[R.O. 1991 § 155.520; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
All City employees are expected to demonstrate financial responsibility. The City is obligated by law to process a garnishment on an employee's paycheck when required by legal authorities. A "garnishment" is a court proceeding where wages are ordered withheld for the payment of a debt. The City will progressively discipline employees who repeatedly fail to meet their credit obligations causing their wages to be garnished (see Article VIII, Discipline). The foregoing is not intended to penalize employees, who, for cause beyond their control, may have accumulated unpaid bills due to sickness, death or other legitimate emergencies.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.530; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
The City encourages two (2) rest periods or coffee breaks of fifteen (15) minutes each at approximately the midpoint of each half of the eight-hour work schedule. These breaks should normally be taken in the vicinity of the work being performed and at a time that will not cause a major disruption of the work activities. Employees may, with the approval of the supervisor, leave the immediate vicinity of the work in order to take their break.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.540; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Employees of the City of Vandalia will not be appointed or retained on the basis of their political activity. Employees will not participate in any way in Municipal Board election campaigns, except to exercise their legal voting privilege. Any employee who voluntarily becomes a candidate for an elective office within the City of Vandalia thereby resigns from City employment.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.550; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
All employees are encouraged to exercise their legal right to vote in all elections. Employees will be granted a reasonable period of time off from work to vote.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.560; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 22-1232, 11-8-2022]
The City will pay normal travel expenses that are incurred from authorized trips pertaining to City business or training sessions. Advance approval of the City Administrator is normally required for such trips. Proper documentation of travel expense should be maintained and failure to do so may result in non-payment of expenses. Employees will not be compensated for travel time outside an eight (8) hour workday.
The City authorizes the following travel per diem for all City employees:
Breakfast: ten dollars ($10.00).
Lunch: twelve dollars ($12.00).
Supper: twenty dollars ($20.00).
If an employee is involved in extended training, a maximum of forty-two dollars ($42.00) per day (for meals) may be applied. Housing costs are always the expense of the City.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.570; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
City vehicles are provided for the purpose of conducting City business. Certain City vehicles may be driven home at night upon approval by the City Administrator. These arrangements are subject to the applicable regulations of the Internal Revenue Service.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.580; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
The following procedures should be followed by employees when an accident occurs involving City equipment:
Check for injuries of the parties involved.
Immediately notify the Police Department an accident involving City equipment has occurred and identify the location. The employee should indicate whether injuries exist and if he or she believes an ambulance is needed.
Obtain the information you need to complete a report from the operator of the other vehicle involved and obtain the names of all witnesses.
Complete your vehicle report as soon as possible and forward to the appropriate supervisor.
Do not accept fault for the accident and do not give a statement to anyone except the City Attorney.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.590; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Employees should promptly notify their department head of any change of address or telephone number so that they may be contacted either by telephone or by mail. Failure to provide such notification may result in disciplinary action (see Article VIII, Discipline).
[R.O. 1991 § 155.600; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
City employees may take occasional or part-time jobs if the following conditions are met:
There is no conflict of interest.
There is no part-time work in conflict with City working hours or work performance.
Specific approval has been given by the appropriate department head.
Employees may not engage in outside business activities during working hours.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.610; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
An employee performing job training that is required or requested by the City will receive the regular rate of compensation during such training. Employees will not be compensated for travel time outside an eight-hour workday.
Any employee who receives training at his or her request may be required to reimburse the City for part of or all of the cost of such training if such an employee voluntarily leaves City employment within one (1) year of receiving the training.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.620; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
An employee is encouraged to give two (2) weeks' notice of his or her intent to resign in good standing. Supervisory and technical personnel are encouraged to give thirty (30) days' notice. The requested notice is not required and an employee may terminate employment at any time, for a good reason, for a bad reason or for no reason at all.
Failure to give the requested notice before resignation will be sufficient justification for refusing to consider an ex-employee for future employment.