Regulations governing lot area and lot width, front, side and rear yards, building coverage and building height are as specified in § 205-18. All permitted uses are subject to the regulations appearing in § 205-18 and Article III and additional regulations as follows:
Additional area regulations.
Lots of less than required dimensions.
Any lot with an area or a width less than that required in the district in which said lot is located may be used for any purpose permitted in the district, provided that all other regulations prescribed for the district shall be complied with and further provided that said lot was held under separate ownership at the time of the adoption of this chapter and the owner thereof owned no adjoining land that could be combined with said lot to meet the dimension requirements.
In the event that compliance with the yard and coverage requirements of the district would result in a residential structure of less width than 24 feet, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall determine and fix yard and coverage requirements for said lot to permit its reasonable utilization for a permitted use.
Reduction of lot area. The minimum yards and open spaces, including lot area per family, required by this chapter for any building existing at the time of adoption of this chapter, or for any building hereafter erected or structurally altered, shall not be encroached upon or considered as yard or open space requirements for any other building, nor shall any lot be reduced below the district requirements of this chapter.
Corner lot. On a corner lot in any district where a front yard is required, a yard shall be provided on each street equal in depth to the required front yard on such streets. One rear yard shall be provided on each corner lot, and the owner shall designate the rear yard on his application for a zoning permit. Nothing in this regulation shall be so interpreted as to reduce the building width of a corner lot facing an intersecting street and of record at the time of the passage of this chapter to less than 24 feet.
Visibility at street corners. On a corner lot in any district where a front yard is required, no fence, wall, hedge or other structure or planting more than three feet in height shall be erected, placed or maintained so as to obstruct visibility of vehicular traffic within the triangular area formed by the intersecting street right-of-way lines and a straight line joining said lines at points 20 feet distant from the point of intersection, measured along said lines.
Front yard exceptions. The front yard of all buildings and structures hereafter constructed within a residence district shall not be less than the average front yard of all buildings in the block for a distance of 300 feet on each side of such building. A vacant lot within the three-hundred-foot distance shall be considered as having the minimum front yard required in the district for the purpose of computing such average front yard.
Transition yard requirements.
Where two districts abut on the same street between two intersecting streets and the front yard requirements of one district are less than those of the other district, there shall be provided for buildings hereafter constructed or structurally altered within a distance of 50 feet from the district boundary line in the less restricted district a front yard equal in depth to the average of the required depth in the two districts.
Where the side or rear yard of a lot abuts a side or rear yard of a lot in a more restricted district, there shall be provided along such abutting line or lines a side or rear yard equal in depth to that required in the more restricted district.
Projecting architectural features, terraces, porches and fire escapes.
The space in any required yard shall be open and unobstructed except for the ordinary projections of windowsills, belt courses, cornices, eaves and other architectural features; provided, however, that such features shall not project more than two feet into any required yard.
A paved terrace shall not be considered as part of a building in the determination of yard sizes or lot coverage, provided that such terrace is unroofed and without walls, parapets or other forms of enclosure exceeding six feet in height.
In determining the percentage of building coverage or the size of yards for the purpose of this chapter, enclosed porches, or porches open at the side but roofed, shall be considered a part of the building.
An open fire escape may extend into any required yard by more than six feet, provided that such fire escape shall not be closer than four feet at any point to any lot line.
Unenclosed entrance steps or stairways providing access to the first story of a building may extend into any required yard a distance not to exceed six feet.
Walls, fences and hedges. The yard requirements of this chapter shall not prohibit any necessary retaining wall or any fence, wall or hedge permitted by Village ordinance, provided that in any residence district such fence, wall or hedge shall be no closer to any front lot line than two feet and shall comply with visibility at street corners as provided in this article.
Additional height requirements.
Chimneys, spires, etc. The height limitations of this chapter shall not apply to belfries, church spires, cupolas, penthouses and domes which are not used for human occupancy, nor to chimneys, ventilators, skylights, water tanks and necessary mechanical appurtenances usually carried above the roof level, nor to barns, silos, monuments, transmission towers and cables, radio and television antennas or towers and similar structures. Such features, however, shall be erected only to such height as is necessary to accomplish the purpose for which they are intended. No advertising device of any kind whatsoever shall be inscribed upon or attached to that part of any chimney, tower, tank or other structure which extends above the roof limitations.
Through lots. On through lots 120 feet or less in depth, the height of a building may be measured from the grade of either street. On through lots more than 120 feet deep, the height regulations and basis of height measurement for the street permitting the greater height shall apply to a depth of not more than 120 feet from that street.
Accessory buildings; number, height and location.
Height. The maximum height of accessory buildings shall be one story or 15 feet, except for buildings used for agricultural purposes.
Unattached accessory buildings in residence districts. Accessory buildings which are not attached to a principal building may be erected within the rear yard in accordance with the following requirements:
Rear yard: five feet from side or rear line, except when abutting an alley, then 10 feet.
Side yard, street side of corner lot: same as for principal building.
Not closer to a principal building than 10 feet.
Attached accessory buildings in residence districts. Where an accessory building is attached to the principal building, it shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this chapter applicable to the principal building.
Accessory buildings in commercial districts. Non-dwelling accessory buildings shall comply with front and side yard requirements for the principal building to which they are accessory.
[Amended 2-13-2002 by L.L. No. 1-2002]
Artificial fences.
[Added 7-30-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991; amended 8-14-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
Height. No fence shall be erected to exceed six feet in height.
Nonconforming uses. This section shall not apply to any fence in excess of six feet in height in existence on the date this section is enacted.
Replacement. Fences in existence on the date of the enactment of this section shall be subject to the provisions of Article IV of this chapter. In addition to any applicable provision of Article IV, any fence which is built to replace any nonconforming fence which has been damaged or destroyed shall be of the same type of construction and no higher than the damaged or destroyed fence.
Construction. All fences constructed shall be constructed so that the finished or fabric side of the fence faces outwards and towards the adjoining property.
Shrubs, hedges and other natural fences.
[Added 7-30-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991; amended 8-14-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
Height. A fence consisting of a shrub, hedge or similar natural boundary shall not be allowed to grow to a height in excess of six feet.
Enforcement. The Zoning Inspector of the Village of Waterford shall be empowered to require the reduction in height of shrubs, hedges or other obstructions upon complaint of any persons affected thereby. Persons refusing to remove such obstructions shall be subject to such penalties as are provided in Article IX of this chapter.
Variances. Any person may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance to allow the maintenance of a shrub, hedge or other obstruction at a height greater than six feet.
Stay of enforcement. If any person is directed to reduce in height any obstruction and applies for a variance to allow the continuance of that obstruction within 15 days of being advised to remove the same, any penalties or other enforcement proceeding pursuant to Article IX shall be stayed until 15 days after the Zoning Board of Appeals renders its decision on such variance.
[Amended 2-13-2002 by L.L. No. 1-2002; 3-14-2012 by L.L. No. 3-2012]
Off-street parking. Off-street parking space shall be required for all buildings constructed or new uses established after the effective date hereof. Each off-street space shall consist of at least 170 square feet, with a minimum width of eight feet. In addition, space necessary for aisles, maneuvering and drives shall be provided. Parking requirements are specified in Subsection D of this section. For uses not specified, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall, on appeal and after recommendation of the Planning Board, establish parking requirements in specific cases consistent with those specified in Subsection D.
For any building having more than one use, parking space shall be required as provided for each use.
Parking spaces required in residence districts shall be located in the side or rear yard on the same lot or tract as the principal use.
Floor area, for the purpose of computing parking requirements, shall be the sum of the horizontal area within exterior walls of the several floors of a building, excluding basement, cellar and attic areas used primarily for storage or service.
Off-street loading. At least one off-street loading facility shall be provided for each commercial or industrial establishment hereafter erected or substantially altered to have a gross floor area in excess of 5,000 square feet, computed as described in Subsection A above. Space for off-street loading shall be in addition to space for off-street parking. Each facility shall be subject to the following minimum requirements:
Each berth shall be not less than 12 feet wide, 33 feet long and 14 feet in height when covered.
Space for such berth may occupy any part of any required side or rear yard, except that no such berth shall be located closer than 100 feet to any lot in any residence district unless wholly within a completely enclosed building.
Residence districts. Off-street parking facilities as covered in Subsection A of this section and in Subsection D of this section shall apply to uses under Subsection B of § 205-13 but not to the uses permitted under Subsection A of § 205-13.
Off-street parking requirements.
Spaces Required
1 for each dwelling unit
Rooming house tourist home, motel or hotel
1 for each guest room
Administrative, professional, governmental or utility office
1 for each 600 square feet of floor space
Funeral home
10, plus space for all employee and resident personnel cars
Church or temple
1 for each 5 seating spaces in main assembly room
2 for each classroom
Theater or other place of assembly
1 for each 5 seating spaces
Hospital sanitarium or nursing or convalescent home
1 for each 4 beds
Retail store or bank
1 for each 400 square feet of floor area
Clubs and restaurants
1 for each 50 square feet of floor area
Bowling alley
5 for each alley
Wholesale, storage, freight terminal or utility use
1 for each 1,000 square feet of floor area
Industrial or manufacturing use
1 for each 2 employees on the maximum working shift
Home occupation
1 for each 100 square feet of floor area devoted to such use
Multiple dwelling
2 for each dwelling unit in the building; provided, however, that no front yard shall be used for the open air parking or storage of any motor vehicle
Office building
1 for each 300 feet of office floor area
The size, type and location of any sign or advertising device shall be in accordance with the following regulations:
Signs in Residence District.
Nameplate, identification signs and professional signs indicating the name and address of the professional or business person (or the occupant in a permitted home occupation) in any premises used for any of the uses permitted in a residence district shall be permitted, provided that such signs shall not exceed four square feet in area and shall not emit any flashing or intermittent illumination.
Institutional signs for schools, churches, hospitals or similar public or semipublic institutions shall be permitted, provided that such signs shall not be greater than 15 square feet in area and shall not emit any flashing or intermittent illumination.
Business signs pertaining only to a legal nonconforming use of the premises on which they are located shall be permitted, provided that such signs shall not exceed 20 square feet in area and shall not emit any flashing or intermittent illumination.
Temporary signs advertising the sale, rental, construction or improvement of the premises on which they are located shall be permitted, provided that such signs shall not exceed six square feet in area, shall not be illuminated and shall be promptly removed by the property owner when the circumstances leading to their erection no longer apply.
Signs advertising functions, uses, products or services not pertaining to the premises on which they are located and mobile advertising or attracting devices shall not be permitted in any residence district.
Signs in Commercial District.
Signs permitted in residence districts shall be permitted.
Business signs pertaining only to a permitted use, product or service on the premises on which they are located shall be permitted, provided that the aggregate area of all signs on the premises shall not be greater than three square feet for each foot of frontage actually occupied by such use, but not exceeding 200 square feet of aggregate sign area.
Temporary signs advertising the sale or rental or construction or improvement of the premises on which they are located shall be permitted, provided such signs shall not exceed 10 square feet in area and shall be promptly removed by the agent or owner when the circumstances leading to their erection no longer apply.
Signs advertising functions, uses, products or services not pertaining to the premises on which they are located shall not be permitted in any commercial district.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 8.3c, Signs in M Manufacturing District, which immediately followed this subsection, was deleted 2-13-2002 by L.L. No. 1-2002.
General regulations.
The number of signs permitted on any single parcel shall not exceed the number of lot lines of said parcel which abut a public right-of-way.
Signs shall be constructed of durable materials and shall be maintained in a good condition. Signs which are permitted to deteriorate shall be removed upon direction of the Village Board following notification to the owner.
No sign shall project more than four feet beyond property lines over public sidewalk areas.
No sign shall be erected which, in the opinion of the Village Board, may cause hazardous or unsafe conditions. Such signs shall be removed upon direction of the Village Board following notification to the owner.
No sign shall be located higher than the building to which it is attached.
No sign, other than an official traffic sign, shall be erected within the right-of-way of any public street.
No sign shall have a source of illumination directed toward a public street or adjacent property.
No billboard or outdoor advertising sign shall be permitted which faces the front or side lot line of any residence district within 100 feet of such lot line or which visibly faces any public parkway, public square or entrance to any public park, school, library, church or similar institution within 300 feet thereof or within 1,000 feet of any federal, state, county or Town existing or proposed limited access highway.
A sign or notice on a religious, educational or professional use type premises which contains material relevant solely to the occupants of the premises, something to occur on the premises or something connected with the premises shall not be prohibited by this section. Signs to be erected by a nonprofit community service organization which are intended as a public service for the good of the community may be erected upon the granting of a special permit.
Any sign displayed which no longer advertises an existing business shall, upon notification by the Village Board or its agent, be taken down or removed within 30 days after such notification. Failure to so comply on the part of the owner, occupant, agent or person having the beneficial use of any building or premises upon which such sign may be found shall subject such person to the penalties provided for violations of this chapter.
[Added 7-9-1986 by L.L. No. 1-1986]
The removal or alteration of signs which are an historic part of the architectural fabric or historic character of the structure, such as a date, name of the building or name of an historic business once located there, shall be discouraged and shall be subject to the approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
[Added 7-9-1986 by L.L. No. 1-1986]
No sign shall be placed upon a balcony, porch, canopy, shed, roof, parapet (or similar appurtenance), door or window, etc., in any manner whatsoever so as to disfigure or conceal any architectural feature or detail of any building.
[Added 7-9-1986 by L.L. No. 1-1986]