[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Wyckoff 5-15-1962 as Ord. No. 422. Section 15-9 amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Salaries and compensation — See Ch. 62.
[Amended 6-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1223]
Any person claiming payment from the municipality shall present a detailed bill of demand (N.J.S.A. 40A:5-16) to the Chief Financial Officer, duly certified or, in the alternative, supported by an affidavit of the claimant. Such claims shall be submitted on voucher forms provided by the Township.
[Amended 6-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1223]
The Chief Financial Officer shall see that the signature of the officer or employee who has been duly designated by the Township Committee to certify that the materials have been received by or the services rendered to the Township appears on every claim.
[Amended 6-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1223]
Claims shall be presented to the two Township Committeemen serving as the Finance Subcommittee of the Township Committee. If satisfied that the claims are proper and valid, the Finance Committee shall sign the vouchers and present them to the governing body for formal approval at a regular meeting.
[Amended 6-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1223]
Claims shall be considered by the governing body, which shall approve the same, except that said governing body may reject any claim presented to it, stating the reason for such rejection. Any disapproved claim shall be referred back to the Chief Financial Officer with such instruction as the governing body may give at the time of disapproval.
It shall be the duty of the Municipal Clerk to record all claims in the official minutes, indicating that the governing body has, by formal action, approved the same, with appropriate record as to any claims disapproved or rejected.
[Amended 6-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1223]
It shall be the duty of the Chief Financial Officer to indicate on said claims that they have been approved for payment, with the date of approval thereof noted on the claim.
[Amended 6-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1223]
After the claims have been approved, the Treasurer or other Chief Financial Officer, who shall forthwith prepare the necessary checks for the payment thereof, which said checks shall be signed by the Mayor and the Municipal Clerk and thereafter countersigned by the Treasurer or other Chief Financial Officer. After preparing checks for the payment of claims, he shall record them in proper books of account and thereafter mail or otherwise distribute the checks to the claimants.
In the case of payrolls, the appropriate department heads or such officer or employee as may be designated by resolution of the governing body shall prepare the necessary payrolls for all employees, which payrolls shall be duly certified by the person authorized to certify that the services have been rendered and the amount specified is in fact due and owing to the employee or employees. Said payroll shall then be approved by the department head responsible therefor and presented to the governing body for approval and, after approval, shall be paid in due course.
[Amended 6-19-1995 by Ord. No. 927]
A payroll account is hereby established and the governing body may by resolution prescribe the manner in which payroll checks shall be drawn, who shall sign the same and the dates on which payment shall be made. In addition, the local unit may, if it so elects, adopt a resolution providing for the biweekly payment of salaries and wages and compensation.
Any claim for reimbursement of actual and necessary traveling expenses shall be itemized and supported by receipts where available and shall be authorized by the Township Committee.