[Ord. 3/6/66, § 1001]
No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale or deliver any ice in the borough without first having obtained a license from the board to do so and covering each premises or place from or on which ice is to be sold, offered for sale, delivered or manufactured.
[Ord. 3/6/66, § 1002]
No license shall be issued unless there is an application, in writing, signed by the applicant, setting forth the source of his ice supply and the source of the water from which the ice is made or intended to be made.
[Ord. 3/6/66, § 1003]
A separate application shall be made for and a separate license shall be required for each wagon, truck, vehicle, ice depot or plant, place or premises used or to be used in the sale, delivery or manufacture of ice.
[Ord. 3/6/66, § 1004]
No ice shall be sold, delivered or manufactured if the source of supply of the ice or the source of the water used in the manufacture thereof, shall be changed or shall be different from that set forth in the application for the license. However, the board, upon notice of such change, may authorize the manufacture, sale and delivery of the ice under the then existing license.
[Ord. 3/6/66, § 1006]
Every licensee shall, at all times, and upon request of any authorized representative of the board, make available samples of the ice manufactured, sold or delivered, and in the case of the manufacture of ice, the water from which the same is manufactured.
[Ord. 3/6/66, § 1005]
No person shall manufacture, sell or deliver ice which has been cut from or made from, any impure or polluted water, or which has been obtained or made from a source not approved by the board or which has otherwise become unfit for use.
[Ord. 3/6/66, § 1007]
Wagons, trucks or vehicles used for the transportation of ice shall be kept clean and free from contaminating material.