Words and phrases not defined. Unless specifically defined in this section, words or phrases used in this chapter shall be interpreted so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this chapter its most reasonable application.
Words and terms defined. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms and phrases are defined below and shall have the meaning ascribed to them, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
See "building, accessory."
See "land use, accessory."
An establishment where coin-operated, slug-operated, electronically or mechanically controlled still- or motion-picture machines, projectors, or other image-producing devices are maintained to show images to five or fewer individuals per machine at any one time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
An establishment which provides the services of baths, including all forms and methods of hydrotherapy, that is not operated by a medical practitioner or a professional physical therapist licensed by the State of Wisconsin and which establishment provides to its patrons an opportunity for engaging in specified sexual activities.
An establishment wherein patrons are afforded an opportunity to paint images on another person's body which is wholly or partially nude. An adult body painting studio shall not be deemed to include a tattoo parlor.
An establishment that as one of its principal business purposes offers for sale, lease, or rental any of the following:
Books, magazines, periodicals, or other printed matter that is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas;
Photographs, paintings, or other visual renderings that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas;
Films, motion pictures, videocassettes, video reproductions, DVDs, CD-ROMs, or similar media that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas;
Games, whether electronic or non-electronic, that are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; or
Instruments, devices, or paraphernalia that are designed for use in connection with specified sexual activities.
A principal business purpose need not be a primary use of an establishment so long as it is a significant use based upon the visible inventory or commercial activity of the establishment.
This definition excludes films, motion pictures, videocassettes, streaming videos, DVDs, slides or other similar photographic reproductions given an "R" or "NC-17" rating by the Motion Picture Association of America.
An establishment, such as a nightclub, dance hall, bar, restaurant, or similar establishment, that regularly features:
Persons who appear seminude;
Live performances that are characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas or by specified sexual activities; or
Films, motion pictures, videocassettes, streaming videos, DVDs, slides or other photographic reproductions which are characterized by the exhibition or display of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
This definition excludes films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides, or other similar photographic reproductions given an "R" or "NC-17" rating by the Motion Picture Association of America.
An establishment with or without sleeping accommodations that provides the services of massage and body manipulation, including exercises, heat and light treatments of the body, and all forms and methods of physiotherapy, not operated by a medical practitioner or professional physical therapist licensed by the State of Wisconsin and which establishment provides for its patrons the opportunity to engage in specified sexual activities.
An establishment that provides the services of modeling for the purpose of reproducing the human body wholly or partially in the nude by means of photography, painting, sketching, drawing, or otherwise.
An establishment that, for any form of consideration, regularly shows films, motion pictures, videocassettes, streaming videos, DVDs, slides, or similar photographic reproductions which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. This definition excludes films, motion pictures, videocassettes, streaming videos, DVDs, slides or other similar photographic reproductions given an "R" or "NC-17" rating by the Motion Picture Association of America.
A business that regularly features either live nudity or live seminudity as a permanent focus of its business, giving special prominence to such content on a permanent basis, as cited in Kraimer v. City of Schofield, 342 F. Supp. 2d 807 at page 822, citing Schultz v. City of Cumberland, 228 F.3d 831, or otherwise permits live display of specified sexual activities to members of the public. "Adult-oriented establishment" shall include within its definition, without limitation, adult arcades, adult bathhouses, adult body painting studios, adult book/video stores, adult cabarets, adult massage parlors, adult modeling studios and adult motion-picture theaters, and further includes any premises to which public patrons or members are invited or admitted and which are so physically arranged as to provide booths, cubicles, rooms, compartments, or stalls separate from the common area of the premises for the purposes of viewing sexually oriented motion pictures, or wherein an entertainer provides sexually oriented entertainment to a member of the public, a patron or a member, whether or not such sexually oriented entertainment is held, conducted, operated, or maintained directly or indirectly and/or for profit.
Manure, milking center waste, and other organic waste generated by a livestock facility.
A zoning district established by this chapter that has an "A" followed by a number as its abbreviation (e.g., A-2).
A vehicular accessway that provides primary vehicular access to the back of the lots that front on a street.
Man-made towers, water towers, buildings, bell steeples, light poles, electric transmission and distribution structures, and similar alternative-design mounting structures that camouflage or conceal the presence of antennas or towers (Exhibits 3-1 and 3-2).
435 Exhibit 3-1.tiff 435 Exhibit 3-2.tiff
A unit of measure used to regulate the number of various types of livestock and other farm animals by type. In Wisconsin, one animal unit is equivalent to one beef cow or steer (600 pounds or more) or any combination of other animals based on assigned animal unit factors.
A numeric value assigned to various types of livestock and other farm animals in relation to one beef cow or steer (600 pounds to market). For the purpose of this chapter, the animal unit factors established by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection under Ch. NR 243, Wis. Adm. Code, are to be used. Those factors as of January 2006 are listed in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. Animal Unit Factors
Livestock Type
Animal Unit Factor
Dairy cattle
Milking and dry cows
Heifers (800 pounds to 1,200 pounds)
Heifers (400 pounds to 800 pounds)
Calves (up to 400 pounds)
Beef cattle
Steers or cows (600 pounds to market)
Calves (under 600 pounds)
Bulls (each)
Pigs (55 pounds to market)
Pigs (up to 55 pounds)
Sows (each)
Boars (each)
Layers (each)
Broilers (each)
Broilers — continuous overflow watering
Layers or broilers — liquid manure system
Ducks — wet lot (each)
Ducks — dry lot (each)
Turkeys (each)
Sheep (each)
Goats (each)
Source: Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
A process initiated by an aggrieved party to review a decision made pursuant to this chapter or an alleged failure to act as required by this chapter.
A person that submits an application as required by this chapter.
A structure over a walkway or other open area usually consisting of parallel colonnades supporting an open roof of girders or cross rafters often supporting vines or other plants (Exhibit 3-3).
435 Exhibit 3-3.tiff
Any person licensed pursuant to § 138.09, Wis. Stats., who makes a loan that is secured by an interest, other than a purchase money security interest, in the borrower's motor vehicle.
See "zoning district, base."
An aggregate of honeybees, consisting of workers, drones, queen, brood, combs, and honey.
A person who keeps one or more colonies of honeybees.
A mound or embankment of earth typically installed to provide screening or for aesthetic effect.
The use of an explosive material to loosen, move, or shatter a mass of earth materials.
The body appointed under authority of § 62.23, Wis. Stats., to hear and decide administrative appeals, variances, and other matters as allowed by this chapter and state law.
An individual who performs body piercing on any human body part or tissue, except an ear, on another person upon his or her request.
The perforating of any human body part or tissue, except an ear, and placing a foreign object in the perforation to prevent the perforation from closing.
A linear strip of undeveloped land, along with landscaping or a fence, that is located between two different zoning districts that have potentially incompatible characteristics. Buffer yards are intended to create separation between incompatible land uses and eliminate or lessen the impacts (e.g., noise, dust, glare of lights, outdoor activities) of the most intrusive land use on the other.
A structure having a roof supported by walls or columns, or other supports, intended for the shelter or enclosure of people, animals, goods, or property of any kind.
The total horizontal projected area of a building.
Those regulations adopted by a municipality or the state that regulate the construction, repair, alteration, demolition, and maintenance of buildings.
A permit issued prior to an addition to, or the construction, alteration, repair or demolition of, a structure. (In contrast, see "zoning permit.")
The relationship between the mass of a building and its surroundings, including streets, open spaces, and surrounding buildings. Mass is the three-dimensional bulk of a structure: height, width, and depth.
A detached building, not used as a dwelling unit, that is incidental and subordinate to the use of the principal building and which is located on the same lot.
The building on a lot in which the principal use, as permitted on such lot by the regulations of the district in which it is located, is conducted.
The obligation of a party to establish a fact by evidence.
The diameter of a tree, measured at a point six inches above the ground line if the resulting measurement is not more than four inches. If the resulting measurement is more than four inches, the measurement is taken 12 inches above the ground line.
A designated portion of a campground that is rented for the exclusive use of its occupants. A campground space may include a parking spur, fire ring, table, and other amenities.
An acronym for Code of Federal Regulations.
The location of multiple antennas of more than one commercial wireless communication service provider or governmental entity on a single tower or alternative tower structure.
A base zoning district established by this chapter that has "B" followed by a number as its abbreviation (e.g., B-1).
The document that the Village of Fox Crossing Village Board adopted consistent with § 66.1001, Wis. Stats.[1]
See "land use, conditional."
A permit issued by the Director of Community Development authorizing establishment of a conditional use consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
A form of ownership with unrestricted right of disposal of one or more units in a multiple-unit project with the land and all other parts of the project held in common ownership or use with owners of the other units.
See "lot, corner."
The barrier used to separate a street and other vehicle use areas from the surrounding environs.
The time period extending from 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset of any given day.
An abbreviation for decibels, A-weighted
A unit for expressing the relative intensity of sounds in air on a scale from zero, for the average least perceptible sound, to about 130, for the average level at which sound causes pain to humans. The A-weighting system is typically used to measure environmental noise (e.g., noise from aircraft, railroad lines, and roadways).
An unenclosed exterior structure, attached or adjacent to the exterior wall of a building, which has a floor but no roof (Exhibit 3-4).
435 Exhibit 3-4.tiff
As the context would indicate, the number of existing, proposed, or permitted dwelling units in a given area.
Any activity that must comply with, or is in any way regulated by, this chapter.
A contract between a developer and a municipality that describes the obligations of both parties regarding a private development project.
A mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities.
The dominant or principal theme of the object referenced. For instance, when the phrase refers to films "which are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis upon the exhibition or display of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas," the films so described are those whose dominant or principal character and theme are the exhibition or display of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
See "zoning district."
See "lot, through."
The time period extending from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise of any given day.
A structure, or portion thereof, that is intended to be used as a home or residence for one family, which includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
A non-possessory legal right a person has to the property of another for a specific use. An easement may apply to the entire property or a portion thereof and may be perpetual or temporary, expiring after a period of time or after a certain event occurs. A utility easement, for example, would allow any person with a right to use the easement to install and maintain utilities across, over, or under the subject land. A road easement would likewise allow the installation and maintenance of a driveway or roadway along with ancillary utilities.
A type of sign display where the message is created with a number of internal lights, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and which may be changed at intervals by an electronic process.
An independent federal agency established in the executive branch that implements major environmental legislation.
The estimated market value of a property, including land and improvements.
An acronym for Federal Aviation Administration.
One individual living alone in a dwelling unit or two or more individuals living together in a dwelling unit as a single housekeeping unit.
A parcel of land or a collection of two or more contiguous parcels of land in common ownership provided more than 50% of the entire land area is assigned for property tax purposes to one or more of the following use classifications as defined by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue pursuant to § 70.32(2), Wis. Stats.:
Agricultural land: Class 4.
Agricultural forest: Class 5m; or
Productive forest: Class 6.
Agricultural, horticultural, and arboricultural crops. Animals considered within the definition of "agricultural" include, but are not limited to, livestock and stable animals.
An acronym for Federal Communications Commission.
A federal agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation with the authority to regulate air commerce to promote its safety and development; encourage and develop civil aviation, air traffic control, and air navigation; and promote the development of a national system of airports.
A federal agency established by the Communications Act of 1934 to regulate broadcast communications (wire, radio, and television) in the United States.
A federal agency with a mission to reduce loss of life and property and protect our nation's critical infrastructure from all types of hazards through a comprehensive, risk-based emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
A written conclusion or determination that is considered in reaching a decision.
See "lot, flag."
That land which has been or may be covered by floodwater during a regional flood. The floodplain includes the floodway and the flood-fringe and may include other designated floodplain areas for regulatory purposes.
The total horizontal area contained within the outside perimeter of a building.
As relates to beekeeping, an obstruction consisting of a solid wall, fence, dense vegetation, or combination thereof, so bees are forced to fly over the material to reach the colony.
The solid airborne particulate matter resulting from any activity conducted on a parcel zoned or used for industrial or commercial purposes.
A structure used for storing motorized vehicles that has any more than two sides completely enclosed.
A condition, whether man-made or natural, that presents a tangible danger to the public health, safety, and general welfare.
A material regulated by the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1101 to 11050, as may be amended.
A waste or combination of wastes that because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may:
Cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness; or
Pose a substantial present or future hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of or otherwise mismanaged.
A program that identifies those business neighborhoods/networks demonstrating leadership in health and wellness, safety and sustainable business practices in the Village of Fox Crossing.
As relates to beekeeping, a receptacle inhabited by a colony of honeybees.
All life stages of the common domestic honeybee, Apis mellifera species of European origin, including the queen and drones.
A surface that has been compacted or covered with a layer of material so that it is highly resistant to infiltration by rainwater. The term includes, without limitation due to enumeration, all areas covered by structures, decks, roof extensions, patios, porches, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, pavement, gravel, compacted clay, and loading docks, all as measured on a horizontal plane.
A base zoning district established by this chapter that has an "I" followed by a number as its abbreviation (e.g., I-1).
See "lot, interior."
A highway at any time officially designated as part of the national system of interstate and defense highways by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and as approved by the appropriate authority of the federal government.
A place where no more than four dogs, cats or other domesticated animals over six months of age are kept.
A unit of power equal to 1,000 watts.
The earth, water, and air above, below or on the surface.
As the context indicates:
The development that has occurred on the land;
Development that is proposed for the land; or
The use permitted for the land under this chapter.
A land use that is incidental and subordinate to and customarily found with a principal land use.
A land use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction throughout a specified area but if controlled as to the number, area, location, or relation to the surrounding properties by the imposition of appropriate conditions could be appropriate in the specified area.
A land use that is allowed throughout a specified area. Land uses permitted by right may be reviewed through a site plan review process and shall otherwise be reviewed to ensure that all provisions of local, state, and federal regulations are met.
The dominant land use or uses of a parcel of land.
A land use which is on a parcel of land for a limited and specified period of time, up to six months.
A drawing of a subject property that shows existing and/or proposed landscaping elements and other features as required by this chapter. Depending on the nature of the development project, the content of a landscaping plan can be shown on a site plan. (Also see "site plan.")
Includes bovine animals, equine animals, goats, poultry, sheep, swine, farm-raised deer, farm-raised game birds, camelids (camels), ratites (ostrich, emu), and farm-raised fish. This does not include animals bred for the specific purpose of living inside the dwelling as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
An off-street area set aside for the purpose of unloading or loading a motor vehicle, trailer, or truck.
A parcel of ground with a definable location based on a recorded survey or similar instrument.
As the context would indicate, lot area can refer to the minimum required area, actual area, or proposed area.
The linear distance a lot abuts on a street right-of-way or other similar feature. As the context would indicate, lot frontage can refer to the minimum required distance, actual distance, or proposed distance.
A line dividing one parcel of land from another.
A property boundary line described for each of the following types of lots:
Interior lot, the property boundary line abutting a street;
Corner lot, the property boundary line associated with the street address of the parcel abutting a street;
Through lot, if access restricted, the property boundary line abutting the street providing the primary access to the lot, or if not access restricted, the property boundary lines abutting both streets; and
Flag lot, the interior property boundary line most parallel to and nearest the street from which access is obtained.
A property boundary line that does not intersect a front lot line and that is most distant from and most closely parallel to the front lot line.
A property boundary line that is not a front or rear lot line.
A lot situated at the junction of and fronting on two or more streets. A lot abutting on a curved street shall be considered a corner lot if straight lines drawn from the foremost points of the side lot lines to the foremost point of the front lot line meet at an interior angle of less than 135°.
A lot with access provided by a corridor from a street to the bulk of the lot.
A lot that abuts only one street.
A lot having a frontage on two streets that are more or less parallel to one another.
A design approach to stormwater management intended to mimic the predevelopment hydrology of a site. Initial site design strategies include minimizing impervious surfaces and the integration of existing wetlands, riparian areas, and other environmentally sensitive natural resources into the overall site design. Man-made features, generally distributed throughout the site, are also used to store, infiltrate, evaporate, and detain stormwater runoff. Examples of such features include bioswales, rain gardens, and pervious surfaces.
See "ordinary maintenance and repair."
A structure substantially completed off site meeting minimum provisions for dwellings and is:
Transportable in one or more sections;
Built on a permanent chassis;
Placed on a permanent foundation;
Connected to utilities (plumbing, heating, gas, electrical); and
Constructed on or after June 15, 1976, in accordance with U.S. Housing and Urban Development standards and identified with a HUD seal of approval.
The area of a manufactured home space that has been prepared for the placement of a manufactured or mobile home.
A designated area of a manufactured home park that is designed to accommodate one manufactured or mobile home for exclusive use of the occupants.
A unit of power equal to 1,000,000 watts.
This term shall have the meaning under § 103.90(5), Wis. Stats.
To take an action designed to offset or rectify a negative impact.
A zoning district established by this chapter that has an "M" followed by a number as its abbreviation (e.g., M-1).
A structure which was constructed prior to June 15, 1976, and was designed to be transported as single unit or in sections by any motor vehicle upon a public highway and is designed, equipped, and used exclusively for sleeping, eating, and living quarters, or is intended to be so used, and which has an overall length in excess of 45 feet.
A dwelling unit that meets local building codes and which was constructed off site in a factory as separate modules which are joined together and set on a permanent foundation. (Note: A modular home is one type of factory-built housing.)
A nonliving organic or inorganic material customarily used in landscape design to retard erosion, retain soil moisture, maintain even soil temperature, control weeds, and/or enrich the soil. Examples of materials often used include tree bark, wood chips, and decorative stones.
The compilation of laws as adopted by the Village of Fox Crossing Village Board.
A federal agency created in 1935 within the U.S. Department of Agriculture to work with private landowners and managers to conserve soil, water, and other natural resources by providing technical and financial assistance.
Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, all natural inland lakes within Wisconsin, and all streams, ponds, sloughs, flowages, and other waters within the territorial limits of this state, including the Wisconsin portion of boundary waters, which are navigable under the laws of this state. The term does not include farm drainage ditches if:
Such lands are not adjacent to a natural navigable stream or river;
Those parts of such drainage ditches adjacent to such lands were not navigable streams before ditching; and
Such lands are maintained in nonstructural agricultural use.
A building that at the time of construction conformed to existing regulations, including size, location, and other dimensional standards, but is now inconsistent with this chapter.
A use that was classified as a nonconforming use but which has since been reviewed and approved as a conditional use using the procedures and requirements specified in this chapter.
A lot that at the time of creation conformed to existing regulations, including lot size, dimensions, lot configuration, and other dimensional and design standards, but is now inconsistent with this chapter.
A structure that at the time of construction or placement conformed to existing regulations, including size, location, and other dimensional standards, but is now inconsistent with this chapter.
A use of land that at the time of establishment conformed to existing regulations but is now inconsistent with this chapter.
A product, commodity, or material consisting principally of naturally occurring, organic or inorganic, nonmetallic, nonrenewable material. Nonmetallic minerals include stone, sand, gravel, asbestos, beryl, diamond, clay, coal, feldspar, peat, talc, and topsoil.
An acronym for Natural Resources Conservation Service.
As relates to beekeeping, a small quantity of bees with a queen housed in a smaller than usual container used for rearing or as a starter colony.
The showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area, vulva, anus, or anal cleft or cleavage with less than a fully opaque covering or the showing of the female breast with less than a fully opaque covering of any part of the nipple and areola, or the showing of covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state. The definition shall not include any portion of the human female breast exhibited by a dress, blouse, skirt, leotard, bathing suit, or other wearing apparel commonly worn by persons in public.
The purpose for which a building, or part thereof, is used or intended to be used.
Regulations governing the ongoing operation of a land use, including related business practices.
The point on the bank or shore up to which the presence and action of surface water is so continuous as to leave a distinctive mark such as by erosion, destruction or prevention of terrestrial vegetation, predominance of aquatic vegetation, or other easily recognized characteristic. Where the bank or shore of any particular place is of such character that it is difficult or impossible to ascertain where the point of ordinary high-water mark is, recourse may be had to the opposite bank of a stream or to other places on the shore of a lake or flowage to determine whether a given stage of water is above or below the ordinary high-water mark.
Those activities related to the general day-to-day maintenance of a building or other similar structure, including interior remodeling, painting, decorating, paneling, plumbing, insulation, the repair of cracks in a foundation wall, the application of waterproof coatings to a foundation wall, and the replacement of windows, doors, electric wiring, siding, roofing materials, and other nonstructural components. (In contrast see "structural alteration.")
See "zoning district, overlay."
A dwelling unit that meets local building codes and which was constructed off site in a factory as flat panels (e.g., walls, roof, and floor) which are joined together and set on a permanent foundation.
An area permanently reserved and maintained for the parking of one motor vehicle which meets the dimensional standards of this chapter.
An at-grade surfaced area intended for outdoor living that may be next to a building or separated from a building (Exhibit 3-5).
Exhibit 3-5
435 Exhibit 3-5.tiff
Any person licensed pursuant to § 218.05, Wis. Stats., or a person licensed pursuant to § 138.09, Wis. Stats., who accepts a check, holds the check for a period of time before negotiating or presenting the check for payment, and pays to the issuer an agreed-upon amount of cash, or who refinances or consolidates such a transaction.
A continuous foundation wall at the perimeter of a building.
See "land use permitted by right."
An individual, corporation, governmental agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal entity.
A structure extending into navigable waters from the shore with water on both sides that is built or maintained for the purpose of providing a berth for watercraft or for loading or unloading cargo or passengers onto or from watercraft. Such a structure may include a boat shelter which is removed seasonally. Such a structure may include a boat hoist or boat lift, and the hoist or lift may be permanent or may be removed seasonally. (Also see "wharf.")
A document describing the operation of a particular enterprise and other related matters as may be required by this chapter. (Also see "site plan.")
A base zoning district established by this chapter that has "PDD" followed by a number as its abbreviation (e.g., PDD-1).
The seven-member Commission appointed by the Village Board to review and make recommendations to the Village Board on planning and land use issues as authorized by Wisconsin Statutes.
An accessory building, either at ground level or elevated, or supported by a tree, characteristically used by children for play.
A structure having a frame of steel or other material that is covered with plastic, polyurethane, vinyl, canvas, or other flexible sheeting material (Exhibit 3-6).
Exhibit 3-6
435 Exhibit 3-6.tiff
A part of a building with a roof of its own that covers an entrance (Exhibit 3-7)
Exhibit 3-7
435 Exhibit 3-7.tiff
A dwelling unit that meets local building codes and which was largely constructed off site in a factory and then disassembled and transported to the site where it is reassembled and set on a permanent foundation.
A separate tract of land or parcel of land that has been or may be conveyed by deed or has otherwise been specified as a separate lot on an approved land development plan.
A highway, other than an interstate highway, at any time officially designated as part of the federal aid primary system by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and as approved by the appropriate authority of the federal government.
See "building, principal."
See "land use, principal."
A line dividing one parcel of land from another.
The means that a governmental body uses, or is required to use, to formally notify people and other interested entities of a pending governmental hearing or proposed action.
A vehicular-type unit primarily designed as a temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use that either has its own motor power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle.
When used in the context of adult uses, a consistent or substantial course of conduct, such that the films or performances exhibited constitute a substantial portion of the films or performances offered as part of the ongoing business of the adult establishment.
A zoning district established by this chapter that has an "R" followed by a number as its abbreviation (e.g., R-1).
As the context would indicate, the Director of Community Development, Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, or Village Board.
A strip of land dedicated or acquired for public use.
A feature, such as a wall, fence, hedge, berm, or similar feature, used to shield or obscure elements of a development from adjacent sites.
The showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area, vulva or anus with not more than a complete opaque covering or the showing of the female breast with not more than a complete opaque covering of any part of the nipple or areola.
A specified horizontal distance between two actual or imaginary features (e.g., property boundary lines, ordinary high-water mark, structures, wells, and septic systems).
The residue matter resulting from the treatment of sewage.
One or more parking spaces that partially or entirely meet the parking requirements of two or more land uses.
See "vision clearance triangle."
See Article 10, Signs.
A drawing of a subject property that shows existing and proposed conditions and other features required by this chapter. (Also see "plan of operation" and "landscaping plan.")
A dwelling unit that meets the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code standards and which was largely constructed on site. Also known as a "conventional home" or "stick-built home."
The human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered, or less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, vulva, anus, or the nipple and areola of the human female breast.
Any of the following:
Showing of human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal;
The fondling or erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, anus, or female breasts;
The act of masturbation, sexual intercourse, sodomy, bestiality, necrophilia, sadomasochistic abuse, fellatio, or cunnilingus; or
Excretory functions as part of, or in connection with, any of the activities set forth above.
A hard-surfaced area located out of doors used exclusively for basketball, tennis, or other similar sports-related activity. This term does not include any portion of a driveway that is also used as a basketball court.
The State of Wisconsin.
A type of sign display where the message does not change by an electronic process.
A raised platform in front of an entrance to a building with one or more steps.
An order issued by a municipal government requiring the cessation of an activity that violates a building code or zoning code.
Water from a rainfall event or melting snow or ice.
A natural body of running water flowing continuously or intermittently in a channel on or below the surface of the ground.
A public accessway within a public right-of-way or an easement.
That area between the back of a curb (or the edge of pavement where there is no curb) and the property boundary line.
Same as "yard, front."
Any change in a supporting member of a structure such as foundation, bearing wall, column, beam or girder, footing, or pile, or any substantial change in the roof structure or in an exterior wall. (In contrast see "ordinary maintenance and repair.")
A man-made object with form, shape, and utility that is either permanently or temporarily placed on or into the ground, a streambed, or a lake bed or on another structure. Examples include buildings, decks, patios, stoops, play structures, swimming pools, hot tubs, bridges, storage tanks, fences, towers, flagpoles, utility poles, pipelines, transmission lines, smokestacks, and signs.
A lot, with or without a structure, having a lesser dimension or area, or both, than what is required for the zoning district in which it is located.
To insert pigment under the surface of the skin of an individual by pricking with a needle or other instrument or technique so as to produce an indelible mark or figure through the skin.
An individual who tattoos another upon his or her request.
See "land use, temporary."
See "lot, through."
A structure that is designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one or more antennas, including self-supporting lattice towers, guyed towers, and monopole towers. The term includes personal communication service towers, radio and television transmission towers, microwave towers, common carrier towers, cellular telephone towers, and alternative tower structures.
The area encompassing a tower and all supporting equipment, structures, paved or graveled areas, fencing and other items used in connection with the tower.
A structure consisting of lattice with supporting posts and rails often supporting vines or other plants and used for aesthetic purposes or as a visual screen or barrier, or both.
A federal agency within the U.S. Department of Defense that serves the armed forces and the nation by providing vital engineering services and capabilities, as a public service, across the full spectrum of operations, from peace to war, in support of national interests.
A grant of relief from the strict application of a rule or regulation that would permit development in a manner otherwise prohibited.
A jog in an exterior wall of a building so that one of the wall's surfaces is in front of another (Exhibit 3-9).
Exhibit 3-9
435 Exhibit 3-9.tiff
All references within this chapter to "Village" shall be interchangeable with Village of Fox Crossing unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
The body of elected Trustees as established in Chapter 5 of the Municipal Code.
A triangle formed at the intersection of two streets or at the intersection of a street and a driveway within which the type and placement of structures and vegetation are controlled to ensure adequate sight distances for pedestrians and motorists.
At the intersection of two public streets, the vision clearance triangle shall be formed by measuring 30 feet back from the point of intersection of the front and exterior side lot lines and connecting the points so to form a triangle on the area of the lot adjacent to the street intersection (Exhibit 3-10).
Exhibit 3-10
435 Exhibit 3-10.tiff
At the intersection of a public street and a private accessway (except for single-family residential accessways), the sight triangle shall have sides of 15 feet along the accessway and 25 feet along the public street (Exhibit 3-11).
Exhibit 3-11
435 Exhibit 3-11.tiff
Any device used and designed for navigation on water.
An area that is inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
A structure in navigable waters extending along the shore and generally connected with the uplands throughout its length, built or maintained for the purpose of providing a berth for watercraft or for loading or unloading cargo or passengers onto or from watercraft. Such a structure may include a boat hoist or boat lift, and the hoist or lift may be permanent or may be removed. (Also see "pier.")
Any representation of words, letters, drawings, graphics, or pictures.
The area of a lot that is required to be unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except by trees, shrubbery, or as otherwise provided in this chapter.
A yard as described for each of the following types of lots:
Interior lot: That area that extends across the front of a lot from side lot line to side lot line and from the front lot line to the front of the principal building;
Corner lot: That area that extends across the front of a lot between the side lot lines from the front lot line to the front of the principal building; and
Double frontage lot: If access restricted, that area that extends across the front of a lot from side lot line to side lot line and from the front lot line to the front of the principal building, or if not access restricted, that area that extends from side lot line to side lot line and from both front lot lines to the front and rear of the principal building. (Also see "lot line, front.")
A yard as described for each of the following types of lots:
Interior lot: That area that extends across the rear of a lot from side lot line to side lot line and from the rear lot line to the rear of the principal building; and
Corner lot: That area that extends between the side yard abutting the street right-of-way and the opposing side lot line and from the rear lot line to the rear of the principal building.
A yard as described for each of the following types of lots:
Interior lot: The area that extends between the front yard and rear yard from the side lot line to the side of the principal building;
Corner lot, street side side yard: That area that extends from the front yard to the rear lot line and from the side lot line to the side of the principal building; and
Double frontage lot: If access restricted, same as interior lot; if not access restricted, that area that extends between the front yards from the side lot line to the side of the principal building.
The Director of Community Development shall perform the duties of the Zoning Administrator as enumerated in this chapter and as authorized by state law.
A type of zoning district that establishes uniform regulations for the use and development of land.
A type of zoning district that is superimposed over one or more base zoning districts, or portions thereof, and which imposes additional requirements, modifies existing requirements of the underlying base zoning district, or both.
A written permit issued for a specified parcel of land prior to the issuance of a building permit to ensure that the proposed use is consistent with the zoning requirements of the zoning district in which it is to be located.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 388, Comprehensive Plan.
For the purpose of this chapter, certain land uses are defined below and shall have the meaning ascribed to them. For organizational purposes, similar land uses are grouped together to form a series. The first 16 series are principal land uses, accessory land uses are found in Series 17, and temporary land uses are found in Series 18.
Land Use Series
Agricultural Uses
Resource-Based Uses
Residential Uses
Special Care Facilities
Group Accommodations
Food and Beverage Sales
Vehicle Rental, Sales, and Service
General Sales
General Services
Recreation and Entertainment Uses
Government and Community Services
Telecommunications and Utilities
Transportation Facilities
General Storage
Industrial Uses
Solid Waste Facilities
Accessory Uses
Temporary Uses
Agricultural Uses
Agriculture-related use. A place primarily involved in: (1) providing agricultural supplies, agricultural equipment, agricultural inputs, or agricultural services; (2) storing, processing, or handling raw agricultural commodities; (3) slaughtering livestock; (4) marketing livestock; and/or (5) processing agricultural by-products or wastes. Examples include (1) a grain warehouse, potato warehouse, or other warehouse that stores raw agricultural commodities received from farms; (2) a dairy plant that processes or handles milk from farms; (3) a meat slaughter establishment; (4) a food processing plant that processes raw agricultural commodities received from farms; (5) a feed mill or rendering plant that processes raw agricultural commodities or agricultural by-products received directly from farms, or supplies animal feed directly to farms; (6) a communal manure digester; (7) a pelletizing plant or other facility that processes raw agricultural commodities, by-products, or wastes (received directly from farms) to produce fuel or other products; (8) a sawmill or other facility that processes wood or other forest products received directly from farms; (9) a facility that provides farm inputs such as fertilizer, pesticides, seed, or feed directly to farms; and (10) a facility that is primarily engaged in providing agronomy or veterinary services to farms. The term does not include a sawmill, an ethanol plant, or a biodiesel plant.
435 101.tif
Agriculture, crop. A place where nursery stock, trees, sod, fruit, vegetables, flowers, agricultural crops and forage, and other plants typically grown by agricultural operations in the region are grown.
435 102.tif
Agriculture, general. A place where nursery stock, trees, sod, fruit, vegetables, flowers, agricultural crops and forage, and other plants are primarily grown for commercial purposes and/or livestock is raised primarily for commercial purposes. Buildings and other structures necessary for the operation are allowed. The term does not include commercial stables.
Resource-Based Uses
Dam. An artificial barrier in or across a navigable watercourse which has the primary purpose of impounding or diverting water. A dam includes all appurtenant works, such as a dike, canal, or powerhouse.
Forestry. The harvesting, thinning, and planting of trees and related forest management activities whether for commercial or noncommercial purposes. The term includes temporary skidding yards necessary to store and sort logs harvested on the premises. The term does not include on-site processing and permanent skidding yards.
Hunting preserve. A place where the public or those with a membership can, for a fee or other consideration, hunt game animals not confined within a fenced enclosure. This use may include one or more buildings and other structures directly related to operation of this use, such as an office, structures and enclosures for rearing game animals for hunting purposes, and buildings for housing maintenance equipment, supplies, and related materials. The term does not include lands leased for private, individual use.
Sewage sludge disposal. The application of sewage sludge to a land area for final disposal.
Wildlife park. A place where the public can, for a fee or other consideration, view free-roaming wildlife from a motor vehicle. This use may include one or more buildings and other structures directly related to operation of this use, such as an office, structures and enclosures for rearing wild animals, and buildings for housing maintenance equipment, supplies, and related materials.
Residential Uses
Mixed-use housing. One or more dwelling units located in a building, commonly on the second floor, that also houses a commercial land use, such as a retail use or a professional office.
Manufactured/mobile home park. A place where two or more spaces may be rented or leased for the placement of a mobile home or manufactured home.
Multifamily building, two units. A building containing two dwelling units that is situated on one lot. The units may be rented or owned as in a condominium.
Multifamily building, three or more units. A building containing three or more dwelling units that is situated on one lot. The units may be rented or owned as in a condominium.
435 304.tif
Single-family dwelling. A building containing one dwelling unit that is situated on one lot and is not attached to any other dwelling unit by any means. The term includes manufactured homes, modular homes, panelized homes, pre-cut homes, and site-built homes, but excludes mobile homes.
435 305.tif
Townhouse, three or more units. A building containing three or more dwelling units that are separated by a party wall that extends from the ground to the roof and each of the units is located on a separate lot and has a separate entrance.
435 306.tif
Twin home. A building containing two dwelling units that are separated by a party wall that extends from the ground to the roof and each of the units is located on a separate lot and has a separate entrance.
435 307.tif
Special Care Facilities
Adult family home. A place licensed by the state under § 50.033(1m), Wis. Stats.
Community living arrangement. Any one of the following facilities: (1) residential care centers for children and youth, as defined in § 48.02(15d), Wis. Stats., operated by a child welfare agency licensed under § 48.60, Wis. Stats.; (2) group homes for children, as defined in § 48.02(7), Wis. Stats.; and (3) community-based residential facilities, as defined in § 50.01(lg), Wis. Stats. The term does not include adult family homes, as defined in § 50.01, Wis. Stats.
Foster home and treatment foster home. A place licensed by the state for the care of foster children and which is operated by a corporation, child welfare agency, church, or other such entity.
Group day-care center. A place licensed as a day care by the state where care is provided for nine or more children. This use may include outdoor play areas, playhouses, and related recreational equipment, such as swings, slides, basketball hoops, and jungle gyms.
Hospice care center. A place licensed by the state that provides palliative and supportive care and a place of residence to individuals with terminal illness and provides or arranges for short-term in-patient care as needed.
Nursing home. A place where five or more persons who are not related to the operator or administrator reside, receive care or treatment and, because of their mental or physical condition, require twenty-four-hour nursing services, including limited nursing care, intermediate level nursing care, and skilled nursing services. The term does not include: (1) a convent or facility owned or operated exclusively by and for members of a religious order that provides reception and care or treatment of an individual; (2) a hospice as defined in state law; or (3) a residential care apartment complex as defined in state law.
Retirement home. A place where individuals, generally 62 years of age or older, may occupy independent dwelling units, residential care apartment complexes (RCAC) and community-based residential facilities (CBRF). This may include on-site commercial and medical facilities for the exclusive use of residents.
Temporary shelter. A place where abuse victims or homeless individuals are temporarily housed and provided with ancillary services.
Group Accommodations
Boardinghouse. A place, other than a hotel or restaurant, where meals or lodging is regularly furnished by prearrangement for compensation for four or more persons not members of a family, but not exceeding 12 persons and not open to transient customers.
Campground. A place where members of the general public may set up tents, campers and trailers of all types, and recreational vehicles for camping and sleeping purposes. Accessory uses may include individual cabins, a dwelling unit for the manager of the campground, and one or more buildings to house a laundromat and retail sales for the convenience of campground guests, an office, maintenance equipment, supplies, and related materials.
Group recreation camp. A place where members of an association or other similar group, which operates the premises, and their invited guests may set up tents, campers and trailers of all types, and recreational vehicles for camping and sleeping purposes or stay overnight in a lodge, cabin, or other similar accommodation. Accessory uses may include a dwelling unit for the manager of the camp, sleeping accommodations for resident staff, and one or more buildings to house guest services, administrative offices, recreational facilities, maintenance equipment, supplies, and related materials. The term includes youth camps and church camps.
Migrant labor camp. Living quarters under the control and supervision of any person for any migrant worker or any other person who is not related by blood, marriage, or adoption to his or her employer and who occasionally or habitually leaves an established place of residence to travel to another locality to accept seasonal employment in the planting, cultivating, raising, harvesting, handling, drying, packing, packaging, processing, freezing, grading, or storing of any agricultural or horticultural commodity in its unmanufactured state. The term does not include a premises occupied by the employer as a personal residence and by no more than two migrant workers or any accommodation subject to Ch. 50, Wis. Stats.
Overnight lodging. A place where individual guest rooms with private bathrooms are offered to transient guests for rent for no longer than 60 days within any six-month period. This use may also include: (1) recreational/fitness rooms and a food service area for the exclusive use of guests; and (2) banquet facilities for meetings and other gatherings. The term includes hotels and motels, but does not include bed-and-breakfasts or extended stay hotels and motels.
Resort. A place with lodging facilities and on-site amenities primarily intended for the use of overnight guests. Guest rooms may be located in one or more buildings and may include kitchen facilities. In addition to lodging facilities and recreational amenities, such as golf, horseback riding, or lake/beach access, a resort may also include a lodge or other gathering place for guests, dining facilities, administrative facilities, and maintenance and storage facilities.
Food and Beverage Sales
Brewpub. A place where fermented malt beverages are manufactured and those beverages, along with other beverages and food, are offered for retail sale and on-site consumption.
Restaurant. A place where food and beverages are offered for retail sale for on-site or off-site consumption, and where the on-site consumption of fermented malt beverages, wine, or liquor, if any, is clearly secondary and subordinate to the sale of food and nonalcoholic beverages. A restaurant may also prepare food as part of a catering business. The term does not include a grocery store with a food service section.
Tavern. A place where fermented malt beverages, wine, or liquor is offered for retail sale for on-site consumption and where food consumption, if any, is clearly secondary and subordinate to the sale of alcoholic beverages. The term includes bars, drinking establishments, sports bars, and lounges.
Vehicle Rental, Sales, and Service
Heavy vehicle sales and rental. A place where new and used large vehicles, such as recreational vehicles and campers, personal watercraft, and heavy trucks, are offered for rent, sale, lease, or exchange, or are taken on consignment. This use may include the repair of such vehicles as a subordinate use.
435 701.tiff
Truck stop. A place where fuels primarily for tractor trucks are offered for retail sale. Ancillary uses are limited to retail sale of motor vehicle fuel for cars, motorcycles, and light trucks; retail sale of food and beverages; a restaurant; sleeping quarters; overnight parking; a truck wash; truck scales; tire repair and sales; light maintenance activities, such as engine tune-ups, lubrication, and minor repairs; and other incidental uses customarily associated with a truck stop.
Vehicle fuel station. A place where fuels for cars, motorcycles, and light trucks are offered for retail sale. Ancillary uses are limited to the retail sale of food and beverages and light maintenance activities, such as engine tune-ups, lubrication, and minor repairs.
435 703.tif
Vehicle repair shop. A place where motor vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, and light trucks, are typically left overnight for maintenance, service, or repair. Typical services include transmission repair, body work and painting, vehicle upholstery, engine repair and overhauls, and similar activities. The term includes do-it-yourself shops where patrons use the facility, tools, and other equipment for a fee and perform the work themselves.
435 704.tif
Vehicle sales and rental. A place where new and used cars, light trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, snowmobiles, and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are offered for rent, sale, lease, or exchange, or are taken on consignment. This use may include the repair of such vehicles as a subordinate use.
435 705.tif
Vehicle service shop. A place where motor vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, and light trucks, are serviced while the owner waits and typically are not left overnight. Examples include quick lube/oil change facilities, tire stores, car washes, and vehicle detailing.
435 706.tif
Vehicle storage yard. A place where impounded motor vehicles are temporarily stored or where damaged motor vehicles are temporarily stored before being taken to a repair shop or while waiting for an insurance adjustment to occur. The salvaging of motor vehicle parts or the repair of motor vehicles is not allowed.
General Sales
Convenience retail sales. A place where a limited product line of frequently needed personal items is offered for retail sale. The term includes convenience stores and small grocery stores.
General retail sales. A place where a diverse product line is offered for retail sale. The term includes grocery stores, retail outlets, comparison shopping stores, full-line department stores, and dollar stores.
435 802.tiff
General retail sales, large format: (1) A single building that contains more than 20,000 gross square feet on a single parcel where the primary tenant occupies 65% or more of the gross floor area; (2) two or more buildings with a total of 20,000 gross square feet on a single parcel where the primary tenant occupies 65% or more of the gross floor area; or (3) a group of buildings on adjoining lots with more than 20,000 gross square feet of floor where the primary tenant owns the lots and occupies 65% or more of the gross floor area. The term does not include a retail store that is part of an industrial building or warehouse when the floor area of such store is less than 20,000 gross square feet.
Outdoor sales. A place where the merchandise offered for sale is primarily displayed outside of a building or other structure. This term does not include those land uses otherwise defined in this section.
General Services
Administrative services. A place where employees primarily perform administrative functions and where customers are infrequent. The term includes data processing centers, customer service centers via telecommunications, architectural firms, and engineering firms.
Adult-oriented establishment. A place where no more than one of the following is located: adult arcade, adult bathhouse, adult body painting studio, adult book/video store, adult cabaret, adult massage parlor, adult modeling studio, or adult motion-picture theater.
Body-piercing establishment. A place where a licensed body piercer performs body piercing.
Commercial kennel. A place where five or more dogs, cats, or other domesticated animals over six months of age are housed for the purpose of boarding, breeding, training, or sale. The term includes boarding kennels, dog motels, and dog training centers. The term does not include animal hospitals, animal grooming parlors, or pet shops.
Commercial stable. A place where horses, donkeys, and other similar domesticated animals are kept for boarding, instructional purposes, or hire on trail rides. Nonresidential buildings and other structures such as barns, stables, riding arenas, and sheds necessary for the operation are allowed.
Equipment rental, large. A place where large equipment that is normally stored out of doors is offered for rent. Typical items include modular buildings, trucks and trailers, vertical lifts, skid loaders, forklifts, backhoes, and other types of heavy equipment.
Equipment rental, small. A place where small equipment is offered for rent and related supplies are offered for retail sale or rent. Items for rent or sale are stored indoors and may include hand tools, party equipment, and lawn and yard equipment.
Financial services. A place where financial and banking services are offered. The term includes banks, savings and loan institutions, other lending institutions, auto title loan businesses, and payday loan businesses. The term does not include automated teller machines, which are considered an accessory use.
Funeral home. A place where the deceased may be prepared for burial or cremation and people may gather for visitation or funeral ceremonies. The indoor display of funeral equipment may also occur. The term includes mortuaries.
General repair. A place where consumer goods such as shoes, bicycles, appliances, and business equipment are repaired. The term does not include repair of motor vehicles or industrial equipment.
General services. A place where services not otherwise included in any other service type category are offered. The term includes photography studios, weight loss centers, commercial postal services, beauty shops, pet grooming shops, photocopying and printing services, linen services, dry-cleaning services, and diaper services.
Health care clinic. A place where medical services are offered and patients do not stay overnight. The term includes dental clinics, medical offices, chiropractic offices, acupuncture centers, and sports medicine facilities. The term does not include those uses as classified as a health care center.
Health care center. A place where medical treatment or nursing, rehabilitative, or preventative care is offered. The term includes ambulatory surgical facilities, hospitals, kidney treatment centers, long-term care facilities, medical assistance facilities, mental health centers, outpatient facilities, public health centers, and rehabilitation facilities.
Instructional services. A place where instruction, training, or tutelage is offered in such areas as gymnastics, dance, art, music, and martial arts.
Landscape business. A place where a landscape contractor may establish a base of operation, which may include one or more of the following: retail sale of plant and landscape materials; office space; indoor and outdoor storage of materials, equipment, and machinery, such as trucks and heavy equipment; and shops for the repair of machinery and equipment owned by the operator.
Professional services. A place where services involving predominantly professional, clerical, or similar operations are performed and where customers may or could come on a regular basis. The term includes law offices, real estate offices, insurance offices, and travel agencies.
Tattoo establishment. A place where a licensed tattooist applies a tattoo to another individual.
Veterinary clinic, general. A place where medical services for small and large animals, such as horses and livestock, are offered. This use may include office space, medical labs, appurtenant facilities, and indoor and outdoor enclosures for animals under the immediate medical care of a veterinarian.
Veterinary clinic, small animal. A place where medical services for small household animals are offered. This use may include office space, medical labs, appurtenant facilities, and indoor enclosures for animals under the immediate medical care of a veterinarian. The term includes pet clinics, dog and cat hospitals, and animal hospitals.
Recreation and Entertainment Uses
Driving range. A place where golfers practice driving golf balls from a fixed central location. This use may include one or more buildings and other structures directly related to the operation of this use, such as an office, snack bar, and buildings for housing maintenance equipment, supplies, and related materials.
Golf course. A place where individuals, for a fee or other consideration, play golf outdoors. This use may include one or more buildings and other structures directly related to the operation of this use, such as an office, game room with snack bar, and buildings for housing maintenance equipment, supplies, and related materials.
Indoor entertainment. A place where indoor entertainment is offered. The term includes theaters, movie theaters, dance halls, and theaters for performing arts. The term does not include adult-oriented establishments.
Indoor recreation. A place where indoor recreational activities are offered. The term includes bowling alleys, skating rinks, billiard and pool halls, and arcades.
Outdoor entertainment. A place where outdoor, spectator-type uses or events are offered. The term includes race tracks, motocross courses, tractor-pulling events, and sports arenas.
Outdoor recreation. A place where outdoor recreational activities are offered. The term includes miniature golf, batting cages, water parks, and amusement parks. The term does not include driving ranges and golf courses.
Outdoor shooting range. An outdoor area where patrons shoot guns, such as pistols, rifles, and shotguns, and bow and arrows for target practice. The term includes archery ranges, trap and skeet clubs, and target ranges.
Government and Community Services
Administrative government center. A place where government employees perform administrative functions on behalf of the public. The term includes administrative offices, post offices, and courthouses.
Animal shelter. A place where stray household pets are temporarily housed.
Cemetery. A place where human remains may be buried or interned. Accessory uses may include columbariums, crematories, mausoleums, and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with and within the boundaries of such area.
435 1103.tiff
Civic use facility. A place where large gatherings of people may assemble for public purposes. The term includes zoos, arenas, stadiums, and fairgrounds.
Community center. A place where short-term and intermittent meetings or gatherings of individuals are held for purposes of sharing information, entertainment, social service, or similar activities. The term includes senior centers; neighborhood recreational centers; fraternal, social, or civic clubs; lodges; and union halls.
Community cultural facility. A place where people may gather for studying, reading, personal education, or viewing the visual arts. The term includes libraries, museums, art galleries, and observatories. The term does not include performing arts.
Community garden. A place where a group of unrelated individuals grows vegetables, fruits, and flowers for their personal use. A community garden can be divided into individual plots of land for the exclusive use of the person assigned each plot, or the entire garden may be a cooperative effort of any number of people, or a combination thereof.
Correctional facility. A place where individuals who are serving a comparatively long court-imposed sentence may be housed.
Educational facility, pre-K through 12. A place where primary and secondary educational opportunities are offered. The term includes preschools, elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools.
Educational facility, post-secondary. A place where post-secondary educational opportunities are offered. The term includes colleges, universities, community colleges, and vocational schools.
Maintenance garage. A place where a municipal government maintains administrative offices, equipment, and supplies necessary for maintaining public roadways, parks, and other types of public facilities.
Park. A place where primarily outdoor recreational activities may occur. A park may be operated by a public entity for the benefit of the general public or by a homeowners' association for the benefit of its members. A park may be developed with recreational facilities or undeveloped. The term includes dog parks and neighborhood recreation centers.
Public safety facility. A place where public safety services are offered. The term includes ambulance services, fire stations, police stations, and jails. The term does not include correctional facilities.
Sidewalk. An off-road linear path dedicated to a single use or multiple uses. Examples include walking trails, bike paths, cross-country ski trails, and horse trails.
435 1114.tiff
Unspecified public use. A place, whether in public or private ownership, that is used or intended for a public purpose that is not otherwise classified.
Worship facility. A place where people can regularly assemble for religious worship and associated activities and which is operated by an entity with tax-exempt status. The term includes sanctuaries, chapels, cathedrals, churches, synagogues, and temples and other on-site accessory buildings such as parsonages, friaries, convents, fellowship halls, and rectories. The term does not include day-care centers, community recreation facilities, dormitories, private educational facilities, emergency shelters, and health care facilities.
Telecommunications and Utilities
Solar energy system. A freestanding solar energy system that constitutes the principal use of the property. (In contrast see "solar energy system, freestanding," Series 17.37.)
435 1201.tiff
Stormwater management facility. A natural or man-made feature that collects, conveys, channels, holds, inhibits, or diverts the movement of stormwater.
435 1202.tiff
Telecommunication facility. A fixed, mobile or transportable structure, including all installed electrical and electronic wiring, cabling, and equipment and all supporting structures, such as utility, ground network, and electrical structures.
Utility installation, major. A place, building and/or structure, or portion thereof, whether public or private, used or intended for providing basic infrastructure or utility services and which could potentially have a moderate to high impact on neighboring property. The term includes pipeline pumping stations, electric substations and water towers.
435 1205.tiff
Utility installation, minor. A utility installation generally having low impact on neighboring property. The term includes public water system wells, without a tower, and stormwater pumping stations. The term does not include utility cabinets, which are classified as an accessory use (Series 17).
Utility installation, major sanitary. A utility installation specifically intended to provide sanitary sewer services, which could potentially have a moderate to high impact on neighboring property. The term includes, but is not limited to, sewage treatment plants, sewage storage tanks and any other aboveground sewage collection or treatment facilities.
Utility installation, minor sanitary. A utility installation specifically intended to provide sanitary sewer services generally having a low impact on neighboring properties. The term includes, but is not limited to, below-ground sewer lift stations.
Utility maintenance yard. A place where a public or private entity maintains administrative offices, equipment, and supplies necessary for maintaining the infrastructure it provides.
Transportation Facilities
Airport. A place where airplanes, ultralights, helicopters, or similar aircraft may land and take off. This use may also include facilities for the housing and maintenance of the same and facilities for passenger ticket sales and accessory food service areas primarily intended for pilots and passengers.
Bus storage facility. A place where buses are parked when not in use and may include administrative offices and a building for the storage, care, and maintenance of buses in the fleet.
435 1302.tif
Marina. A place where pleasure watercraft may dock on a temporary or permanent basis, watercraft may be trailered or untrailered, or both, and related services may be provided, such as retail sale of fuel for watercraft and supplies and minor servicing and repair of watercraft. The term does not include boat yards.
435 1303.tif
Mass transit terminal. A place where passengers can board mass transit. This use may include facilities for ticket sales and accessory food service areas primarily intended for passengers.
435 1304.tif
Off-site parking lot. A place where motor vehicles associated with an off-site use may be parked for a short duration. It may be available to the public or reserved to accommodate parking for a specific purpose.
Parking structure. A place where motor vehicles may be parked in a multi-level structure for a short duration. The term does not include underground parking.
Park-and-ride lot. A designated place where people can park their motor vehicles for a short duration to board public transportation or to carpool or vanpool.
435 1307.tif
Railroad line. A permanent road with rails fixed to ties commonly in one or more pairs of continuous lines forming a track or tracks on which locomotives and cars run for the transportation of passengers and freight. The term does not include properties owned by a railroad company that are leased for use by others.
Street. A surfaced travelway for motor vehicles that is located within an easement or right-of-way.
General Storage
Boat yard. A place where watercraft may be kept in dry storage during the off season or while not in use.
435 1401.tif
Bulk fuel storage. A place where liquid or compressed fuel products may be stored in bulk.
435 1402.tif
Personal storage facility. A place where individual storage units are offered for rent, lease, sale, or other arrangement. The term includes a tract of land used to store motor vehicles and watercraft.
435 1403.tif
Truck terminal. A place where goods carried by motor transport are received and temporarily stored until transferred to another truck for delivery.
Warehouse. A place where goods, merchandise, and other materials are temporarily stored for eventual shipment. The term includes moving and storage facilities. The term does not include bulk fuel storage.
Industrial Uses
Artisan shop. A place where handmade craft items or works of art are made on a small scale and offered for retail sale. Examples of such items include paintings, textiles, photography, sculptures, pottery, leather products, handmade paper, jewelry, hand-blown glass, small wooden items, candles, soaps, and lotions.
435 1501.tif
Batching plant associated with a nonmetallic mine. An ancillary use to a nonmetallic mine where concrete is mixed.
Biofuels production plant. A facility where alcohol-based fuel products are produced from biomass and other materials. Various types of by-products may be produced as part of the production process.
Construction equipment repair. A place where construction equipment, such as dump trucks, excavators, graders, and scrappers, is typically left overnight for maintenance, service, or repair.
Construction equipment sales and rental. A place where new and used construction equipment, such as dump trucks, excavators, graders, and scrappers, is offered for rent, sale, lease, or exchange, or is taken on consignment. This use may include the repair of such equipment.
435 1504.tif
Contractor yard. A place where a contractor or builder may establish a base of operation, which may include one or more of the following: office space; indoor and outdoor storage of construction materials, equipment, and machinery, such as trucks and heavy equipment; and shops for the repair of machinery and equipment owned by the operator.
Industrial, heavy. A place where raw materials are processed or refined. The term includes batching plants, sawmills, foundries, and power plants. The term does not include a biofuels production plant which is listed as a separate land use in this series.
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Industrial, light. A place where finished products or parts from previously prepared materials are manufactured, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, packaging, incidental storage, and administrative offices. The term includes furniture production, metal fabrication, apparel manufacturing, printing, and publishing.
Nonmetallic mine. A place where nonmetallic minerals are removed from the ground by any method for use on site or off site. The following activities may be associated with a nonmetallic mine: excavating and transporting nonmetallic minerals, stockpiling of nonmetallic minerals, blending of nonmetallic minerals, blasting, grading, crushing, screening, scalping, and dewatering.
Salvage yard. A place where salvage materials, such as scrap metal, rubber tires, and used timber and lumber, may be bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled. (In contrast, see "recycling center," Series 16.02.)
Solid Waste Facilities
Composting facility. A place where vegetation (but not food wastes) may be collected and composted. The term includes the storage and manipulation of materials prior to, during, and following composting.
Recycling center. A place where recoverable materials, which have been previously removed from the waste stream, may be stored prior to shipment to others who use those materials to manufacture new products.
Solid waste landfill. A place where solid waste from municipal and/or industrial sources may be permanently buried consistent with environmental protection standards. Typically, the solid waste is spread in layers, compacted, and covered with a fresh layer of earth materials each day. The term does not include land application units, surface impoundments, injection wells, or waste piles.
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Solid waste transfer station. A place where solid waste may be temporary stored prior to transport to a processing plant or to final disposal.
Accessory Uses
Adult family home. A private residence licensed by the state under § 50.032(1m), Wis. Stats.
Amateur radio station and antenna. An antenna and related support structure used by a licensed user to send and receive telecommunications for noncommercial purposes.
Automated teller machine. An automated device for conducting financial transactions that is accessed from outside of a building.
Backyard chickens. A place where chickens are kept for the use and enjoyment of those living on the premises, but not for commercial purposes. The sale of a chicken as part of a 4-H or similar educational project shall not be considered a commercial purpose. (Also see "household livestock," which is considered a separate and distinct land use.)
Bed-and-breakfast. A single-family residence that offers overnight accommodations for a daily charge and that also serves as a primary residence of the operator or owner.
Beekeeping. The keeping of one or more honeybee colonies by a beekeeper.
Boat dock. A pier or wharf.
Boathouse. A building placed above or near a water body that is used for the noncommercial storage of one or more watercraft and related equipment.
Caretaker home. A single-family home for a caretaker of property zoned I-1 Light Industrial and I-2 Heavy Industrial Zoning Districts.
[Added 8-9-2021 by Ord. No. 210726-1]
Commercial truck parking. The parking of a commercial-type vehicle on a residential lot when such vehicle is owned or leased and operated by a person living in the dwelling unit.
Exterior communication device. An antenna used to capture wireless telecommunication signals.
Family day-care home. A private residence licensed as a day-care center by the state where care is provided for four to eight children.
Farm storage building. A building once used for agricultural purposes in which motor vehicles, construction equipment and vehicles, recreational vehicles, boats, and other related items may be stored. Minor repair and maintenance of those objects in storage is permitted, provided such activity is for noncommercial purposes.
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Farmstead retail outlet. A place where food products are offered for retail that are predominantly produced on the farm on which it is located. The term includes wine tasting rooms.
Fence. A linear structure constructed for aesthetics, as a visual barrier, and/or to control entry or exit into an area. Typical materials include wood, concrete, metal, wire, masonry, stacked rocks, or logs.
Foster home and treatment foster home. A facility licensed by the state for the care of foster children and which is operated by a foster parent who lives with the children.
Garage, nonresidential. A building intended to house motor vehicles, yard equipment, and/or items related to the principal use of the premises.
Garage, off-site residential. A freestanding building intended to house motor vehicles, yard equipment, and household items belonging to the people that own the lot on which it is located.
Garage, residential. A building intended to house motor vehicles, yard equipment, and household items belonging to the people occupying the principal residence on the lot. A residential garage may be detached or attached to a building with a residential use. A carport shall be considered to be a residential garage.
Garden. A plot for growing fruits, vegetables and flowers.
Greenhouse. A building intended for the propagation of delicate or out-of-season plants whose roof and sides are made largely of glass or other transparent or translucent material and in which the temperature and humidity can be regulated.
Helipad. A designated place where helicopters can land and take off, and which has no related support services or facilities.
Home occupation, major. An occupation, profession, enterprise, or similar commercial activity that is conducted within a dwelling unit and/or an accessory building and that is compatible in size and scope in a residential setting. Clients may occasionally come to the home, but no more than two clients at a time and by appointment only. The term does not include hobbies or similar noncommercial activities.
Home occupation, minor. An occupation, profession, enterprise, or similar commercial activity that is conducted entirely within a dwelling unit and that is compatible in size and scope in a residential setting. A minor home occupation does not entail clients coming to the home. The term does not include hobbies or similar noncommercial activities.
Hot tub. An outdoor warm water reservoir usually with hydro-massage jets. A hot tub may be built in or portable.
Household livestock. A place where livestock are kept for the use and enjoyment of those living on the premises, but not for commercial purposes. The sale of an animal as part of a 4-H or similar educational project shall not be considered a commercial purpose. (Also see "backyard chickens," which is considered a separate and distinct land use.)
Indoor sales incidental to light industrial use. A place where items manufactured on site are offered as a subordinate use to the manufacturing operation.
Light industrial use incidental to indoor sales. A place where light repairs are made to products that are offered for retail or wholesale sale.
Outdoor display incidental to indoor sales. A place where a limited line of merchandise is displayed outside of a retail sales business over an extended period of time. Sales agents are not assigned to assist customers here and sales transactions occur inside the building.
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Outdoor food and beverage service. An outdoor area with tables and chairs located on the same lot as a brewpub, restaurant, or tavern where customers can consume food and drink.
Outdoor furnace. An apparatus designed to burn solid or liquid combustible materials (e.g., corn, wood, wood pellets, coal, and fuel oil) to produce heat and/or hot water for a building in which it is not located.
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Parking lot (on site). A parking lot located entirely on the parcel it is intended to serve.
Play structure. A playhouse and recreational equipment, such as swings, slides, basketball hoops, and jungle gyms, normally found in a residential setting.
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Pond. Man-made body of water exceeding 100 square feet that is not required for the purposes of stormwater management.
Service window, drive-up. An opening in a building through which patrons are served while remaining in a motor vehicle.
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Service window, walk-up. An opening in a building through which patrons are served while standing outside of the building.
Solar energy system. An installation of equipment mounted on a building or incorporated into the exterior building materials or mounted on the ground that uses sunlight to produce electricity or provide heat or hot water to a building.
Storage container. An enclosed metal container exceeding 900 cubic feet typically used to temporarily store merchandise.
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Swimming pool. A structure, as defined by Village of Fox Crossing Municipal Code § 383-50A, that is placed on the ground surface or below-ground that is filled with water or capable of being filled with water for swimming.
Editor's Note: See Series 4.08, Temporary shelter.
Utility cabinet. A ground-mounted pedestal, junction box, cabinet, or similar feature that a service provider uses to provide telephone, electric, natural gas, cable television, cable internet, or similar public service. A utility cabinet may be located within a public right-of-way or on private property.
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Yard shed. An accessory building designed to store yard furniture and tools, equipment, and supplies normally associated with lawn and garden care.
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Temporary Uses
Agricultural product sales, off-site. A place where agricultural products not produced on the premises are offered for sale at retail.
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Agricultural product sales, on-site. A place where agricultural products produced exclusively on the premises are offered for sale at retail.
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Earth materials stockpile. A place where an earth material, such as topsoil and gravel, derived from an on-site land development project, is piled and temporarily stored until taken to an off-site location.
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Farmers' market. A place where agricultural producers gather on a regular basis to offer their agricultural products directly to retail consumers.
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General outdoor sales. An outdoor area where merchandise is displayed for retail sales over a limited duration. The merchandise may be offered by one or more vendors and be displayed out of doors and/or within a nonpermanent structure, such as a trailer or tent. The term includes flea markets and bazaars. The term does not include seasonal product sales, rummage sales, agricultural product sales, or farmers' markets.
Model home. A residential dwelling in a residential development temporarily used as a sales office for other on-site and off-site residential dwellings and properties.
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Off-site construction yard. A place where construction materials and equipment may be stored, prepped, or staged for an off-site construction project (e.g., highway reconstruction project or construction of an electric transmission line or pipeline).
On-site construction office. A portable building or enclosed trailer temporarily placed on a construction site for use by the contractor as a field office.
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On-site construction yard. A place where construction materials, equipment, and the like may be stored, prepped, or staged for an on-site construction project.
Portable storage container. An enclosed metal container that is used to temporarily store household items and similar goods.
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Relocatable building. A portable building or enclosed trailer temporarily placed on a parcel that may be used in conjunction with the principal use of the property. For example, relocatable buildings are used to house students during a construction project or accommodate enrollment in excess of the principal building's design capacity. A mobile home or manufactured home is not considered a relocatable building.
Seasonal product sales. An outdoor area where merchandise typically associated with a seasonal holiday or festival is displayed and offered for sale at retail immediately before the event. Examples of such merchandise include Christmas trees and wreaths for Christmas and pumpkins for Halloween.
Snow disposal site. A place where snow that accumulates on another site is stored and allowed to naturally melt.
Special event. A special event and its resulting related activity is defined as activity sponsored by a private entity which is anticipated to include over 50 individuals and may incorporate temporary street closings and other public land uses approved by the appropriate public entities.
Wind test tower. A tower on which equipment is attached that measures parameters needed to assess the site's suitability for a wind energy system.
Yard sale. A temporary event where used household items are offered for sale.
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