[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Salem Lakes at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Amusements — See Ch. 180.
Dog licenses — See Ch. 186, Art. III.
Mass public assemblies — See Ch. 192.
Cigarettes and tobacco products — See Ch. 221.
Concessions and food wagons — See Ch. 229.
Fees — See Ch. 272.
Intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverages — See Ch. 305.
Junkyards — See Ch. 318.
Mobile home parks — See Ch. 362.
No person shall engage in any trade, profession, business or privilege in the Village for which a license or permit is required by any provision of this Code without first obtaining such license or permit from the Village in the manner provided in this chapter, unless otherwise specifically provided.
Unless otherwise provided, application for a license or permit shall be made, in writing, to the Village Clerk, upon forms provided by the Village, on which the applicant shall state the location of the proposed activity and such other facts as may be required of or be applicable to the granting of such a license or permit.
Upon the submission of any license application requiring publication pursuant to the provisions of the Village ordinances or state statutes, the applicant shall pay a nonrefundable administration fee as provided in Chapter 272, Fees, § 272-6, to the Village Clerk to defray the cost of publication and associated administrative expenses. The balance of any license or permit fee, after crediting the prepayment of the administration fee, for any license or permit shall be paid to the Village Clerk prior to the issuance of the license or permit. No fee shall be refunded unless the license or permit is denied; provided, however, that no administration fee required pursuant to this section shall be refunded under any circumstances.
All required bonds shall be executed by a surety company and be subject to the approval of the Village Board. Where policies of insurance are required, such policies shall be approved as to substance and form by the Village Attorney. Satisfactory evidence of coverage by bond or insurance shall be filed with the Village before the license or permit is issued.
Where the approval of any Village or state office is required prior to the issuance of any license or permit, such approval shall be presented to the Village before any license or permit is issued.
Licenses or permit certificates shall show the name of the licensee or permittee, the date of issue, the activity licensed, and the term of the license or permit and shall be signed in the name of the Village by the Village President and Village Clerk and be impressed with the Village Seal. The Clerk shall keep a record of all licenses and permits issued.
Unless otherwise provided, the license year shall end on June 30 of each year.
Where the issuance of licenses for a period of less than one year is permitted, the effective date of such license shall commence with the date of issuance.
Permits shall be issued for the term set forth in the permit.
Every licensee or permittee shall carry his license or permit certificate upon his person at all times when engaged in the activity for which the license or permit was granted, except that where such activity is conducted at a fixed place or establishment, the license or permit certificate shall be exhibited at all times in some conspicuous place in the place of business. The licensee or permittee shall exhibit the license or permit certificate when applying for a renewal and upon demand of any law enforcement officer or person representing the issuing authority.
Unless otherwise provided, no license or permit shall be transferable or assignable.
Village officials may enter upon the premises where any licensed or permitted activity is being conducted for the purpose of inspection at any reasonable time.
Except as otherwise provided, any license issued under this chapter may be revoked for cause by the Village Board. No license shall be revoked except upon written verified complaint filed with the Village Board by the Village President, a member of the Village Board, a code enforcement officer or a resident of the Village. The licensee shall be served with a written copy of the charges and shall be given an opportunity to be heard before the Village Board. The licensee shall be given notice of such hearing, which shall be not more than 20 nor less than five days after notice, except as otherwise agreed between the parties.
At such hearing, the licensee shall be entitled to be represented by counsel, shall have the right to present and cross-examine witnesses and, upon request, may have subpoenas issued by the Village President or presiding officer of the Board to compel the attendance of witnesses.
After hearing the evidence, the Board may revoke such license or impose a limited period of suspension. The determination of the Board shall be final, subject to review under Ch. 68 or § 125.12(2)(d), Wis. Stats., whichever is applicable, provided the licensee shall not be entitled to a further hearing unless granted by the Village Board.
A code enforcement officer shall repossess any license revoked hereunder.
If the licensee does not apply for a hearing within the time provided, the license may be revoked by the Village Board.
Prohibition. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly or intentionally execute, file, or cause to be executed or filed any license or permit application with the Village Clerk which is not true, correct or complete in all material respects.
Terms defined. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any and all facts pertinent to the application which, if known to the issuing authority and considered in conjunction with all other information relevant to the particular application, would, in the opinion of the issuing authority, constitute grounds for denial of that application.
Any individual, partner, agent, corporate officer, partnership, corporation or other legal entity.
Effect of violation. Violation of this section constitutes cause for the denial of the application or suspension or revocation of the license or permit pursuant to this section and §§ 305-11 and 305-12 of this Code.
No license or permit shall be granted for any premises for which real estate or property taxes, assessments or other claims of the Village are delinquent and unpaid or to any person delinquent in the payment of such claims, including unpaid or outstanding permit or licensing fees, delinquent personal property taxes, forfeiture judgments or other unpaid fees or charges due to the Village of Salem Lakes.
Except as otherwise provided, in addition to the revocation or suspension of any license or permit issued under the provisions of this chapter, any person found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter shall be subject to forfeiture as provided in § 1-4 of this Code.