[Added 4-23-2013 by Ord. No. O-8-2013; amended 12-28-2015 by Ord. No O-14-15]
The provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A shall apply to all appointments and promotions.
[Amended 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. O-5-22]
No member of the Police Department shall be promoted to a position of Deputy Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, or Corporal, Sergeant, unless:
For the rank of Deputy Chief, an applicant must have at least three years of consecutive service with the Franklin Township Police Department, prior to the closing date of the test announcement, in the position of Captain or Lieutenant within the Franklin Township Police Department.
For the rank of Captain, they have at least three years of consecutive service, prior to the closing date of the test announcement, in the position of Lieutenant within the Franklin Township Police Department.
For the rank of Lieutenant, they have at least three years of consecutive service, prior to the closing date of the test announcement, in the position of Sergeant within the Franklin Township Police Department.
For the rank of Sergeant, they have at least three years of consecutive service prior to the closing date of the test announcement, in the position of Corporal within the Township of Franklin Police Department.
For the rank of Corporal, they have at least three years of consecutive service prior to the closing date of the test announcement, in the position of Patrolman within the Township of Franklin Police Department.
At the discretion of the Chief of Police, the required years of consecutive service set forth above to be considered for promotion may be waived in the event that there are no candidates that meet the consecutive service requirement for a particular rank.
[Amended 4-27-2021 by Ord. No. O-5-21; 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. O-5-22; 4-26-2022 by Ord. No. O-8-22]
Promotion shall be based on merit, demonstrated ability and competitive examination and otherwise shall comply with the provision of N.J.S.A.40A:14-129. Participants must be full-time members of the Franklin Township Police Department to be eligible. The Chief of Police shall be responsible to the appropriate authority for the aspects of the testing process delegated to him.
Written examination (NJSACOP using IACP exam): 30%.
Participants must achieve a minimum score of 70% or higher on the written exam administered by IACP to be eligible to participate in the oral exam. Scores for all candidates achieving a minimum score of 70% will be converted from a 100 point/percentage score to a "30%" scale, such that a score of 100 converts to the full 30 points, for example a score of 80% is converted to (0.3*80) = 24 points.
These results shall be forwarded to the Township Administrator directly by the NJSACOP.
Oral examination (NJSACOP): 40%.
Participants must achieve a minimum score of 70% or higher on the oral exam administered by NJSACOP in order to be eligible to participate in the final phase of the promotional process. Scores to be scaled to 40% scores as with written exam score for candidates achieving minimum score of 70%.
These results shall be forwarded to the Township Administrator.
Education/military service: 10%.
Chief of Police shall prepare a list of points for all candidates based upon education and military experience as follows (most, 10 points for highest level achieved, only no stacking).
• Military and Master's Degree
• Military and Bachelor's Degree
• Military and Associates Degree
• Master's Degree
• Bachelor's Degree
• Military Service
• Associates Degree
• Police Courses
A candidate having prior military service and having been promoted to the rank of E5 or higher.
Completion of a class of 40 hours (or more) offered by a Law Enforcement Agency or Police Academy with 10 points awarded for each class with a maximum of 50 points.
The Chief shall provide these scores to the Township Administrator.
Chief of Police recommendation/evaluation: 10%.
Each candidate shall be required to submit a resume to the Chief of Police outlining the candidate's merits and qualifications for promotion.
The Chief of Police shall grade each candidate on a ten-point scale based upon administrative and practical work performance in specific areas set forth in the below categories granting one half point for each of the below in which the Chief determines a candidate meets or exceeds the standards for the category and shall be assigned zero if the Chief determines the candidate does not meet the expectations of:
Oral communication skills.
Written communication skills.
Acceptance of responsibility.
Knowledge of policy and procedures.
Judgment and decision making.
Off-duty community involvement for all communities we serve.
Leadership potential.
Official commendations.
Lack of prior negative discipline.
Problem solving.
The Chief shall total the points for the 20 categories in this section. The Chief shall provide these scores to the Township Administrator.
Seniority: 10%.
Seniority. Each candidate shall receive 0.4 points for each full year of service as a full time Franklin Township Police Officer for any promotion to a position.
The Chief shall provide these scores to the Township Administrator directly by the NJSACOP.
Upon the completion of Steps A(1) through (5), the Chief, the Township Administrator and the Public Safety Liaisons shall convene to complete the calculations of the scoring matrix. After final tabulation, the results shall be distributed to the Chief of Police and all members of the Township Committee.
Upon determining that a need exists to fill a vacancy of an open Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain or Deputy Chief position, the Township shall post a promotional testing announcement within 60 days of the Township's determination. However, nothing within this article shall be interpreted or deemed to require the Township to make a vacancy determination or to fill a specific rank within the Department.
[Amended 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. O-5-22]
All applicants shall notify the Township in writing of their intent to participate in the promotional testing process within two weeks of the promotional testing announcement being posted.
At the discretion of the Chief of Police, the provisions of § 98-50A(1) or (2) may be waived in situations where the number of candidates is equal to or less than the number of vacancies for a particular rank. In this case, the provisions of § 98-50A(3) and (4) shall be used to determine a candidate's suitability for promotion. A candidate shall be considered suitable for promotion with a total number of points awarded equal to or greater than 25.
[Amended 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. O-5-22]
The promotional testing shall occur within three months of that posting which includes written and verbal testing.
The entire promotional process shall be completed within one year from the date of the Township's determination of a vacancy.
A list of eligible candidates shall be established based upon all final scores of all candidates. The list shall remain in effect for three years. All permanent promotions shall be made from this list of eligible candidates.
The appropriate authority and the Chief of Police shall create a list of the three candidates for each available vacancy, with the highest total scores on the applicable eligibility list.
All promotions shall be recommended by the Chief of Police then approved by the Mayor with advice and consent of the Township Committee from that list of three candidates. Nothing in this article, however, shall be deemed to require the Township to promote on a permanent promotional basis. However, if the Township does promote on a permanent promotional basis, it must promote from the list of eligible candidates.
[Amended 3-8-2022 by Ord. No. O-5-22]