[Adopted 9-6-2022 by Ord. No. 1886]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A self-storage container that is delivered to and retrieved from a property for long-term off-site or temporary on-site storage. Portable Storage On Demand or PODS® is a familiar trade name for such containers. Portable storage containers are containers placed on a property for the purpose of temporarily storing materials, including any container, storage unit, shed-like container or other portable structure used for the storage of personal property of any kind and which is located for such purposes outside an enclosed building other than an accessory building or shed complying with all building codes and land use requirements.
Portable storage containers may be utilized as a temporary structure within the City of North Wildwood when in compliance with the standards of this article. It shall be the obligation of the owner and/or user of such temporary structure to secure it in a manner so as to not endanger the safety of persons or property in the vicinity of such temporary container. No such container shall be used within the City of North Wildwood contrary to the regulations of this article.
Before a portable storage container is placed on any property, the owner, tenant or contractor working on said property must obtain a zoning permit by submitting an application to the Zoning Officer. Tenants or contractors shall also provide written permission from the owner of the property regarding the placement of said container. The cost of said zoning permit shall be $40. No permit for a portable storage container shall be issued during the months of July or August, although during those months the Zoning Officer may, at his sole discretion and on a case-by-case basis, authorize the issuance of a permit due to emergency or extenuating circumstances.
No more than one portable storage container may be placed on any property at a time.
A portable storage container may not exceed 10 feet in height, 10 feet in width or 30 feet in length.
A portable storage container may be used as temporary storage for a period not exceeding 60 days from the time of delivery to the time of removal. A portable storage container may not be located on the same property more than two times during any given one-year period.
In the event of high winds or other dangerous conditions during which a portable storage container may present a physical danger to persons or property, the Zoning Officer or Code Enforcement Officer may require the immediate removal of said container.
In the event of fire, hurricane, other natural disaster causing substantial damage to a structure, or other extenuating circumstances, the property owner may apply to the Zoning Officer for permission to extend the time that a portable storage container may be located as a temporary structure on a property. Said application shall be made in writing and shall give sufficient information to determine whether said extension should be granted. The Zoning Officer shall determine whether or not said extension should be granted along with the length of said extension. In the event of an adverse decision by the Zoning Officer, the applicant may appeal such decision to City Council, whose decision shall be final.
Portable storage containers are prohibited from being placed in streets, public rights-of-way or on unimproved surfaces in the front yard of properties. Placement may occur only upon driveways, side and rear yards if such locations meet the requirements of this section. All such locations must be paved, off-street surfaces at the farthest accessible point from the street. Placement of a container must comply with the side yard accessory structure setback requirements in the zone in which placement is to occur. If a property does not have a driveway or cannot meet the standards described herein, the Zoning Officer may approve placement of a container in the front yard; however, if such placement does occur, said container must be placed at the farthest accessible point from the street and the surrounding area must be kept in weed-free condition. Wherever a portable storage container is placed, it shall be subject to all property maintenance standards applicable to accessory structures. No portable storage container shall remain in a state of disassembly or disrepair.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person(s) who is (are) found to be in violation of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000, imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or community service for not more than 90 days, or any combination thereof. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.