No zoning permit, building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any parcel of land or structure on which improvements were undertaken in violation of the provisions of this chapter or for use of a lot which was created by subdivision after the effective date of and not in conformity with the provisions of, this chapter. No site improvements, such as but not limited to excavation or construction of improvements, shall be commenced except in conformance with this chapter in accordance with plat approvals and the issuance of required permits.
[Amended 11-6-00 by Ord. No. 2000-45 and 2000-46]
No building or structure shall be erected, restored, added to or structurally altered until a permit for such building or structure has been issued by the Construction Code Official. No person or entity shall move or relocate any structure or building, whether on temporary cribbage or permanent foundation, to or within the boundaries of Barnegat Township without first securing all the necessary approvals and permits including all Federal, State and local permits and approvals. No building permit shall be issued unless the applicant shall have also secured a development or zoning permit pursuant to this chapter and the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law.
A certificate of occupancy, issued by the Construction Code Official, shall be required for the use and occupancy of:
Any building or structure hereafter constructed.
Any structural alteration, enlargement, conversion or change of use of a building or structure previously constructed for that alteration, enlargement, conversion or change of use area only.
A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued by the Chief Construction Code Official with respect to site plan approval in accordance with the following requirements:
Upon application by a person, firm or corporation which has secured site plan approval and upon proof of undue hardship, expense and delay occasioned by such conditions as weather, unavailability of material due to strikes, rationing or lack of transportation and where structures are erected upon the site and the site has been sufficiently improved to support limited commercial operation of the developed site other than a site for multiple residential use, but in event when less than seventy-five percent (75%) completed, the Township Committee may, in its discretion, direct the Building Inspector of the township to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for a period not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days to permit the applicant to make such limited use of the improved site as shall be set forth in a resolution of the Township Committee. The Township Committee shall impose such conditions as it shall determine to be necessary to be imposed upon such limited use, including but not limited to the provision for the imposition of penalties for failure to complete the site development in accordance with site plan approval and the provision as to when the applicant shall obtain final inspection and approval of the development site. Such limited use may be permitted notwithstanding that all required improvements may not have been installed at the time the application is made for a temporary certificate of occupancy.
In considering an application for a temporary certificate of occupancy, the Township Committee shall give particular regard to the nature of the surfacing of the parking area and the number of parking spaces available, bearing in mind the nature of the operation, the type of customers served thereby and the frequency of entrance and exit of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
[Amended 9-11-95 by Ord. No. 1995-41 and Ord. No. 1995-42 § 4; 6-2-97 by Ord. No. 1997-14 § 2; 8-4-97 by Ord. No. 1997-16 § 2; 10-5-98 by Ord. No. 1998-20 and Ord. No. 1998-21 § 7]
If the Planning Board of Board of Adjustment acts favorably on a minor or final major site plan and/or subdivision plat or plan, upon verification that all conditions of the approval, the Board Engineer and the Chairman and Secretary of the Board (or the acting Chairman or Secretary, where either or both may be absent) shall affix their signatures to at least three (3) paper copies and one (1) mylar copy with the notification that it has been approved. The applicant shall furnish such copies to the Board for signing. In the case of subdivisions, the applicant shall include for signing additional mylar and cloth copies as may be required for filing. Thereafter, the applicant shall provide the Administrative Officer with twenty-two (22) executed blue-line or black-line copies made from the signed mylar. No zoning permits or building permits shall be issued for the construction, alteration, use or occupancy of any building or land without presentation of plats or plans duly signed by the Board Engineer, Chairman and Secretary.
Prior to the subdivision or re-subdivision of land within the Township and as a condition prior to the filing of subdivision plats with the County Recording Officer, a resolution of approval of the Board is required, as is the approval of the site plans by resolution of the Board, as a condition for the issuance of a permit for any development.
Appointment and Duties.
The Township Committee shall appoint a Zoning Officer, who shall be authorized to and shall administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter. At the discretion of the Township Committee, said position may be held by the Building Inspector.
The Zoning Officer shall receive applications for permits to construct, alter, use or occupy any building or land and shall issue such permits to applicants having complied with the provisions of this chapter. In no case shall a permit be granted by the Zoning Officer for the construction, alteration and use of any building or land that would be in violation of this chapter.
The Zoning Officer or his duly authorized agent shall have the right to enter and inspect any building or premises and examine any plans during the daytime course of his duties to determine whether or not any construction, alteration or use of any building or use of land is in conformance with any permit issued therefor under the provisions of this chapter.
The Zoning Officer shall order, in writing, the remedying of any conditions or the cessation of any construction, alteration or use found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter or of any conditions which may have been attached to the issuance of a permit to construct, alter or use a building or lot by an official or official body of the Township of Barnegat acting under this chapter.
The Zoning Officer shall keep a record of all applications for permits and certificates issued and denied, together with all notations of specific conditions involved. He shall file and safely keep copies of all site plans and information supplemental thereto, which shall be part of the records of his office and shall be available for the use of the Township Committee and of other officials of the Township of Barnegat, county or state.
The Zoning Officer shall prepare a monthly report for the Township Committee summarizing for the period since his last previous report all permits issued and all violations found and consequent actions taken by him. A copy of each such report shall be filed with the Tax Assessor.
Cases of Doubt. Should the Zoning Officer be in doubt as to the meaning or intent of any provision of this chapter as to the location of a district boundary line on the Zoning Map or as to the propriety of issuing any permit in the particular case, he shall appeal the matter to the Board of Adjustment for interpretation and decision.
Zoning Permits and Procedure.
No construction, alteration or excavation for any building or other structure nor any use of building or land shall be begun without the issuance of a permit by the Zoning Officer indicating that the proposal is in compliance with the provisions and requirements of this chapter. A permit issued in accordance with the Building Code of the Township of Barnegat and satisfying the requirements thereto shall also satisfy the additional requirements of this chapter.
All applications for permits shall be made on forms provided by the Zoning Officer. Each such application shall be accompanied by a site plan prepared in triplicate and drawn to such scale as required to show exact dimensions and locations of all buildings, yards, lot lines, off-street parking and such other appropriate details and information as may be necessary to provide for the administration of this chapter. All dimensions shown on these plans relating to the lot to be used or built upon shall be based on an actual survey, deed description or an approved subdivision plat. Where approval of the site plan is required by the Township Planning Board, submittals shall meet the requirements of this chapter. One (1) copy of the approved site plan shall be returned to the applicant, together with the permit issued by the Zoning Officer and with such conditions as may have been attached thereto by an official body of the Township of Barnegat acting under this chapter. In those instances where permits are not granted, the applicant shall be advised, in writing, as to the specific conditions involved. The lot and location of all construction, alterations and excavations shall be staked on the ground, and an inspection thereof shall be made by the Zoning Officer before work is begun.
The construction or alteration of any building or buildings for which a permit was issued must be begun within six (6) months after the date of issuance, and any such construction or alterations shall be completed or fully erected within two (2) years after said date of issuance, after which time such permit shall become void and subject to reapplication. The Zoning Officer, at his discretion, may issue a new permit granting a reasonable continuation of time where unavoidable conditions prevented the initiation or completion of work within these prescribed time periods.
Certificates of Occupancy.
No building or other structure hereafter constructed, erected or altered and no lot or area of land hereafter put into use shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any use whatsoever, and no change of use of any building, structure, lot or area of land or part thereof shall hereafter be made until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the Zoning Officer, certifying that such building, other structure, lot or area of land or part thereof complies with all applicable provisions of this chapter.
Certificates of occupancy shall be granted or denied by the Zoning Officer within ten (10) days from the date of application therefor by the owner of the premises for such use or occupancy. His reasons for doing so shall be stated in detail on at least one (1) copy of the application, and that copy returned to the applicant.
Fees for Permits. Each application for such a zoning permit and certificate of occupancy shall be accompanied by a fee in accordance with a schedule of fees established by the Township Committee.
Engineering permits required for installation of certain improvements.
[Added 7-6-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-23]
None of the following categories of improvements shall be constructed or installed in the Township of Barnegat without first obtaining a permit from the Township Engineer:
New single family dwelling.
New pools.
Commercial site maintenance improvements, in accordance with
Chapter 46A Fire Lanes.
Chapter 55 Land Use.
Chapter 55-173 Minimum Parking Requirements.
Section 55-329 and Section 55-330 Stormwater Management.
The Township Engineer shall enforce the provisions of this chapter and all applicable reference chapters by issuing required permits and addressing those violations arising out of failure of any person or entity to apply for and obtain any required permits. He/she shall, from time to time, upon his/her own initiative or whenever directed by the Township, inspect the premises for which the permits have been granted to ensure compliance with the terms of the permit and of the chapter. He/she shall report all violations and take any action deemed necessary for proper enforcement.
Application fees.
All engineering permit applications shall be accompanied by a fee as indicated on the applicable application forms or as described in the applicable sections of the chapter. The fees will be utilized for plan review, inspection and any other activity necessary to process the application.
If a permit is denied or withdrawn, no refund of fees will be permitted.
Inspection fees. Inspection escrow accounts may be established to cover the costs of inspections for certain improvements as indicated on the application forms or as described in the applicable sections of the chapter. The Township Engineer shall determine the amount of the escrow fees based upon the scope of the work. The fee shall be accompanied with a W-9 form so as to be deposited into an Applicant Escrow Account.
Performance guaranties. Performance guaranties may be required for certain improvements as indicated on the applicable application forms or as described in the applicable sections of the chapter. The Township Engineer shall make a determination as to when performance guaranties are required in light of the scope and nature of the work to be completed and to calculate the appropriate amount to cover damages to the Township.
[Amended 7-1-91 by Ord. No. 1991-31]
An applicant for development may request a minor change or amendment to approved plan or plans from the Planning Board or Zoning Board in accordance with the following procedures:
The applicant shall forward in writing a request for minor change to the Secretary of the Board which has jurisdiction over the application and to the Board's Engineer. A sketch/plot plan shall accompany said request and shall clearly address the proposed deviation or change from the approved plan.
The applicant's request shall be scheduled on the Agenda of the appropriate Board after receipt of review letter from the Board's Engineer. The Board may then act via roll call vote on the record to approve or disapprove said application.
The Secretary of the Board shall then advise in writing the applicant, Board Engineer, Building Department, Township Engineer and Zoning Officer of the disposition of the request for field change.
The applicant shall submit at the time of request for field change a nonrefundable fee of fifty ($50.00) dollars for each and every field change requested to the approved plans.