[HISTORY: Adopted by the North Wildwood City Council 1-16-1973 by Ord. No. 593. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby created a Board of Health for the City of North Wildwood, New Jersey, pursuant to Title 26 of the New Jersey statutes, which Board shall consist of seven members, one of whom shall be appointed from the membership of the City Council. The member appointed from the City Council shall serve a term of one year, and all other members, with the exception of the first Board, shall serve for terms of three years.
All members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The first Board shall consist of, in addition to the member appointed from the City Council, two members to serve for terms of three years, two members to serve for terms of two years and two members to serve for terms of one year. In each year thereafter, two members will be appointed in addition to the member of the City Council. Vacancies shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term only, and shall be filled by appointment as set forth in this section.
The Board of Health shall have the powers and duties specifically set forth in Title 26 of the New Jersey statutes and as otherwise provided by law.
The Board of Health may employ such personnel as it may deem necessary, including a Health Officer or Health Officers, and shall appoint at least one Sanitary Inspector. The Board of Health shall, however, be guided in its expenditures by the amount appropriated in the budget of the City therefor.
The Board may pass, alter or amend ordinances and make rules and regulations to declare and define what shall constitute a nuisance, and shall have the power to abate such nuisances as provided by Title 26, Chapter 3, Article 3, of the New Jersey statutes.
The Board of Health may enact and amend health ordinances, make and alter necessary rules and regulations for the execution of any power delegated to it and for the performance of any duty imposed upon it by law, and shall have the power to prescribe penalties for the violation of any provisions of its health ordinances as provided by Title 26, Chapter 3, Article 5, of the New Jersey statutes.
All actions, ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations previously undertaken or adopted by former Boards of Health of the City are hereby ratified, validated and affirmed in all respects and shall remain in full force and effect until or unless revoked by this Board.
Ordinance No. 12[1] of the Borough of North Wildwood, now known as the City of North Wildwood, is hereby repealed.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 12, adopted 6-8-1900, formerly comprised this chapter.