The financial business of the City shall be committed to a Department of Finance.
Chief Financial Officer. Within the Department of Finance, there shall be a Division of the Treasury, the head of which shall be the Chief Financial Officer, who shall be appointed by City Council and shall also serve as the City Treasurer.
Powers and duties of the Chief Financial Officer. The Chief Financial Officer shall have, perform and exercise all the functions, powers and duties provided by general law and City ordinances. He or she shall keep and maintain books and records of all financial transactions of the City in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Division of Local Finance in the Department of Community Affairs of the State of New Jersey. He or she shall have custody of all receipts, expenditures, commitments and unexpended appropriations. All monies received from any source by or on behalf of the City or any department, board, office or agency thereof, except as otherwise provided by City ordinance, shall be paid to the Chief Financial Officer who shall, by the next ensuing bank day after their receipt, deposit them in an authorized public depository of the City to the credit of the proper account. In addition, but not in limitation of the foregoing, the Chief Financial Officer shall perform the following duties:
Supervise the expenditure of all City funds and make certain that such expenditure is strictly in accordance with the budgetary appropriation.
Assist in the preparation of the City's budget.
Issue certificates as to the availability of funds prior to the City entering into any contract pursuant to the provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law of the State of New Jersey.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.
Supervise the payroll accounts of the City.
Issue payroll checks to all officials, officers and employees of the City.
Prepare and distribute all informational returns and payroll reports required by any agency of the federal or state government concerning any payments made to officials, officers, employees and vendors of the City.
Supervise the method and procedures for the payment of all claims against the City.
Supervise all investments of the City and make recommendations, where appropriate, to the City Manager and City Council concerning investments or any other matter touching upon the financial affairs of the City.
Perform such further and additional duties as may be prescribed by the City Manager.
Designation of position. The appointment to the position of Chief Financial Officer shall be made by City Council. The individual so appointed shall possess all of the requisite qualifications and experience required by law and, specifically, Chapter 9 of Title 40A of the New Jersey Revised Statutes, as amended and supplemented.
Term of office; tenure. The term of office of the Chief Financial Officer shall be for a term of four years. A Chief Financial Officer who has served in that position for a period of not less than five consecutive years and who is the holder of a municipal finance officer certificate issued in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq., shall be granted tenure of office upon filing with the City Clerk and with the Division of Local Government Services in the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, a notification evidencing his or her compliance with this section. Thereafter, such person shall continue to hold office during good behavior and efficiency and shall not be removed therefrom except for just cause; and then only after a public hearing upon a written complaint setting forth the charge or charges against him or her as required by law or upon expiration and revocation of certification by the Director of the Division of Local Government Services.
Dual positions. Nothing contained within this section shall be construed as prohibiting an individual holding the position of Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Tax Collector from being appointed to the position of Chief Financial Officer, provided such individual possesses the required qualifications.
Within the Department of Finance there shall be a Division of Tax Collection, the head of which shall be the City Tax Collector, who shall be appointed by City Council.
The City Tax Collector shall receive and collect all monies assessed or raised by taxation or assessment for any purpose. The Collector shall enter in suitable books or other records to be kept by him or her the sums received each day together with the account to which each receipt is credited. The Collector shall turn over all the monies to the Chief Financial Officer. Within 60 days after the end of the fiscal year, and at such other times as may be required by City Council, the Collector shall make and furnish a detailed and true list of all delinquent City taxpayers for the next preceding year or for such period as City Council may require.
The Tax Collector, Utility Collector, and all other departments dealing with collections are hereby authorized and directed to:
[Added 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 493-2023]
Impose a service charge of $20.00 to any account owing to the municipality upon which a check or other written instrument was returned for insufficient funds.
Require payment in cash or by certified or cashier check for any account that has had three (3) items returned for insufficient funds.
Within the Department of Finance there shall be a Division of Tax Assessment, the head of which shall be the City Tax Assessor, appointed by City Council.
No person may be the City Tax Assessor unless he or she holds a tax assessor certificate.
A person reappointed to office, and thereafter serving in office for four consecutive years, other than by reason of change of form of government, shall be entitled to tenure.
The Tax Assessor shall:
Have, perform and discharge all the functions, powers and duties prescribed by law for a municipal assessor.
Make assessments for benefits for local improvement and for that purpose have and exercise the powers and duties of a board of assessment for local improvement as provided by law.
Maintain adequate assessment records of each separate parcel of real property assessed or exempted.
Maintain a current tax map of the City as a public record and cause to be recorded thereon all changes in ownership or character of the real property assessed, employing for that purpose the facilities of other departments as provided by the Code.
Report to the City Manager and City Council as to equalization proceedings and other matters involving the County Tax Board and make recommendation as to action to be taken in that regard.