The regulation of satellite dishes is designed to promote, protect and facilitate the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. The Borough is a community which has been fully developed and contains residential areas which have a high density. The open spaces surrounding dwellings in residential areas are either limited or nonexistent. It is recognized that satellite dishes are a lawful use and that in a community such as the Borough, and in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, satellite dishes require regulation:
To avoid, wherever possible, the placement of satellite dishes on the roofs of dwellings in the interest of public safety.
To require placement in rear yards, wherever physically possible, in order to preserve and protect the value of lands and buildings and to maintain the beauty and charm of residential neighborhoods. It is the intent of this article to strike a balance between the interests of the individual who may desire to install a satellite dish and the public health, safety and general welfare of the community as a whole.
Satellite dishes whose purpose is to receive microwave communication from orbiting satellites or other extraterrestrial sources shall be permitted as an accessory use in the A Low-Density Residence Districts, B Medium-Density Residence Districts and C High-Density Residence Districts by way of special exception granted by the Zoning Hearing Board of the Borough, provided there is compliance with the following conditions:
The satellite dish shall be placed in the rear yard, subject to the following conditions:
A ground-mounted satellite dish must be installed completely within the setback lines for the district where the satellite dish is to be installed.
The satellite dish shall be of a color that blends with the surrounding landscape and shall be screened from all adjacent properties and abutting streets by either shrubbery or a decorative fence.
The satellite dish shall comply with all applicable federal, state and Borough statutes, regulations and ordinances.
If the use of the satellite dish is discontinued, the property owner shall remove the satellite dish within 10 days after its use is discontinued.
In the event a satellite dish cannot be placed in the rear yard because the physical dimensions of the rear yard will not accommodate the satellite dish within the setback lines, or the satellite dish will not function properly in the rear yard because of surrounding physical conditions, then the satellite dish may be mounted on the rooftop of the dwelling subject to the following conditions:
The satellite dish shall be no larger than 36 inches in diameter.
The satellite dish shall be of a color that blends in with the rooftop.
The satellite dish shall be securely mounted on the roof in a location which is not visible to the traveling public on adjacent or nearby streets.
The satellite dish shall comply with all applicable federal, state and Borough statutes, regulations and ordinances.
If the use of the satellite dish is discontinued, the property owner shall remove the satellite dish within 10 days after its use is discontinued.
The structure shall be designed to resist wind loads in accordance with ANSI A58.1, listed in Appendix A of the BOCA National Building Code. Consideration shall be given to conditions involving wind load on ice-covered sections in localities subject to sustained freezing temperatures. Towers shall be designed for the dead load plus ice load in regions where ice formation is likely to occur. Adequate foundation and anchorage shall be provided to resist two times the calculated wind uplift.
The application for a special exception to the Zoning Hearing Board shall be accompanied by a plan of the property on which the satellite dish is to be installed, showing the location of the proposed satellite dish, the structures on the property and the applicable and essential dimensions demonstrating compliance with this article. All applications for roof-mounted satellite dishes shall include, but not be limited to, drawings of the internal roof structure which will provide support, the mounting fastening technique to be used with details, and the structural calculations sealed by a registered engineer. All applications for ground-mounted satellite dishes shall include, but not be limited to, drawings with dimensions showing the locations within a lot, the screen size and type, the support foundation and structural calculations sealed by a registered engineer.