Editor's Note: See also, Charter and Related Laws, Art. IV, § 4-1 et seq.
[Amended 6-27-1969; 5-12-1987]
Public hearings and meetings of the Council and all committees thereof and public hearings and meetings of any and all agencies, boards, authorities and commissions of the City established in the Charter of the City or that receive their power by or are established through the adoption, appointment or confirmation of the Mayor or Council shall be held in buildings that are accessible to and usable by the handicapped.
Regular meetings of the Council shall be held on the second Tuesday of every month at 8:00 p.m., and the Council shall meet at such other times to which it may adjourn.
[Added 5-10-1977]
The presiding officer of the Common Council and the Chairperson of committees of the Common Council shall have the power to compel the attendance and testimony of witnesses before the Council and the respective committees over which they preside by the issuance of subpoenas and the administration of oaths or affirmations, in the manner and according to the rules governing the same in courts of justice.
When it shall be necessary to secure the attendance or testimony of witnesses before the Council, such presiding officer shall have the right to apply to the Court of Common Pleas or to the Superior Court for an order compelling any witness so summoned before it to testify.
In the event that a committee of the Common Council wishes to secure the attendance and/or testimony of a witness, said committee Chairperson shall state its request to the Council as a whole, outlining which witness it wishes to call or the material to be subpoenaed. A majority vote of the Council is needed to grant the committee's request. Upon approval of the committee's request by the Council, the Chairperson of said committee shall apply to the Court of Common Pleas or to the Superior Court as outlined above.
Any person who refuses to obey the subpoena of the Council, or committee thereof, shall be fined not more than $200 or be imprisoned not more than 30 days, or both.