As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
Any agency, board, governing body, including the chief executive
officer, bureau, division, office, commission or other instrumentality within
the Borough of Carteret, and any independent local authority created by or
appointed under the authority of the Borough of Carteret, which performs functions
other than of a purely advisory nature, but shall not include the school board.
Any corporation, partnership, firm, enterprise, franchise, association,
trust, sole proprietorship, union or other legal entity.
Any person, whether compensated or not, whether part-time or full-time,
employed by or serving on an agency, who is not a local government officer.
The ownership or control of more than 10% of the profits, assets,
or stock of a business organization which shall not include the control of
assets in a non-union profit entity or labor union.
Any person, whether compensated or not, whether part-time or full-time,
who is one of the following:
Member of the Borough Council;
Captain, Police Department;
Zoning Board of Adjustment Member;
Zoning Board of Adjustment Attorney;
Construction Code Official;
Construction Subcode Official or Inspector;
Director of Borough Library;
Member of the Ethics Board;
Housing Authority member;
Housing Authority Executive Director;
While it is recognized that the Borough of Carteret Ethics Board created
by this chapter is vested with the authority to promulgate the municipal Code
of Ethics for all local government officers and employees, the Borough Council
intends to state ethical principles which it believes should be incorporated
in the Code of Ethics by adopting resolution(s) from time to time expressing
the view of the Council.
The Carteret Ethics Board shall have the following powers:
A. To initiate, receive, hear and review complaints and
hold hearings with regard to the possible violations of the Code of Ethics
or financial disclosure requirements by local government officers or employees
serving the Borough;
B. To issue subpoenas for the production of documents and
attendance of witnesses with respect to its investigation of any complaint
or to the holding of a hearing;
C. To forward to the County Prosecutor, or the Attorney
General, or other governmental body, any information concerning violations
of the Code of Ethics or financial disclosure requirements by officers or
employees serving the Borough which may warrant the institution of other legal
proceedings by said authority;
D. To render advisory opinions to local officers or employees
serving the Borough as to whether a given set of facts or circumstances will
constitute a violation of the Code of Ethics or financial disclosure requirements;
E. To enforce the provisions of the Code of Ethics and financial
disclosure requirements with regard to officers or employees serving the Borough
and to impose penalties for the violation thereof as authorized by this chapter;
F. To adopt rules and regulations and other things as are
necessary to implement the purposes of this chapter.
All statements, complaints, requests or other written material filed
pursuant to this chapter, and any rulings, opinions, judgments, transcripts,
or any other official papers prepared pursuant to this chapter, shall be preserved
for a period of at least five years from the date of filing or preparation,
as the case may be.