[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Orange Township 9-7-1993 by Ord. No. 28-93. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A garage or building used for the reconstruction and/or the painting of automobile and motor vehicle frames and bodies for a fee.
See "automobile body repair."
A garage or building used for the repair and servicing of automobiles and motor vehicles for a fee.
See "automobile repair center."
It shall be unlawful for any person, group or entity to operate an automobile body repair or automobile repair center in the City of Orange Township without first filing with the Department of Economic Development the information hereinafter specified and obtaining from said Department a license to do so, to be known as an "auto body repair license" or an "auto repair center license." In the event that a person, group or entity desires to operate a business that includes uses described in both definitions, then that person, group or entity shall be required to file for and obtain both licenses. Any transfer of the ownership of the business will require the new business owner to apply for a new license. The fees for such licenses shall be as provided in Chapter 88, Fees.
The Director of Planning and Development is hereby designated as the licensing official who shall issue licenses under this chapter to those persons who shall apply for the same.
Where an inspection by the licensing official, Police Department, Fire Department or Building and Construction Department discloses that a licensee has not complied with the terms of this chapter, the licensing official is hereby authorized, at his discretion, after proper notice and hearing, to revoke the license so issued. Upon such revocation, the licensee shall also be subject to the penalties prescribed for any violations of this chapter.
The information to be filed with the Department of Economic Development pursuant to this chapter shall be as follows:
Name, address and telephone number of person, firm, group or entity operating said business.
Name of owner of the property and written permission from the owner to conduct said operation, if the applicant is not the owner.
Name, street address and lot/block designation and telephone number of the business location filing for the license.
Date of birth, social security number, home address and home telephone number of person or business owner (or principal) filing for the license.
Proof of liability insurance of business location.
A sworn statement or affirmation by the person signing that the information therein given is full and true and known to him (or her) to be so.
All licenses for either an automobile body repair or automobile repair center, or both, shall be valid for the remainder of a given calendar year, regardless of when the license is issued during that calendar year, and shall thus expire on December 31 of that calendar year. Each January 1 of every calendar year, all prior licenses issued will have expired, and all businesses and applicants required to have a license must renew (i.e., apply for a new license) their license each year to remain in operation. This renewal must be applied for (and accompanied by the appropriate fees) no later than November 15 of each calendar year.
Each location for an automobile body repair and automobile repair center shall be conducted and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this Code and other ordinances of the City of Orange Township. Each location will be inspected by and must receive approval from the Police Department, Fire Department and Building Inspector. The licensing official will review all information filed and all inspections and approvals from the three (3) above-mentioned departments before giving a final sign-off which is required before a license is issued.
The Director of Police shall render such aid and assistance to the licensing official as the latter may require and request in the administration and enforcement of this chapter and shall have the authority to stop the operation of an automobile body repair shop or automobile repair center if it is shown (and confirmed by the licensing official) that either operation is in violation of provisions of this chapter.
Any person, firm, group or entity who or which represents or owns the business which violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to fines not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.) or imprisonment for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. Below is a schedule of violations and fees:
For operating a new business prior to all licensing approvals: a fine up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.) plus five hundred dollars ($500.) per day for each continued day of violation.
For failure to apply for a renewal of a license by November 15, first offense: two hundred fifty dollars ($250.); second offense: five hundred dollars ($500.); additional offenses: up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.) plus five hundred dollars ($500.) per day for each continued day of violation.
For issuing false information on an application: a fine up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.) plus revocation of license and termination of business operation.
For failing to obey lawful order of the licensing official, Police, Fire or Building Departments: a fine up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.) plus five hundred dollars ($500.) per day for each continued day of violation.
For failure to apply for or upgrade a license when changing the nature of the business operation in progress: a fine up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.).
For failure to apply for a new license when a business changes ownership (transfer of license is prohibited): a fine up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.).
For any other violation not mentioned in Subsections A through F above: a fine up to five hundred dollars ($500.) plus two hundred fifty dollars ($250.) per day for each continued day of violation.