No electrical work shall be done without a permit. No wiring, devices or equipment for the transmission, distribution or utilization of electric energy for light, power or heat shall be installed within or on any structure, nor shall any alteration or addition be made in any existing wiring, devices or equipment, without first securing a permit therefor, except as follows:
For the replacement of lamps or fuses, or the connection of portable devices to suitable permanently wired receptacles.
For maintenance and repair work on premises where one or more electricians are regularly employed for the purpose.
For the installation of electric wiring devices or equipment installed by or for a public utility corporation for its own use in the generation, transmission, distribution and use of electrical energy, or for telephone or telegraph transmission.
For Town electrical work done under supervision of department heads.
All permits shall be issued in the form of a poster which shall bear the name of the licensed contractor to whom it is issued, and shall bear a permit number. This permit shall be placed on the premises in which installation is to be made, adjacent to the service meter or to the future location of the service meter.
Application for a permit shall be made to the Building Inspector on forms supplied by him to the electrical contractor.
No permit for the installation or alteration of any electric wiring devices or equipment shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation unless such a person, firm or corporation has been registered as an electrical contractor and holds a license.
Any holder of a bona fide license issued by a municipality outside of the Town of Rye may deposit a certified copy of such license with the Town Clerk, and may thereafter at any time during period of such license receive a license from the Town Clerk upon the payment of $5, provided the municipality issuing his license recognizes, in a reciprocal manner, licenses issued by the Town Clerk of the Town of Rye to electrical contractors, and provided further that such electrical contractors shall be subject to all provisions of this chapter.