The purpose of the B Medium-Density Residence District is to provide for medium-density residential areas. The regulations for this district are designed to stabilize and protect the residential characteristics of the district.
Permitted principal uses. In the B Medium-Density Residence District, land, buildings or premises shall be used by right only for one or more of the following:
Any use permitted under § 300-33A; and
A single-family semidetached dwelling, provided that the dwelling with which it has a party wall in common is erected at the same time.
Accessory uses. Those uses permitted as accessory uses in the A Low-Density Residence District may be permitted on the same lot as accessory uses incidental to the permitted principal use in the B District.
Uses by special exception. Home occupations, as regulated in § 300-33C(4), may be permitted by special exception in this district.
Lot area. A single-family semidetached dwelling may not be erected upon a lot or a piece of ground that has a lot area of less than 2,800 square feet, unless authorized as a special exception. In the case of a single-family detached dwelling, the requirements shall be those designed in § 300-34.
Lot width. All single-family semidetached dwellings shall be built on lots having a width of at least 28 feet at the building line. In the case of single-family detached dwellings, the requirements shall be those stated in § 300-34.
Building area. Building coverage shall not exceed 55% of the lot area.
Minimum setbacks.
Front yards. The setback shall be that stated in § 300-34D(1).
Side yards. For each semidetached dwelling, there shall be one side yard of at least seven feet in width. For each single-family detached dwelling or any building over 30 feet in height, the requirements shall be those stated in § 300-34.
Rear yards. The rear yard requirements shall be those stated in § 300-34D(3).
Corner lots. In the case of a corner lot, a setback of at least 15 feet shall be required from the front street line and a setback of at least five feet shall be required from the side street line.
Height regulations. The height requirements shall be those stated in § 300-34E.
Off-street parking shall be required as stated in Article XIV.
Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Article XIII.