Upon completion of an electrical installation which has been authorized by permit, the electrical contractor shall notify the Building Inspector who shall inspect the installation promptly. If it is found to be fully in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, said Building Inspector shall issue a certificate of approval, or may endorse his approval upon the certificate of approval issued by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters for the same work. Such certificates, when so issued, or when so endorsed, shall be delivered to the electrical contractor to whom permit for the work was issued, and shall constitute authorization for connection to the electric service and the use of the installation.
A certificate may be issued authorizing the connection and use of temporary work for a stated time and a preliminary certificate may be issued authorizing the connection and use of certain specified portions of an uncompleted installation; both such certificates shall be revocable at the discretion of the Building Inspector.
If upon inspection any installation is found not to be in accord with this chapter, the Building Inspector shall at once notify the electrical contractor.
When any part of an installation is to be concealed from view by the permanent placement of parts of the buildings, the electrical contractor shall notify the Building Inspector, in writing, and such parts of the installation shall not be concealed until they have been inspected, or until 48 hours, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, shall have elapsed from the receipt of such notification by the Building Inspector, provided that on large installations where the concealment of parts of the installation proceeds continuously, the electrical contractors shall give the Building Inspector due notice and inspections shall be made periodically without further notice.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make connection from a source of electrical energy to any electrical installation for which a permit is required, or which has been disconnected or the use of which has been ordered discontinued by the Building Inspector, until a certificate of approval, as aforesaid, has been issued authorizing the connection and use of such installation.
When the Building Inspector condemns all or any part of an electrical installation, the owner may, within 30 days after receiving written notice of such condemnation, file with the Board of Electrical Control a petition in writing for review of said action, upon receipt of which the Board of Electrical Control at its next regular meeting shall determine if the said electrical installation complies with this chapter.
No certificate of approval shall be issued unless the electric light, power or heating installations are in strict conformity with the provisions of this chapter, the Laws of the State of New York, and the rules and regulations issued in accordance therewith, and unless they are in conformity with approved methods of construction for safety to life and property. The rules and regulations in the National Electric Code and in the National Electric Safety Code, both as approved by the American Standards Association, shall be the standard for such approved methods, as amended from time to time and as actually in force and effect at the time of any ruling.