All amendments to this chapter shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Village Law of New York State applicable thereto. Any proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Village Planning Board for a report and recommendations prior to the required public hearing and the final action thereon by the Village Board.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 11.2, Periodic review of Zoning Ordinance, which immediately followed this section, was deleted 2-13-2002 by L.L. No. 1-2002.
In accordance with the General Municipal Law of New York State, §§ 239-l and 239-m, all proposed zoning regulations, or any amendment thereof, which would change the district classification of or the regulations applying to real property lying within areas defined by the aforementioned sections, and of proposed special permits or variances affecting lands or buildings within the defined areas, shall be referred to the county planning agency of Saratoga County for review and comment prior to final action by the appropriate Village body.