No owner, applicant, developer, excavator, subdivider or other person shall dig, excavate, scrape or otherwise disturb, move or cause, allow or permit to be moved the soil on any premises in the township for use other than on the premises from which it is being taken, until after application to and a public hearing by the Planning Board, and a permit has been issued as prescribed herein.
No mining shall be permitted on any premises unless said property is located in a zone where same is permitted by the current Zoning Ordinance[1] or specified in § 65A-3B herein.
Editor's Note: See Vol. II, Land Use.
The Planning Board shall not consider any application for removal of soil from any premises in the town-ship until the owner, applicant and any persons interested in the premises shall first file with the Secretary of the Planning Board, at least two (2) weeks prior to the regular Planning Board meeting, an application for a permit, application fees and all necessary documents as prescribed herein.
If at the regular meeting the application is deemed complete by the Planning Board, the Planning Board shall then schedule a public hearing within forty-five (45) days on the application. The applicant shall give notice of public hearing to all property owners within two hundred (200) feet of the premises in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Municipal Planning Act of date.
The Planning Board shall refer the application, if in order, to the Township Engineer for review. The Township Engineer shall make a study and report in writing to the Planning Board within thirty-one (31) days of the date of referral and shall forward a copy to the applicant.
[Amended 7-2-79 by Ord. No. 1979-17]
After reviewing the report and the public hearing, the Planning Board shall take appropriate action by resolution no later than sixty (60) days following the public hearing.
After said resolution for soil removal is adopted, a permit will be issued by the Township Clerk upon payment of all fees and the posting of bond and other requirements.
[Amended 4-7-80 by Ord. No. 1980-9]
For the purpose of issuance, renewal, bonding and the like, the date of the soil removal permit shall be the date that same has been approved by resolution of the Planning Board. However, no work shall begin on the premises until the Township Clerk and Township Engineer have signed the permit.
All permits shall be for a period of three (3) years from the date of issue. No permits shall extend beyond said three (3) year period without submission and approval of a new application with two (2) copies of the application form and two (2) copies of all other materials required shall be submitted to the Township Clerk no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of expiration of the permit. Upon receipt of a report from the Town-ship Engineer indicating that the soil removal operation is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance and the applicant is posting a performance bond in the amount determined by the Township Engineer, the Township Clerk shall issue a permit. Permits for soil removal, excavation and mining activities in the Pinelands area shall be issued for three (3) year periods only in accordance with Section 233D of Chapter 55B (Land Use - West of the Parkway Pinelands) of this Code.
[Amended 4-7-80 by Ord. No. 1980-9; 11-18-91 by Ord. No. 1991-42; 8-2-93 by Ord. No. 1993-30]
No permit shall be issued for any mining operation exceeding one hundred (100) acres. No permit shall be renewed as to any area other than that which is or has been the subject of the permit for which renewal is sought, nor shall any permit be renewed authorizing removal of soils in amounts in excess of that authorized by the permit for which renewal is sought.
[Added 7-2-79 by Ord. No. 1979-17]
The applicant shall file ten (10) copies of the application form and ten (10) copies of other materials required with the Planning Board Secretary. The following information shall be provided on said application form or on other documents filed with the Planning Board Secretary:
The identity and address of the applicant and owner of the land.
The name of the individual who represents and will be responsible for conformance with permit and ordinance requirements. The proper mailing address for said individual and a twenty-four-hour-a-day telephone number or numbers where he may be reached.
The name, address and telephone number of the excavator or contractor who will be doing the actual work on the premises.
A description of the land and premises in question.
An estimate in cubic yards of the quantity of soil to be moved written down into two (2) figures, topsoil and other soil.
[Amended 7-2-79 by Ord. No. 1979-17]
The proposed dates of commencement and completion of the work.
An estimate of the type and number of machines and other equipment to be used in the operation, the daily starting and finishing time during which the machines are to be operated and the protection to be provided to keep children and others having no business on the land from gaining access.
Map of the area for soil removal. With the application there shall be filed ten (10) copies of a topographical map, with a contour interval of two (2) feet, of the land upon which the proposed soil-moving operations are to be conducted and a reasonable engineering estimate of surrounding lands within two hundred (200) feet of the perimeter of land which is the subject matter of the application, including topography, prepared and certified by a licensed professional civil engineer and land surveyor of the State of New Jersey, on the scale of not less than one (1) inch to one hundred (100) feet, and referred to in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Data showing:
[Amended 7-2-79 by Ord. No. 1979-17]
A key map showing the entire premises and its relation to surrounding areas at a scale of not less than one (1) inch equals one thousand (1,000) feet.
The dimensions of the land and the lot and block number of the land and of each lot surrounding the land within two hundred (200) feet as shown on the last Tax Assessment Map of the township, Tax Map sheet numbers, date, reference, meridian and graphic scale.
The appropriate zone districts applicable to all lands shown on the plat shall be clearly indicated.
An approval certification for signatures of the Planning Board Chairman, Secretary and Township Engineer as follows:
[Amended 4-7-80 by Ord. No. 1980-9]
Approval for a soil removal permit for a period of one (1) year which shall expire on _____________
Township Engineer
Date of resolution for approval
The existing and proposed grade on a fifty-foot grid layout, with contour lines at two-foot intervals, up to and including five (5) acres; or, for more than five (5) acres, one-hundred-foot grids.
[Amended 7-2-79 by Ord. No. 1979-171]
The existing elevations of all buildings, structures, streets, streams, bodies of water and watercourses, natural or artificial.
All existing surface and subsurface water drainage conditions and provisions therefor, including but not limited to both on-site and off-site, as required by the Township Engineer.
All wooded areas.
The proposed grades at points in Subsection B(2) above when the work has been completed with the requirements as contained therein and proposed contour lines.
Existing and proposed cross sections at one-hundred foot intervals.
Soil borings, one (1) for every five (5) acres. Soil borings shall be taken to a minimum depth of five (5) feet below the proposed excavation and shall indicate depth to water table if encountered during the course of such boring.
[Amended 7-1-79 by Ord. No. 1979-17]
The quantity, in cubic yards, of the soil involved in the work.
The average depth of topsoil.
The grades of all abutting streets and lands.
Proposed slopes and lateral supports at the limits of the area upon completion of the proposed work.
The proposed detail of surface water drainage and of any streams, bodies of water and watercourses, natural or artificial
Location and description of one (1) bench mark elevation for each twenty (20) acres.
Boundary survey map prepared by a New Jersey licensed land surveyor showing location of all property corners with concrete monuments set at each point.
A sediment and erosion control plan for the soil removal operation which must conform to the standards of this ordinance in § 65A-19.
The sectioning of land and sequence schedule as prescribed in § 65A-10 herein.
Upon the recommendation of the Planning Board Engineer, the Planning Board may waive any of the requirements established by this section.
[Added 7-2-79 by Ord. No. 1979-17]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-39e of the Municipal Land Use Law, prior to an approval by the Planning Board for a soil removal permit, the applicant must submit proof that no taxes or assessments for local improvements are due or delinquent on the property for which the site plan application is made. A certificate from the tax collector stating that all taxes are paid to date shall satisfy such proof.
[Amended 5-20-85 by Ord. No. 1985-17]
Any other pertinent data the Township Engineer may require after he has examined the proposed project, including means and methods for site restoration.
A notorized certification stating that the applicant is the owner of the land, or its authorized agent, giving names and addresses of both and that the owner consents to the application for a soil removal permit.
[Amended in entirety 10-16-89 by Ord. No. 1989-32; 11-18-91 by Ord. No. 1991-42]
Application fees. The applicant shall, at the time of filing an application for a new or renewal mining permit, pay a nonrefundable administration fee of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.) to the Township of Barnegat by certified check or bank money order. In addition, the applicant shall upon filing an application, pay an escrow fee to the township by certified check or money order based upon the schedule set forth below.
New application fee.
0 to 30 acres - $2,500. plus $50. per acre.
31 to 60 acres - $4,000. plus $35. per acre over 30 acres.
61 acres and greater - $5,000. plus $20. per acre over 60 acres.
Renewal fee - $1,500. plus $10. per acre.
The fees set forth herein are promulgated on the basis of the applicant submitting completed application and plans in conformance with the applicable ordinance provisions. These fees are based upon an initial review by the township or Planning Board professionals together with one (1) subsequent review to verify that the applicant has complied with the various items stated in the report of the professionals. Any further submissions required on the behalf of the applicant shall be required to post additional fees totaling twenty-five percent (25%) of the original fee for each plan submitted after the first revision. The applicant shall also sign a consent form agreeing to pay any additional costs involved with respect to the review of the application over and above the fees previously submitted with the original application. Any unexpended escrow fees shall be returned to the applicant.
The Planning Board and Township Engineer shall take into consideration the public health, safety and general welfare and shall give particular consideration to the following factors:
Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Volume II, Land Use.
Soil erosion and sediment control.
Soil fertility.
Grades and elevation of adjoining streets and lands.
Lateral support slopes and grades abutting streets and lands.
Effect of excavation and removal upon nearby lands and values and uses of other lands as affected by such excavation and removal; and land values and uses of the lands to be excavated from which materials are to be removed therefrom.
Provisions for restoration and vegetative cover.
Other factors that may bear upon or relate to the coordinated, adjusted and harmonious physical development of the township.
If, after examining the application, public hearing, reports of the Township Engineer and others, the Planning Board is of the opinion that the proposed soil removal will not create conditions inimical to the public health, welfare and safety; will not result in the creation of any sharp declivities, pits or depressions, soil erosion, sedimentation or fertility problems or de-pressed land values; nor create any drainage or sewerage problems or other conditions of danger, permission to remove the soil and a special use permit may be granted, subject to all other provisions of this ordinance.
Operations under a soil removal permit are to be conducted in such a manner as to minimize the effects of soil erosion, dust, mud, sedimentation and drainage during the course of said work.
[Amended 4-7-80 by Ord. No. 1980-9]
The applicant shall section the property which is the subject of his permit into areas of not more than twenty-five (25) contiguous acres and schedule the work of soil removal so that the operation conducted in one (1) section is completed and at final grade before work is commenced in any other section of the premises. Wood post markers set by a New Jersey licensed professional engineer or land surveyor shall mark the corners of the twenty-five-acre section being worked.
[Amended 7-2-79 by Ord. No. 1979-17; 4-7-80 by Ord. No. 1980-9]
Temporary vegetative cover shall be required in an area or section if same is not to final grade and the applicant desires to work in another section.