[Adopted 9-3-1968]
For the purpose of this article, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words in the singular number include the plural number, and words in the plural number include the singular number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
A park, playground, recreation center or any other area in the City of Corning, New York, owned or used by said city, and devoted to active or passive recreation.
[Amended 10-5-1998 by L.L. No. 32-1998; 7-5-2006]
No person shall be allowed in any of the public parks of the City of Coming, New York, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and sunrise the following morning, unless he/she shall have in his/her possession written permission from the Director of Parks and Recreation of the City of Corning, New York, to be in said park during those hours.
[Amended 10-5-1992]
Any person violating this article shall be guilty of a violation and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not exceeding $250 or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding 15 days, or be both fined and imprisoned.