The purpose of the RC Regional Commercial District is to provide sufficient space for automobile-oriented merchandising, including the provision of off-street parking spaces and safe circulation of pedestrian and motor traffic in the district and adjoining areas. Techniques, including marginal access roads, joint access to thoroughfares and flexible placement of structures to promote an orderly, safe environment, shall be encouraged.
In the RC Regional Commercial District, land, buildings or premises may be used for any of the following purposes and no other:
Permitted principal uses. The following uses may be permitted by right in the RC Regional Commercial District:
All uses permitted in the NC District;
Convenience stores;
Fast-food or drive-in restaurants;
Motor vehicle service stations;
Car washes;
Retail stores; and
Planned shopping centers, subject to the provisions of §§ 300-62, 300-63 and 300-64.
Accessory uses. Accessory uses permitted in the NC District on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the permitted principal uses set forth in Subsection A hereof are permitted in the RC District.
Lot area. The lot area shall be not less than 7,500 square feet.
Lot width. Each lot shall have a frontage of not less than 100 feet.
Building area. Building coverage shall not exceed 33 1/3% of the lot area.
Minimum setbacks.
Front yards. There shall be a setback on each street on which a lot abuts of not less than 15 feet in depth.
Side yards. There shall be two side yards which shall be not less than 30 feet in aggregate width, neither of which shall be less than 10 feet.
Rear yards. There shall be a rear yard on each lot which shall be not less than 20 feet in depth.
Height regulations. A maximum height of 35 feet for all structures will be permitted.
Off-street parking shall be required as stated in Article XIV.
Buffer requirement. There shall be a buffer requirement of 10 feet along each side or rear lot line which abuts a residence district or institutional district in the Borough or a similar district in an adjoining municipality.
Lot area. A minimum lot size of three acres is required.
Lot width. Each lot shall have a frontage of not less than 250 feet.
Building area. Building coverage shall not exceed 40% of the lot area.
Minimum setbacks.
Front yards. There shall be a setback on each street on which a lot abuts of not less than 50 feet.
Side yards. There shall be two side yards which shall be not less than 100 feet in aggregate width, and neither shall be less than 50 feet.
Rear yards. There shall be a rear yard on each lot, which yard shall be not less than 50 feet.
Height regulations. A maximum height of 35 feet for all structures will be permitted.
There shall be a buffer requirement of 15 feet along each side or rear lot line which abuts a residence district or institutional district in the Borough or a similar district in an adjoining municipality.
Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Article XIII.