[Added 4-27-2010 by Ord. No. O-5-2010]
Editor's Note: Former Art. XV, R-2 Residential Districts, as amended, which consisted of §§ 253-110, 253-110.1, 253-110.2, 253-111 and 253-112, was repealed 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. O-13-2004, and again on 10-23-2007 by Ord. No. O-20-2007.
There is hereby established a new residential zone within the Township of Franklin as follows:
The new zone shall be referred to as the Medium Density Residential Zone and shall encompass those tracts of land designated on the Tax Maps of Franklin Township as follows: Block 2601, Lots 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64.01 and 64.
Permitted uses shall be single-family, detached dwelling units together with customary accessory uses including but not limited to sheds, decks, pools, accessory solar systems, etc.
[Amended 8-9-2022 by Ord. No. O-18-22]
The bulk standards for the zone shall be as follows:
Minimum lot size: 30,000 square feet;
Minimum lot frontage: 60 feet;
Front yard setback shall be 50 feet;
Rear yard setback shall be 50 feet;
Side yard setback on each side of a residential dwelling shall be 15 feet;
Maximum building coverage shall be 25%.