[Adopted 9-13-77 by Ord. No. 42-77; amended 4-3-01 by Ord. No. 7-2001]
The Rules and Regulations of the Orange Police Department, as promulgated by the Director of the Orange Police Department, are hereby accepted and adopted as the Official Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the City of Orange as an official code.
A printed copy of said code, known as the "Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the City of Orange," is annexed to this article, made a part hereof and shall be construed to be part of this article as fully as though it had been set forth at length herein, without change, alteration or deletion of any part or parts of the text.
Ten copies of said printed code, known as the "Rules and Regulations of the Orange Police Department," shall be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Orange upon the introduction of the ordinance included as this article and shall remain on file therein until final action is taken on said ordinance at the time of public hearing thereof, for the use and examination by the public.
In keeping with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:69A-181, it has been determined not to publish in detail the text of said Rules and Regulations of the Orange Police Department, notwithstanding that a printed copy thereof is annexed to this article and made a part hereof as if set forth in length herein.
Upon adoption of the ordinance included as this article, the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the City of Orange and copies of this article adopting same by reference shall remain on file in the office of the City Clerk and such other departments and offices of the City charged with the enforcement of the provisions of said code, as long as said article is in effect, for the use and examination by the public.
As provided by Section 1:1.2 of the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department of the City of Orange, Distribution of Manual, one copy of the Rules and Regulations Manual shall be distributed to each member of the Police Department. Also, for reference purposes, copies shall be distributed to such City offices as the Director of Police shall deem appropriate, and a copy shall be supplied to the Orange Public Library.