[R.O. 1991 § 155.090; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 09-1085 §§ I — II, 2-10-2009]
It is considered to be desirable that employees be residents of the City for the reason that those responsible for administering the government of the municipality should, to the maximum degree, be involved in and be part of that community and genuinely interested and concerned and dedicated to the best interests of the community. Nevertheless, the City Administrator may permit employees to reside outside the City. However, residency inside the City may be required of any employee at any time, after reasonable notice as a condition of continued employment.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.100; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Applicants for employment in classified positions may be required to take a qualification examination which can be utilized as a gauge of employability to the extent that the test is reasonably valid for job related qualifications.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.110; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
With respect to employees of the Fire Department, Police Department, Street Department, Parks Department, Water Department, Sewer Department and Electrical Department, a physical examination is to be required prior to employment. In administering this requirement, a conditional job offer should be extended to the candidate, or the candidate should be informed that the result of the medical examination is the last factor to be evaluated before final decision to make the offer of employment. Physical examinations will be given by a physician designated by the City, at the City's expense. A formal report of the examination must be released to the City and placed in the employee's permanent personnel file. The physical examination may include any tests or evaluations as specified by the City.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.120; Ord. No. 621 § 1, 4-9-1991; Ord. No. 698 § I – II, 5-11-1993; Ord. No. 09-1085 §§ I – II, 2-10-2009]
A Wellness Program may be provided for employees that coordinates with employee health insurance, the City's liability insurance carrier recommendations and is subject to the annual budget.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.125; Ord. No. 753 § I, 9-13-1994; Ord. No. 809 § I, 12-12-1995]
It is the policy of the City that the public has a right to expect that individuals employed by the City of Vandalia will be free from the effects of drugs and alcohol. The City has a right to expect its employees to report to work (scheduled and emergency stand by shifts) able for duty and to set a positive example for the community.
Prohibitions. Employees shall be prohibited from engaging in the following activities:
Consuming or possessing illegal drugs, alcohol or illegal substances at any time during the work day or anywhere on City premises or job sites, including City buildings, properties, vehicles, and personal vehicles used while on City business;
Possessing, using, selling, purchasing or delivering any illegal drugs, alcohol or illegal substances at any time and at any place; or
Failing to report to the employee's supervisor any adverse side effects of any medication or prescription drugs which the employee may be taking.
Penalties For Violation. Any employee found to be in violation of this drug and alcohol policy may be subject to immediate dismissal by the appropriate supervisor, without further notice.
Pre-Employment Testing. Any individual choosing to accept a full-time offer of employment with the City will be required to submit to, and successfully pass, a drug and alcohol test prior to being retained by the City. In the case where an individual tests positive for either drugs or alcohol (reading above 0.02%), the offer of employment will be immediately withdrawn by the City.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.126; Ord. No. 810 § 1, 12-12-1995]
The Controlled Substance and Alcohol Policy, marked Exhibit "A", on file in the City offices, and made a part hereof by reference, shall be adopted by the City of Vandalia, and shall apply to the appropriate municipal employees of the City of Vandalia, Missouri, and shall be enforced by the City of Vandalia, as outlined in the policy which is on file in the City offices.
Editor's Note: R.O. 1991 Section 155.130, Periodic Physicals After Employment, was repealed 3-10-2020 by Ord. No. 20-1203.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.140; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
The normal work week for full-time officers and employees in the City's service is forty (40) hours. This Section is intended to provide a basis for establishing a work schedule and for calculating overtime and is not to be construed as a guarantee of days of work.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.150; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 684 §§ I – II, 2-9-1993; Ord. No. 699 §§ I – II, 5-11-1993]
Departmental hourly work will, as much as practicable, be performed within the forty-hour work week. It is understood that overloads, emergencies, etc., often result in the need for overtime. Overtime, for the purpose of this Section is considered to be hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in one (1) week. All employees (with the exception of salaried employees) shall receive overtime compensation in the amount of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the amount of their regular hourly pay rate. Any overtime shall be with the prior knowledge and approval of the Department Head, who is responsible for retaining records for such.
In accordance with the FLSA, the City of Vandalia shall not use sick leave or vacation leave in the computation of overtime for any City employee.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.160; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 956 §§ I – II, 12-12-2000]
Persons who are closely related to persons already employed by the City shall not be appointed to a position within the same department, wherein the employee would supervise, or be supervised by, a closely related employee. Closely related employees, for the purpose of this Section, shall include husband, wife, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, father, mother, grandfather or grandmother, and step relationships involving the preceding relations. In addition, should employees of the same department desire to marry, one is expected to resign his or her position within sixty (60) days after the date of the marriage. In lieu of resignation, transfer to a different department, office or division is acceptable, if it conforms to all other personnel regulations, existing budgetary limitations, and positions as authorized by the Board of Aldermen. Should such a transfer not be possible and both employees refuse to resign, the employee with the lesser amount of service time with the City of Vandalia will be terminated by the City Administrator. Closely related employees that are currently in City service will not be appointed to supervise or be supervised by a closely related employee, as described herein, in any department or office of the City of Vandalia.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.170; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 996 §§ I – II, 3-11-2003]
Each employee receiving a new appointment or promotion, unless otherwise directed by the City Administrator, will serve in a probationary status for a period of ninety (90) days. During the employee's probationary period, or in any event at the conclusion of the probationary period, the supervising department head will notify the City Administrator, in writing, that:
[Ord. No. 22-1229 § II, 8-9-2022[1]]
The employee has successfully completed his/her probationary period, is capable of performing the duties of the job satisfactorily, and is to be released from probationary status; or
The employee has not demonstrated the ability to perform satisfactorily the duties of the position and is to be separated from the City's classification, returned to a similar classification, or laid off or discharged because no openings exist in his or her previous, or any similar, job classification.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed R.O. § 1991 Section 155.170(A), regarding the probationary period for new appointment or promotion.
An employee that is a new appointment to City service shall be eligible for these benefits after ninety (90) days, as detailed in the Personnel Section of City Code: prorated sick leave, health insurance, personal leave, military leave and emergency (compassionate) leave. The new employee shall be eligible for Workers' Compensation, Social Security, and holiday pay benefits immediately.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.180; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
For purposes of determining the applicability of the pay plan and eligibility for fringe benefits, employment is sometimes segregated into four (4) classifications:
Seasonal Or Temporary. Those employees appointed to do work for a limited period of time for a specific duty, such as seasonal programs or specific short term projects. Seasonal or temporary employees do not receive fringe benefits, except as authorized by this Code or the Board of Aldermen, or by separate contract, and are paid salaries established by the City Administrator.
Part-Time. Those employees who generally work less hours per week than the normal work week, but on a regular basis. Part-time employees do not receive fringe benefits except as specifically authorized by this Code or the Board and are paid a salary set by the City Administrator.
Regular. Those classified employees who regularly work a normal work week (refer to FLSA, non-overtime hours) on a continuous basis for an indefinite period of time. Regular employees do receive fringe benefits and are paid under the City Classification and Pay Plan.
Acting. Those regular employees filling an opening on a temporary basis prior to conclusion of a permanent appointment. Such employees are entitled to fringe benefits and are paid under the City Classification and Pay Plan. Acting employees are to be paid at the rate of the higher classification. If serving in an acting position in which overtime is not paid, overtime will not be paid but the salary of the higher classification will be continued.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.190; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Service, for the purposes of (1) merit steps and advancement, (2) vacation, and (3) sick leave, means continuous full-time work performance in a regular position which is included in the classification and staffing plan. A lapse of service of an employee for a period of time longer than thirty (30) days by reason of resignation, discharge or suspension without pay will eliminate the accumulated length of service time of such employee, and any such employee re-entering the service of the City will be considered a new employee.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.200; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
All employees are required to fill out and file with the Finance Officer, a W-4 Form ("Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate") as required by the Internal Revenue Service upon employment.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.210; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Although employees of the City of Vandalia may be hired to perform duties of a particular position, transfers of personnel may be made at the discretion of the City Administrator.