The Derivation Table indicates where chapters, articles and sections of the 2011 Code of the Town of Salem have been included in the 2019 Code of the Village of Salem Lakes, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 2011 Town Code
Location in 2019 Village Code
Part I: Administrative Legislation
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, Construction and Penalties
See Ch. 1, Art. I
Art. II, Adoption of Code
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. II
Ch. 15, Court, Joint Municipal
Superseded by Ord. No. 17-11-13A; see Ch. 15
Ch. 28, Elections
See Ch. 28
Ch. 33, Emergency Government
See Ch. 33
Ch. 45, Finance and Taxation
See Ch. 45, Art. I
Ch. 50, Fire/Rescue Department
See Ch. 50
Ch. 61, Grievance Procedure
See Ch. 61
Ch. 100, Officers and Employees
Ch. 112, Plan Commission
Superseded by Ord. No. 532; see Ch. 112
Ch. 119, Public Safety Department
Ch. 128, Records
Art. I, Destruction of Obsolete Records
Repealed by Ord. No. 18-10-08(16); see Ch. 128, Art. II
Ch. 145, Town Board
Part II: General Legislation
Ch. 180, Amusements
Ch. 186, Animals
Art. I, Cruelty to Animals
See Ch. 186, Art. I
Art. II, Dog Control
See Ch. 186, Art. II
Art. III, Dog Licenses
See Ch. 186, Art. III
Ch. 192, Assemblies, Mass Public
See Ch. 192
Ch. 200, Building Construction
See Ch. 200
Ch. 213, Cable Television
Ch. 221, Cigarettes and Tobacco Products
See Ch. 221
Ch. 226, Comprehensive Plan
See Ch. 226
Ch. 229, Concessions and Food Wagons
§§ 229-1 to 229-3
See Ch. 229
§ 229-4 (direct sellers)
See Ch. 240
Ch. 260, Erosion Control and Stormwater Management
Art. I, Construction Site Erosion Control
See Ch. 260, Art. I
Art. II, Post-Construction Stormwater Management
See Ch. 260, Art. II
Art. III, Stormwater Management Program
Repealed by Ord. No. 17-10-09A; see Ch. 260, Art. III
Ch. 265, Explosives
See Ch. 265
Ch. 272, Fees
Art. I, License Fees
See Ch. 272, Art. I
Art. II, Land Division and Condominium Review Fees
See Ch. 272, Art. II
Art. III, Administration Fee
See Ch. 272, Art. III
Art. IV, Other Fees
See Ch. 272, Art. IV
Ch. 280, Fires and Fire Prevention
See Ch. 280
Ch. 305, Intoxicating Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages
Art. I, Licenses and Permits
See Ch. 305, Art. I
Art. II, Possession or Consumption on Public Property
See Ch. 305, Art. II
Art. III, Possession or Consumption by Underage Persons
See Ch. 305, Art. III
Ch. 318, Junkyards
See Ch. 318
Ch. 330, Lakes and Beaches
See Ch. 330, Art. I
Ch. 335, Land Division Control
See Ch. 335
Ch. 344, Licenses and Permits
See Ch. 344
Ch. 362, Mobile Home Parks and Campgrounds
See Ch. 362
Ch. 381, Nuisances
See Ch. 381
Ch. 388, Official Map
Ch. 396, Parks and Recreation
See Ch. 396
Ch. 398, Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers
See Ch. 398
Ch. 400, Peace and Good Order
§§ 400-1, 400-3, 400-6, 400-7, 400-10 to 400-18 and 400-20
See Ch. 400
§ 400-2, Handguns, and § 400-8, Gambling, lotteries or fraudulent devices
§ 400-4, Fireworks
Repealed by Ord. No. 18-01-08(1); see Ch. 283
§ 400-5, Obstructing police/emergency personnel, § 400-9, Curfew, and § 400-19, False alarms
See §§ 400-19, 400-9 and 400-20, respectively
Ch. 410, Property Maintenance
Art. I, Noxious Weeds
See Ch. 410, Art. III
Art. II, Trees, Limbs and Branches
See Ch. 410, Art. I
Art. III, Property Maintenance Standards
See Ch. 410, Art. II
Ch. 435, Sewers and Water
See Ch. 435
Ch. 439, Sex Offenders
Art. I, Residency Restrictions
Repealed by Ord. No. 18-12-10(18); see Ch. 439, Art. I
Ch. 442, Signs
Ch. 447, Solid Waste
Repealed by Ord. No. 17-09-11; see Ch. 447
Ch. 456, Streets and Sidewalks
See Ch. 456
Ch. 470, Vehicles and Traffic
See Ch. 470
Ch. 474, Vehicle Storage and Abandonment
See Ch. 474
Ch. A500, Zoning
Superseded by Ord. No. 17-11-13; see Ch. 490