[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Salem Lakes 7-8-2019 by Ord. No. 2019.07-5. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 5-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021.05-31]
There is hereby created a Board of Park Commissioners ("Park Commission") consisting of seven members, who shall be citizens of the Village appointed by the Village President and subject to confirmation by the majority of the Village Board.
The initial Park Commission shall consist of three members appointed for a three-year term, two members appointed for a two-year term and two members appointed for a one-year term. Thereafter, at the first regular meeting of the Village Board in May of each year, Park Commission members as required to fill the expiring terms shall be appointed for a three-year term.
A vacancy shall be caused by the resignation, removal from the Village limits, removal by the Village Board or by a continued absence consisting of three consecutive regular meetings without good cause. A vacancy on the Park Commission shall be filled in the same manner as a regular appointment but only for the unexpired term of the replaced member.
No members of the Park Commission shall be eligible to serve for more than three consecutive three-year terms, except that a member that has served three consecutive three-year terms may be eligible for appointment after a lapse of three years from the date said member last served on the Park Commission.
The Park Commission shall hold meetings at the call of the Chair or by the Secretary of the Park Commission upon the request of three Park Commission members or upon the request of the President of the Village Board. All meetings of the Park Commission shall be subject to the provisions of Subchapter V of Chapter 19 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Within 30 days after appointment, the members of the Park Commission shall meet and elect a Chair, a Secretary and such other officers as the Park Commission may determine. The Park Commission may adopt such rules and regulations for the orderly conduct of its meetings and business as it shall deem proper. A copy of any such rules and regulations shall be filed with the Village Clerk. The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Park Commission, which shall be retained in the office of the Village Clerk, who shall maintain such records and proceedings as public records.
The members of the Park Commission shall be compensated at the rate of $55 per meeting and shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties with the approval of the Village Board.
Subject to approval of the Village Board and ordinances of the Village, the Board of Park Commissioners shall have the authority:
To govern, manage, control, improve and care for all public parks, parkways, boulevards and pleasure drives located within, or partly within and partly without, the corporate limits of the Village and secure the quiet, orderly and suitable use and enjoyment thereof by the people; also, to adopt rules and regulations to promote those purposes.
To acquire in the name of the Village for park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure drive purposes by gift, devise, bequest or condemnation, either absolutely or in trust, money, real or personal property, or any incorporeal right or privilege. Gifts to the Village of money or other property, real or personal, either absolutely or in trust, for park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure drive purposes shall be accepted only after they shall have been recommended by the Park Commission to the Village Board and approved by Village Board resolution. Subject to the approval of the Village Board, the Park Commission may execute every trust imposed upon the use of property or property rights by the deed, testament or other conveyance transferring the title of such property to the Village for park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure drive purposes.
To buy or lease lands in the name of the Village for park, parkway, boulevard or pleasure drive purposes within or without the Village, subject to the approval of the Village Board, and to sell or exchange property no longer required for Park Commission purposes with the approval of the Village Board.
To change or improve all parks, parkways, boulevards or pleasure drives within the Village limits and controlled by the Park Commission at the expense of the real estate to be benefitted thereby, as provided in § 27.10(4), Wis. Stats.
To recommend approval of ordinances, resolutions or rules and regulations promulgated by the Village Board relating to the acquisition, use, improvement or regulation of parks and open spaces. Any such ordinance or resolution which shall not receive a favorable recommendation by a majority vote of the Park Commission shall not be adopted without a two-thirds vote of the Village Board.