[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Salem Lakes at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Amusements — See Ch. 180.
Animals — See Ch. 186.
Mass public assemblies — See Ch. 192.
Possession of alcohol beverages on public property — See Ch. 305, Art. II.
Lakes and beaches — See Ch. 330.
Nuisances — See Ch. 381.
Peace and good order — See Ch. 400.
The Village Board of the Village of Salem Lakes shall have jurisdiction and control of all parks now owned by the Village of Salem Lakes and all parks dedicated to the public lying within the corporate limits. The word "park" or "parks" means all lands heretofore or hereafter acquired by the Village and dedicated to the public, and shall include privately owned lands, the use of which has been granted to the Village for park, recreational and other public purposes.
The Village Board adopts the rules and regulations established in this chapter for all persons using or entering the Village of Salem Lakes parks or pavilion.
Hours. Parks shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until sunset every day of the year, unless park-supplied activity lighting is available. No person shall enter or remain in the parks when the parks are closed without prior approval of the Village Board.
Demonstrations and gatherings. No person shall hold or take part in any musical, theatrical or other entertainment, or any parade, procession, public meeting or gathering of any kind, or make any address, oration, harangue, or demonstration of any kind in any park without first having obtained a written permit therefor as provided in Chapter 192 of this Code.
Sale of articles and merchandise. No person shall sell or offer for sale any article or perform or offer to perform any service for hire in any park without first having obtained a written permit therefor from the Village Board, and no person shall hawk, peddle or vend popcorn, ice cream, candy, soda water, peanuts or similar wares and beverages in any park or in any street or other public place that is within 200 feet of any park without first having obtained a written permit therefor from the Village Board.
Advertising and posting. No person shall carry or place any structure, bulletin board or advertising device of any kind whatever or erect or post any notice, bill, poster, sign, wire, rod or cord to any tree, shrub, fence, railing, fountain, wall, post or structure, or place any advertising or decoration of any kind whatever in any park without first having obtained a written permit therefor from the Village Board.
Mutilation. No person shall remove, destroy, break, injure, mutilate, damage, disfigure or deface in any way an structure, monument, statue, wall, fence, railing, bench, tree, shrub, fern, plant, flower or any other property in any park.
Debris and rubbish. No person shall place any straw, dirt, paper, chips, shavings, shells, ashes or rubbish of any other nature, even though not offensive to health and sanitation, in or upon any park.
Open fires or campfires, except in grills located in designated areas, are prohibited without prior approval of the Village Board.
No person shall place, build or establish any open fire or fires in any type of container within the designated beach areas in any park.
Vehicles. See § 396-4.
Beer and intoxicating liquors prohibited. No person shall bring, drink, possess, give away or sell any beer, liquor, or other intoxicating beverages within the limits of any park or beach. This prohibition shall not apply regarding fermented malt beverages possessed, given away or sold in keeping with a special event license issued by the Village Board.
Dogs and animals.
Dogs must be on a leash no longer than six feet in length at all times.
Dogs and other pet animals are not allowed within the playground or beach area of any park.
Dog waste must be picked up and disposed of in a refuse container.
Swimming limits. No bathers or swimmers shall go beyond the designated swimming limits outlined by markers in any beach area in any park, and no person shall use a boat, raft or other watercraft within said swimming limits at any time when bathers are present.
Glass containers and bottles prohibited. No person shall bring or permit to be brought into any park or beach area glass bottles or glass containers of any kind.
The following are prohibited in Village of Salem Lakes parks without prior approval of the Village Board:
Smoking, as defined in § 101.123, Wis. Stats., within 25 feet of:
Any shelter, pavilion or structure.
Playground equipment.
Bleachers or other areas intended to be used by spectators of athletic events, such as baseball games, bicycle races, or soccer or tennis matches.
Playing fields, courts, or courses when used by participants in athletic events, such as baseball games, bicycle races, or soccer or tennis matches.
Use of metal detectors.
Public feeding of wildlife.
Fishing in designated beach and/or swimming areas.
Hunting or destruction of wildlife.
Discharge of firearms, bows and arrows or slingshots.
Erecting tents and camping (except in designated areas).
Amplified sound audible at a distance of 150 feet by other users of the park or occupants of adjoining properties.
Any hazardous activity, act, occupation, condition or use of the park which shall continue for such length of time as to:
Substantially annoy, injure or endanger the comfort, health, repose or safety of the public.
In any way render the public insecure in life or in the use of property.
Greatly offend the public morals or decency.
Unlawfully and substantially interfere with, obstruct or tend to obstruct or render dangerous for passage any street, alley, highway, navigable body of water or other public way or the use of public property.
No person within any Village park shall:
Operate a motor vehicle at a speed greater than 10 miles per hour.
Park any motor vehicle in any area within the park other than a designated parking lot without express written consent of the Village Board.
Operate a motor vehicle other than on paved driveways and designated parking areas or spaces without permission of the Village Board.
Park any vehicle within the park during any time when the park is not open to the public.
Perform vehicle repair within the park premises, except in an emergency.
Operate any minibike, dirt bike, snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle, or similar vehicle, except in designated areas.
Any peace officer, law enforcement officer or any employee of the Village specifically designated by the Village Board may without a warrant forthwith arrest any offender whom he may detect in the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter and take the person so arrested forthwith before a magistrate having competent jurisdiction, and said officers and employees shall have at all times the right to enter the premises of any building, structure or enclosure in any park, including any which may be leased to or set aside for exclusive use of any individual or group of individuals, for the purpose of arresting violators hereof and such officers and employees shall have the necessary powers of law enforcement officers for the enforcement of this chapter and maintenance of order in the parks.
Any person to whom a permit shall have been issued by the Village Board for any of the privileges hereinbefore mentioned shall be bound by the provisions of all ordinances of the Village of Salem Lakes as fully as though the same were inserted in each permit, and any person or persons to whom a permit shall have been issued by the Village Board as herein provided shall be liable for any loss, damage or injury whatever sustained by any person or persons or by the Village of Salem Lakes by reason of the negligence of the person or persons to whom such permit shall have been issued.
Any person violating any section of this chapter shall forfeit not less than $25 nor more than $1,000, plus allowable statutory costs, for each offense. Violation of each provision of this chapter is a separate offense. Each day a violation continues is a separate offense. Failure to pay the forfeiture shall subject the violator to a term in the Kenosha County Jail, or the provisions of Ch. 938, Wis. Stats., for violators under the age of 18.