[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Fox Crossing 7-13-2020 by Ord. No. 200713-1.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This chapter derives from Ch. 35 of the former Municipal Code, adopted 7-13-2009 and amended 8-23-2010.
The Village of Fox Crossing Village Board finds that the management of stormwater and other surface water discharges within the Village limits is a matter that affects the public health, safety, and welfare of the Village, its citizens and businesses, and others in the surrounding area. Failure to manage the stormwater and other surface water discharges may cause, among other things, land erosion, property damage, and other environmental damage. In addition, the Village is required by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Administrative Code Chapter NR 216 to improve the quality of stormwater discharged from the Village into waters of the state. The Village owns, operates, and maintains a storm sewer collection system that provides collection and regulation of stormwater and other surface water discharge for all real property owners within the Village. The costs of operating and maintaining this system and financing necessary plans, studies, repairs, replacements, improvements, and extensions thereof should, to the extent practicable, be allocated in relationship to the services received from the system.
In order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public, there is hereby established a Stormwater Utility in the Village of Fox Crossing.
This chapter is adopted under the authority granted by §§ 66.0821 and 66.0827, Wis. Stats., and shall be known as the "Village of Fox Crossing Stormwater Utility Ordinance."
The Village Board shall exercise due authority pursuant to § 66.0821, Wis. Stats. This includes the authority to fix and collect charges, to levy special assessments, to lease or acquire any real and personal property that may be needed for the purposes of stormwater management, and to enact and enforce ordinances to implement this authority.
The Stormwater Utility may acquire, construct, lease, own, operate, maintain, extend, expand, replace, clean, dredge, repair, conduct, manage and finance such facilities, operations and activities as are deemed by the Village Board to be proper and reasonably necessary for a system of stormwater and surface water drainage facilities, sewers, watercourses, retaining walls, ponds, streets, roads, ditches and such other facilities for purposes of supporting a stormwater management system.
The Village Board hereby designates the Director of Community Development to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter.
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be interpreted liberally to secure the ends sought hereby and shall not be deemed a limitation or repeal of any other power granted to the Village by the Wisconsin Statutes.
If any section, provision or portion of this chapter is found to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this chapter shall not be affected thereby.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
For the purpose of this chapter the Director of Community Development under the guidance of the Village Board.
A residential dwelling having two side-by-side units or one lower-level unit and one upper-level unit, including zero-lot-line condominiums.
Equivalent residential unit and indicates the computed average impervious surface of a single-family home within the Village of Fox Crossing, established at 4,177 square feet.
A surface that has been compacted or covered with a layer of material so that it is highly resistant to infiltration by rainwater. The term includes, without limitation due to enumeration, all areas covered by structures, decks, roof extensions, patios, porches, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, pavement, gravel, compacted clay, and loading docks, all as measured on a horizontal plane.
Any man-made alteration of the land surface resulting in a change in the topography or existing vegetative or nonvegetative soil cover that may result in runoff and lead to an increase in soil erosion and movement of sediment into waters of the state. Land disturbing construction activity includes clearing and grubbing, demolition, excavating, pit trench dewatering, filling and grading activities, and soil stockpiling.
A residential property comprised of more than four attached living units, including but not limited to apartments, flats and zero-lot-line condominiums.
A lot or parcel of land, with improvements such as a building, paving, or impervious areas as defined in this section, grading or substantial landscaping, which is not exclusively residential as defined herein, including, but not limited to, commercial, industrial, institutional, mixed-use, and governmental property.
A discharge to the storm sewer system created by some process other than stormwater runoff.
Any property developed exclusively for residential purposes, including but not limited to duplexes, apartments, mobile home parks, condominiums and townhomes.
That portion of the precipitation falling during a rainfall event or that portion of snowmelt or irrigation water that runs off the surface of the land and into the natural or artificial conveyance or drainage network.
A residential property comprised of one dwelling unit, including stand-alone single-unit condominiums.
A conveyance or system of conveyances, including all waters of the state, roads with drainage systems, streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, constructed channels or storm drains, which is designed for collecting water or conveying stormwater that is located within or bordering upon the Village of Fox Crossing.
Property that is not developed by the addition of an improvement such as a building, structure, other impervious area as defined in this section, grading of more than 4,000 square feet, or other land disturbing activity which increases stormwater runoff.
Those portions of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior within the boundaries of Wisconsin, and all lakes, bays, rivers, streams, springs, ponds, wells, impounding reservoirs, marshes, watercourses, drainage systems and other surface water or groundwater, natural or artificial, public or private, within Wisconsin or its jurisdiction.
By this chapter, the Village Board is establishing the rate classification and basis for computation of charges for stormwater services for each lot within the Village of Fox Crossing. The actual charges to be imposed pursuant to these rate classifications, and any future changes in the charges, shall be made by resolution. A schedule of current rates, following approval by the Village Board, shall be maintained and on file in the Community Development Department.
The rate classifications used to distribute the costs of the stormwater program among utility customers shall be based on the equivalent residential unit (ERU). The charge assigned to each developed parcel shall be assessed based upon the impervious areas or number of living units as reasonably determined by the Village. Undeveloped properties shall be assessed a fraction of an ERU based on proportion of administration and operating costs.
Customer classes. For the purposes of imposing the stormwater charges, all lots and parcels within the Village are classified into the following five customer classes:
Residential, single-family.
Residential, two- to four-family (including duplexes, condos up to four units and manufactured housing in mobile home parks).
Residential, multifamily (including condos greater than four units).
Parcel classification. The Director of Community Development shall assign a customer classification to each lot and parcel within the Village of Fox Crossing.
Residential, single-family. The charges imposed for residential properties comprised of a single living unit shall be the charge for one ERU, i.e., residential parcel charge = one ERU fee.
Residential, two- to four-family. The charges imposed for residential properties comprised of two to four attached living units, either side by side or one lower-level unit and one upper-level unit, and mobile homes shall be the fee of 0.66 ERU per living unit existing on the property, i.e., duplex, two-four unit condos and manufactured housing in mobile home parks = 0.66 ERU fee per unit.
Residential, multifamily. The charges imposed for residential properties with greater than four attached living units shall be the fee of 0.50 ERU per living unit existing on the property, i.e., multifamily parcel charge = 0.50 ERU fee per unit.
Nonresidential. The charges imposed for nonresidential properties shall be the charge for one ERU times the numerical factor obtained by dividing the total square footage of impervious area of the property by the square footage of one ERU. The factor shall be rounded down to the nearest 0.1, i.e., nonresidential parcel charge = one ERU fee × parcel impervious area ÷ 4,177 square feet.
Undeveloped. The charges imposed for undeveloped parcels shall be the charge of 0.25 ERU fee per parcel, i.e., undeveloped charge = 0.25 ERU fee per parcel.
Minimum charge. The minimum charges for any customer assessed a charge shall be a 0.25 ERU fee.
New construction. For all parcels, the property owner shall be responsible for stormwater charges related to an increase in ERUs for the construction of new or expanded buildings, driveways, and/or other additions of impervious surface.
Public roads, trails, sidewalks and railroad tracks. Public roads, public trails, public sidewalks, public and private railroad tracks, and waters of the state shall be exempt from ERU fees.
Impervious area measurement. The Director of Community Development or designee shall be responsible for determining the impervious area of nonresidential parcels based on best available information, including, but not limited to, data supplied by the Village Assessor, Village Building Official, aerial photography, property owner, tenant, or developer. The Director of Community Development or designee may require additional information as necessary to make the determination. The number of ERUs shall be updated by the Director of Community Development or designee based on any alterations to the impervious area as approved through the building permit process.
Credits. The Village may provide credits against the Stormwater Utility fees charged for nonresidential parcels where the owner installs and maintains private stormwater management facilities on site which effectively reduce surface water runoff from that parcel or which improve the quality of stormwater runoff from that parcel. Credits must be applied for and may be granted in accordance with the Stormwater Utility Credit Policy on file in the Community Development Department.
Nonresidential parcels. A nonresidential property owner may have the number of ERUs assigned to its property adjusted. Nonresidential customers who believe the number of ERUs assigned to their property to be incorrect may submit a written adjustment request to the Director of Community Development. The allocated ERUs may be adjusted if the owner can provide information stamped by a certified engineer or surveyor showing the impervious surface square footage calculation as determined by the Director of Community Development is incorrect. The Director of Community Development may also adjust impervious surface square footage calculations if it is determined by the Director that errors were made in the original calculations due to misinterpretation or inaccuracies of the information used to determine impervious surface.
Residential parcels. A residential property owner may have the number of ERUs assigned to his property or properties adjusted. Residential customers who own more than one contiguous parcel may have their ERUs adjusted if the owner requests an adjustment or if the Director of Community Development determines an adjustment is appropriate under the following circumstances:
Where a single-family home is physically located on two or more parcels, the property owner shall be assessed a charge of one ERU.
Where a single-family home is located on one parcel with one or more contiguous unbuildable parcel(s) totaling 4,000 square feet or less under the same ownership, the property owner shall be charged one ERU for all of the parcels combined.
Garage lots 4,000 square feet or less under the same ownership as the single-family home located across the street shall be combined with the principal structure and shall be charged one ERU for both parcels combined.
Review procedure. Within 30 days of application to the Director of Community Development for a credit or adjustment, the Director of Community Development shall issue a written notice as to whether the request has been granted, denied, or granted in part. The written notice shall set forth the reason or reasons for the decision and shall be sent to the customer by mail.
Effective date. Any ERU adjustment granted shall thereafter be used to calculate the customer's user charges. The reduction shall only apply for the period of time subsequent to the filing of the request for adjustment. There shall be no retroactive adjustment for user charges imposed prior to the filing of the request.
If a property has been denied a credit or adjustment, the decision may be appealed by submitting a written appeal to the Director of Community Development.
Within 30 days of the submission of an appeal, the Director of Community Development shall issue a written recommendation as to whether the appeal should be granted, denied or granted in part. The written recommendation shall set forth the reason or reasons for such recommendation. The recommendation shall be sent to the customer by mail and shall be provided to the Village Board.
A property owner not satisfied with the Director of Community Development's decision has 30 days to file a written appeal to the Village Board. Upon appeal, the property owner must provide evidence sufficient to show that the decision of the Director of Community Development was incorrect.
The Village Board shall review the appeal and issue a written recommendation to uphold, modify or reject the decision of the Director of Community Development. The written recommendation shall set forth the reason or reasons for such recommendation. The Village Board may act with or without a public hearing.
The decision of the Village Board shall be final, and no further appeal will be allowed.
Any appeal granted shall thereafter be used to calculate the customer's Stormwater Utility fees. The credit or adjustment shall only apply for the period of time subsequent to the filing of the request for appeal. There shall be no retroactive adjustment for user charges imposed prior to the filing of the request.
The Stormwater Utility finances shall be accounted for in a separate Stormwater Enterprise Fund by the Village.
The Utility shall prepare an annual budget, which is to include all operation and maintenance costs, debt service and other costs related to the operation of the stormwater utility. The budget is subject to approval by the Village Board. The costs shall be spread over the rate classifications as determined by the Village Board. Any excess of revenues over expenditures in a year will be retained by the Stormwater Enterprise Fund for the subsequent years' needs. All financial activity must adhere to Chapter 49, Finance and Taxation, Article I, of the Village Code.
The Village of Fox Crossing Finance Department is hereby appointed as the collection agency for the Village Stormwater Utility. Bills shall be prepared by the Finance Department and sent to the owner or occupant of each premises served.
The bills for the Stormwater Utility charges may be mailed to the designated utility bill recipient, but this mailing shall not relieve the property owner from liability for rental property in the event payment is not made as required.
In the event a customer of the Stormwater Utility fails to make payment in full upon a combined water, sewer, and/or stormwater bill, this failure to make payment in full shall result in the entire bill being considered delinquent. No portion of the payment made can be considered specifically designated for water, sewer, or stormwater service, except by equal proportion. If Stormwater Utility charges remain unpaid, the same collection procedures and late fees that apply to the Water Utility will also apply to the Stormwater Utility.
The Village Board shall have the authority to establish and collect special assessments or special charges pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes or Village ordinances for the fair and equitable apportionment of capital and other costs incurred by the Village Board as a result of the operation of its stormwater system.
This chapter shall become effective on August 3, 2009.