability of the location, premises and fitness of the applicant, all applications for a license shall contain the information requested in the application form reproduced at the conclusion of this chapter,[1] including such other information as may be required to verify the statements set forth in the application.
Editor's Note: A copy of the application form is on file in the office of the Borough Clerk and is available for inspection during normal business hours.
The applicant shall be under a duty to update information on file with the Borough Clerk within a reasonable time, not to exceed 30 days after the change thereof.
The municipality may request of an applicant additional information supplementing the information required herein.
[Amended 12-27-1983]
Investigation of applicant and premises.
The Chief of Police or his designee shall make an investigation of the premises and the applicant to determine the truth of the facts set forth in the application, the applicant's compliance with all other applicable laws or ordinances and shall obtain the following information regarding the applicant, the premises and the applicant's business:
The type of ownership of the applicant's business.
Names and addresses of all principals or officers therein.
The name and address of the manager of the premises.
Whether the applicant is currently licensed for the operation or distribution of electronic amusement games as defined in this chapter in any other municipality and, if so, the date of such licensing, the name of the municipality in which the applicant is so licensed, the type and number of machines, the location of the licensed premises, existence of any disturbances or misconduct at the licensed premises and any violations of local ordinances or zoning codes or criminal laws of the State of New Jersey in connection with the operation or distribution of such devices.
Whether any such licenses were ever suspended or revoked.
The existence of any convictions for violation of laws regulating alcoholic beverages, controlled dangerous substances, gambling, narcotics or offenses involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or moral turpitude.
Whether any alcoholic beverage licenses possessed by the applicant or his or her business are currently or have been revoked or suspended or whether the applicant or his or her business has been the subject of any investigation for alleged violations of the laws regulating controlled dangerous substances or alcoholic beverages.
The Chief of Police or his designee shall also obtain and review the fingerprints of the applicant and the applicant's criminal record, if any, and cause such other investigation to be made as he shall deem necessary to report on the activities of the applicant or on the premises.
The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention or his designee shall inspect the premises to determine whether said premises comply with existing firesafety regulations of the Borough and to determine the applicant's compliance with all other applicable laws required to be enforced by him.
The housing inspector or his designee shall inspect the premises to determine their conformance with the Property Maintenance Code of the Borough.
The Chief of Police, the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and the Housing Inspector, or their designees, in their discretion, may require a personal interview of the applicant and such further information as required for a full and thorough investigation. At the completion of their investigations, they shall report the results of same, in writing, to the Borough Clerk. If a license is issued, they shall cause the licensee's premises to be inspected on a routine basis to ensure compliance with the terms and provisions of this chapter.
Within 60 days of receipt of said application, the Mayor and Council shall consider the same and shall either approve or disapprove the application or remand the application with remedial requirements for compliance. No license shall be issued unless the application and license fee requirements have been met and the applicant has satisfied all regulations and requirements set forth herein.
Issuance of the license shall be governed by the following standards and the Mayor and Council may deny a license for the following reasons:
The applicant or any officer, partner, principal or employee therein has had a similar license denied, revoked or suspended within five years of the date of application.
Past operation of the premises by the applicant has been the scene of a disturbance, breach of peace, fire hazard, nuisance, obstruction or congestion of public ways or hindered ingress or egress from the applicant's premises.
The maintenance or operation of the device does not fully comply with all applicable zoning, building, fire, safety and health regulations, or is prohibited herein.
The premises of the applicant are not appropriate to the use intended, due to crowding, interference with or disturbance of other proximate lawful uses.
The applicant or any officer, partner, principal or employee therein has been convicted of any crime involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or moral turpitude, or of violating the law regulating alcoholic beverages or controlled dangerous substances, within five years of the date of the application.
The applicant has made false, misleading or fraudulent statements of material fact in the application or any documents tendered therewith.
The use as intended by the applicant cannot be carried out in a safe and wholesome environment, without undue hardship to the business community or general public.
All licenses issued under this chapter shall be deemed to be granted upon the express condition that, in addition to any other sanction or penalty, the issuing, licensing or approving authority may:
After due notice by personal service or registered or certified mail, and after due hearing, suspend or revoke the license of any person for violating any provision of this chapter, the ordinances of the Borough of Prospect Park or statutes of the State of New Jersey or for other good cause.
Suspend temporarily, pending a hearing or notice thereof, any such license when such is deemed by the issuing licensing authority to be immediately necessary to prevent emergent danger to the public welfare, good or morals. Any such temporary suspension without notice shall be for a period not longer than 10 days.
The provisions of Subsection A shall be deemed supplementary to and not in lieu of any provision in any other section of this chapter for revocation or suspension of licenses.
[Amended 12-27-1983]
The fee for all initial applications for licenses pursuant to this chapter shall be $300, which shall be nonrefundable and not applied to the license fee.
[Amended 3-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-3]
The fee for a license to operate an automatic amusement device shall be $100 for the first device and $50 for the second device at each location for each calendar year except for the first year, when the fee shall be prorated on a monthly basis in the event that the license is issued after January. The fee shall be nonrefundable.
[Amended 12-27-1983; 3-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-3]
All licenses issued under this chapter shall be for a term of one year, commencing on January 1 (or the date of issue for the first year) and expiring on December 31 of the year of issuance. Such licenses may be transferred upon the transferee's tendering a completed application to the Borough Clerk, together with a $150 transfer fee. The provisions of § 96-4 regarding investigation and issuance of license shall also govern license transfers.
[Amended 3-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-3]
It shall be unlawful to maintain in or on any premises for use by the public or to which the public is invited in excess of two automatic amusement devices. However, this prohibition shall not include vending machines which are not gaming or amusement devices nor any coin-operated, mechanical music devices such as jukeboxes.
[Amended 3-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-3]
No operator shall offer or permit to be offered any prizes or awards, whether cash or otherwise, as an inducement to the use of the devices.
No operator shall permit any activity on the licensed premises which is unlawful (violation of New Jersey statutes or local ordinances or codes), immoral, creates a disturbance, congestion, a breach of the peace or nuisance.
No licensed device shall be operated or permitted to be operated as a game of chance or a gambling device.
Any violation of the aforesaid regulations, § 96-5 of this chapter, ordinances of the Borough or laws of the State of New Jersey shall be grounds for revocation of the license, upon notice and hearing before the Mayor and Council. The licensee shall be given 10 days' notice of the hearing, and such notice shall state the grounds therefor. At the hearing the licensee may submit relevant information in his behalf.
It is the purpose and policy of the Borough of Prospect Park to exclude, ban and to deny authorization for any coin-operated/money or thing of value gambling device such as Joker Poker, dice, keno, horse racing, roulette, playing cards, lotto or lottery-type amusement devices or any other such type of machine readily capable of being converted by the internal technology of the coin-operated machine to a gambling device.
No licensed premises shall be without adequate sanitary facilities nor contain any fire, safety or health hazard.
No licensee shall neglect or fail to report promptly, to the Police Department, any violation of any law or ordinance occurring on the licensed premises, nor shall any licensee neglect or fail to report promptly to the Borough Clerk any conduct or activity prohibited by this chapter.
Each licensee and/or proprietor shall promptly report, in writing, to the Borough Clerk any change or addition or deletion of the information furnished on the license application and all material attached thereto, and this obligation shall be fully met during the term of any license or the renewal thereof.
[Amended 3-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-3; 11-18-1995 by Ord. No. 1995-6]
Any operator violating the terms of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be liable to the provisions stated in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty.
[Added 3-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-3]
Every license issued hereunder is subject to revocation if any of the following things occur:
The violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
Any misstatement or omission in the license application or in any information submitted therewith or the failure to notify, in writing, the Borough Clerk of any changes by addition or deletion or amendment to said application or information during the term of said license or renewal.
The determination on revocation shall be made by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Prospect Park.
Prior to revoking any such license, the licensee shall be given such a hearing, in the event that such a hearing is requested, after notice of the right to such a hearing is given by the Borough Clerk. The licensee shall be given 10 days' notice of said hearing, or more, and such notice shall state the ground or grounds therefor. At such hearing, the licensee may submit relevant information on his behalf. The rules of evidence shall not apply to such hearing, but each party shall have the opportunity to present his/her side of the case and to be represented by counsel. Any appeal from the decision of the Mayor and Council shall be to the Superior Court of New Jersey.
[Added 3-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-3]
If a police officer of the Police Department shall have probable cause to believe that any such machine or device is unlicensed, or is improperly licensed, or is used for gambling, such machine or device may be seized and removed from the premises by the Police Department, or its authorized personnel, and impounded and may be considered as contraband by law. Said machine or device shall not be released until proper ownership and/or licensing fees are paid and properly presented, together with a removal/storage charge of $250 per machine or device seized. If possible, those removing the machine or device shall provide the person in charge with a report to be filed with the Police Department, noting any obvious damage to the property. Thereafter, any person aggrieved thereby may demand a hearing, in writing, directed to the Borough Clerk.
If no person claims the machine or device within 120 days from the date of seizure, said machine or device may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of in accordance with state statute or local ordinance.
After such seizure, any person aggrieved may demand a hearing as provided hereinabove and shall be given a hearing within 10 days from the date of such demand. In the event that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Prospect Park finds that the seizure was justified under the provisions of this chapter, the procedure set forth in this § 96-12 shall be followed and continue to be followed. In the event that said Mayor and Council finds that the seizure was unjustified, the machines and/or devices shall be returned to the persons from whom they were seized forthwith, but such person shall have no further remedy against the Borough of Prospect Park.
[Added 3-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-3]
Every person seeking licensure hereunder shall comply with all state statutes, municipal ordinances and regulations, Building and Fire Code regulations and zoning code requirements, as well as all other statutes and regulations prior to receiving a license or licenses hereunder.