The powers and duties of the Mayor shall be only such as are expressly conferred upon him or her by law and this Code.
The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the City Council and shall have a voice and vote in its proceedings.
[Repealed 9-19-17 by Ord. No. 328-2017]
The Mayor shall execute on behalf of the City all documents as may be required, including but not limited to all bonds, notes, contracts and written obligations of the City.
The Mayor shall perform such ceremonial functions as are traditionally allocated to persons holding the title of "Mayor."
The Mayor shall address the residents annually, and at such other times as the Mayor may deem desirable, on the condition of the City, significant issues and/or problems of government.
In the event the Mayor is unable to act in the performance of any of his or her duties, the Deputy Mayor shall act in his or her place and stead.
Office space in City Hall and shared secretarial services reasonably necessary to exercise the powers and to perform the duties required by this Code and general law shall be provided for the Mayor and Council members as determined by City Council from time to time at its discretion.