[Adopted 6-17-2003 by Ord. No. 1442]
Before any construction work is undertaken a permit must be obtained from the Zoning Officer, who is hereby authorized to issue the same upon receipt of the appropriate fee for each permit, provided that any such applicant has filed with the Construction Official a plan of construction and has obtained the required lines and grades from the City Engineer or has given the Construction Official satisfactory assurance that the lines and grades will be obtained and followed.
All sidewalks, curbs and driveways, including repairs, replacement and reconstruction thereof, shall be constructed to the strict line and grade as established by the City Engineer and of the materials as specified by this section.
Concrete curbs.
Concrete curbs shall be 16 inches in depth having a top width of six inches and a bottom width of eight inches. The top and face shall be troweled to produce a smooth finish. The face shall be troweled to a depth of nine inches. Mechanical vibration of the concrete will be permitted to produce a smooth curb face. Where vibrating produces the desired uniform smooth surface, troweling will not be required.
Expansion joints shall be provided at twenty-foot intervals along the curb and shall consist of one-half premolded compressible material.
Concrete sidewalks.
Sidewalks shall be four inches in depth and have a width of four or five feet, which shall be determined by the width of existing sidewalk on any particular street. Sidewalks shall be finished in such a manner so as to provide pedestrians with a uniformly flat surface to walk upon.
[Amended 4-3-2007 by Ord. No. 1518]
Groves shall be formed at intervals, equal to the width of the sidewalk and expansion joints provided at twenty-foot intervals and shall consist of one-half inch premolded compressible material.
Sidewalks shall be located within the sidewalk area in accordance with the established practice on any particular street and shall slope upward from the established curb grade toward the property line at the rate of one-quarter inch per foot.
Materials for sidewalks and driveways located within public rights-of-way. Surface materials that are acceptable for use in sidewalks and driveways that are located within public rights-of-way are set forth below. Where there is an indication that installation shall be as approved by the City Engineer, the property owner or his agent must submit proposed construction details as well as a written proposed method of construction, including type, size and specifications for proposed materials to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to commencing construction.
[Amended 4-3-2007 by Ord. No. 1518]
Concrete. Concrete shall be Class B, 4,000 psi and shall be constructed in accordance with New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, as amended.
Stamped concrete. Installation shall be as approved by the City Engineer. Concrete shall be Class B, 4,000 psi and shall be constructed in accordance with New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, as amended.
Concrete pavers. Installation shall be as approved by the City Engineer. Pavers shall be constructed on a concrete base.
Natural stone pavers. Installation shall be as approved by the City Engineer. Natural stone pavers shall be constructed on a concrete base.
Brick pavers. Installation shall be as approved by the City Engineer. Brick pavers shall be constructed on a concrete base.
Whenever a sidewalk corner curb is repaired or replaced, the repair or replacement shall comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), requiring a ramp leading from the sidewalk to the road, through the curb, so as to provide a smooth unrestricted passageway between the road and the sidewalk. In connection with the repair or replacement of any other curbs, the same compliance with ADA may be required, depending upon the availability of other ramps in the general vicinity. The owner and/or contractor doing the work must apply at the City Construction Office for a permit and shall be advised of the applicability of the ADA requirements at that time. Specifications therefor are on file in the City Zoning Office.
The responsibility of maintaining the existing sidewalk, curb and private driveway all lying within the bed of a public street is upon the contiguous property owner, who should maintain said areas so that they do not become dangerous to the public. Said owner should replace, reconstruct, or repair same as needed. The responsibility of said owner does not depend upon being notified to make a repair by the City. However, in the event the City of North Wildwood should determine that any existing sidewalk, curb or driveway, which is located within the public right-of-way, is in such condition that it has become dangerous to the public, or is in such condition that it should be replaced, reconstructed, or repaired, or does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, the Zoning Officer is authorized to give notice to the property owner to replace, repair or reconstruct the same within 30 days from the service of such notice.
Whenever any lot, tract or parcel of land is located in an area where public convenience and necessity require the construction of a curb or sidewalk, or both, the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to give notice to the property owner to cause the same to be constructed within 30 days from the service of the notice. Such areas are intended to mean those where the general public would be likely to pass or repass with reasonable frequency; those located where the lands abutting have improvements erected thereon, and lands located in a vicinity which has been developed by the construction of improvements on other lands.
Whenever a notice is required by this section to be given by the Building Inspector, such notice shall be in writing. Service of the notice shall be by personal service upon the owner if the owner is domiciled in North Wildwood, or by service at the owner’s place of abode upon any member of the owner’s family who has attained 15 years of age. Service upon an owner who can not be served as above set forth shall be deemed sufficient if mailed by registered mail or certified mail, return-receipt requested, with postage prepaid, to the owner at the owner’s address as disclosed by the latest official records of the Tax Collector.
In the event the owner does not make the replacement, repair or reconstruction as required by the notice and the provisions of § 382-32 hereof, the City may make the necessary replacement, repair or reconstruction, and the cost of the work shall be assessed against the lands of the owner in the manner prescribed by law. Additionally, whenever directed to act by the Mayor and Council in specific instances, the Building Inspector or the Zoning Officer shall utilize the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:65, by giving notice to the owner that unless the owner completes the particular replacement, repair or reconstruction of a sidewalk, curb or driveway within 30 days after service of the notice, the City will make the improvement at the sole expense of the owner. The cost of the work shall be assessed against the real estate of the owner in the manner prescribed by law. All applicable provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:65 shall be followed.
The Construction Official, Zoning Officer and Property Maintenance Officer hereby are empowered to enforce this article and the several provisions thereof. The Construction Official is hereby further empowered to enforce the discretionary powers which are considered necessary in order to make the provisions hereof properly effective and useful for the benefit of the public. In order to avoid injustice, the possible abuse of discretion and to correct the possibility of error in judgment, any owner who receives a notice from the Building Inspector has the right to appeal to the Mayor and Council by filing a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within the thirty-day period heretofore mentioned. Upon receipt of any such notice of appeal, the Mayor and Council will hear the appeal at its regular meeting, at which time the owner and any other persons appearing in the matter will be heard or afforded the opportunity to be heard. After the hearing the Mayor and Council will consider the matter, reach a decision and notify the owner thereof.