[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Salem Lakes at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Duty of owner, occupant or person in charge of abutting property. The owner, occupant or person in charge of the abutting property shall keep all grass, shrubs and trees growing on the spaces between the property line and the curbline of all streets, avenues, boulevards and highways in said Village in a sightly and proper condition.
Violation; notice. At the direction of the Village Board of said Village that the condition of the grass, shrubs, or trees in said spaces does not comply with the requirements of this section, the Public Works Department shall cause two weeks' written notice to be given to the owner, occupant or person in charge of the abutting property to comply with the directive of the Village Board.
Work to be done by Village. If any such owner, occupant or person in charge of the abutting property fails to modify or improve any improper or unsightly condition or remove any such grass, shrubs or trees in such spaces within said two weeks after receipt of said notice, he shall be liable to have the same modified, improved or removed by the Village, and the cost thereof shall be assessed as a special charge against the abutting property which shall be collected in the manner provided § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
Controls. The Village Board shall have the control and supervision of planting, trimming, spraying, transplanting, protecting, removing and otherwise caring for grass, shrubs and trees along the streets, avenues, boulevards and highways in the Village of Salem Lakes, and, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Department, it may cause grass, shrubs and trees to be planted, trimmed, sprayed, transplanted, renewed, protected, removed and otherwise cared for and may cause dangerous conditions to be eliminated in that part of every street, the grade of which has been established, lying in the place between the property line and curbline or in the center of any boulevard or parkway, and the entire or any part of the cost shall be chargeable to abutting property benefited thereby pursuant to § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
Procedure. Notice; assessment; hearing; payment; optional exclusion.
Part or all of the cost of such contemplated work shall be assessed upon the abutting property by the Village Board. Prior to assessment, the Village Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed assessment. The Village Clerk shall give notice thereof by posting such notice in at least five conspicuous places in the Village not less than two weeks nor more than three weeks prior to the date set for hearing and by mailing a copy of the notice at least 10 days before the hearing to each interested person whose address is known or can be ascertained with reasonable diligence. At the time so fixed for hearing, said Board shall hear all objections and all parties interested therein and shall thereupon review and modify or affirm such assessment as it deems just.
The Public Works Department shall keep a strict account of the cost of planting, protecting, renewing, removing, trimming and otherwise caring for grass, shrubs and trees in front of each lot or parcel of land abutting on any street, avenue, boulevard or highway and prior to the 10th day of November in each year it shall report to the Village Board all work done for which assessments have been made as hereinbefore provided and which as of the first day of November remain unpaid, stating and certifying the description of lots or parcels abutting on a street, avenue, boulevard or highway in which any work shall have been done, and the amount chargeable to each such piece of property.
The amounts so reported to the Village Board shall be levied against said lots or parcels, respectively, to which they are chargeable and shall be collected as other special charges are levied and collected. The Village Board shall advance sufficient money for doing said work and said special charges shall be credited to said fund and shall not be diverted or used for any other purpose.
The Village Board, by resolution adopted, may periodically exclude the trimming and spraying of grass, shrubs and trees from the provisions of this section and classify the same as tree care and chargeable as current service, and thereupon provide that the cost of such service shall be tabulated and reported pursuant to Subsection B(3) herein and the same shall be collected by assessment pursuant to § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
Private planting. No owner or person in charge of abutting property may plant or transplant any shrubs or shade or ornamental trees in the spaces between the property line and curbline, unless he shall first obtain written permit so to do from the Village Board or its designated authority. Such permit shall be issued only after such owner or person in charge has stated to the Village Board the nature and extent of the change and improvement contemplated.
Overhanging branches. No owner of any shade or ornamental trees shall allow the branches thereof to obstruct any traffic sign or signal or to project over or across any sidewalk within said Village a distance of less than 10 feet over such sidewalk.
Dangerous and defective trees. The owner of any tree which shall in the judgment and discretion of the Village Board be considered defective or dangerous and contrary to the quiet and proper use and enjoyment thereof shall cause such tree to be removed upon the direction of the Village Board that such tree is a nuisance and detrimental to public safety and welfare.
Notice; hearing; removal; cost. Two weeks' written notice of such removal shall be given the property owner, and if the owner shall fail so to do, the Village Board shall set a time and place of meeting to determine the necessity of removal, and shall hear any objections to removal and all other interested persons in the matter. After such hearing, the Board shall decide either to withdraw the notice to remove or to proceed with removal as it believes the best interest of the public requires. The owner shall be advised in the decision of the Board to proceed with removal and he shall then have 10 days in which to remove such tree or he shall be liable to have the same removed by the Village and the cost thereof shall be assessed as a special charge pursuant to § 66.0627, Wis. Stats.
It shall be unlawful for any person to injure, mutilate, cut down or destroy any shade or ornamental tree growing on or within any parkway, street, boulevard or highway in said Village unless written permission so to do is first granted by the Village Board or its designated authority of said Village.
Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-4 of this Code. Each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.